[Subtitles_GEO_04] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1G4001" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: The Separatists are evacuating. We need to take out any Core ships we can before they take off. " SubtitleSound[2929]="CA1G4002" SubtitleText[2929]="Clone Advisor 1: Our only chance is for your team to get onboard a ship before it lifts-off and download the launch codes." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1G4003" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: This won’t be easy. " SubtitleSound[2931]="D07G4001" SubtitleText[2931]="Delta 07: That's why we're here, sir." SubtitleSound[2932]="CA1G4004" SubtitleText[2932]="Clone Advisor 1: We've identified an entrance, but it's protected by an Anti-Aircraft gun." SubtitleSound[2933]="CA1G4005" SubtitleText[2933]="Clone Advisor 1: You'll be deployed in the canyons a few clicks away. " SubtitleSound[2934]="CA1G4006" SubtitleText[2934]="Clone Advisor 1: Your primary objective is to destroy the Anti Aircraft Turret protecting the Core ship Entrance." SubtitleSound[2935]="CA1G4007" SubtitleText[2935]="Clone Advisor 1: Once the Turret is destroyed, our gunship will help you onboard." SubtitleSound[2936]="CA1G4008" SubtitleText[2936]="Clone Advisor 1: Destroy any enemy forces along the way." SubtitleSound[2937]="D62G4001" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 62: I like the sound of that." SubtitleSound[2938]="CA1G4009" SubtitleText[2938]="Clone Advisor 1: We must prevent these Core ships from evacuating the Droid Army." SubtitleSound[2939]="GP1G4001" SubtitleText[2939]="Gunship Pilot 1: This is as close as I can get to that Anti Aircraft Turret. " SubtitleSound[2940]="GP1G4002" SubtitleText[2940]="Gunship Pilot 1: You're on your own until you take out that turret." SubtitleSound[2941]="D38G4001" SubtitleText[2941]="Delta 38: We'll take it from here, boys." SubtitleSound[2942]="D40G4001" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 40: That wreckage- that was one of ours." SubtitleSound[2943]="D07G4002" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 07: This place reeks of bugs." SubtitleSound[2944]="D62G4002" SubtitleText[2944]="Delta 62: Stupid bug people.." SubtitleSound[2945]="D07G4003" SubtitleText[2945]="Delta 07: Those rocks look a little shaky, sir." SubtitleSound[2946]="D40G4002" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 40: Mind the rocks, sir." SubtitleSound[2947]="D62G4003" SubtitleText[2947]="Delta 62: Those rocks look about as unsteady as Seven's aim, boss." SubtitleSound[2948]="D38G4002" SubtitleText[2948]="Delta 38: The Anti Aircraft Turret is just beyond this wreckage." SubtitleSound[2949]="D38G4003" SubtitleText[2949]="Delta 38: We've got to blast this wreckage to get any farther." SubtitleSound[2950]="D40G4003" SubtitleText[2950]="Delta 40: I can plant a charge here." SubtitleSound[2951]="D40G4004" SubtitleText[2951]="Delta 40: Cover me." SubtitleSound[2952]="D07G4004" SubtitleText[2952]="Delta 07: I can plant a charge here." SubtitleSound[2953]="D07G4005" SubtitleText[2953]="Delta 07: Cover me." SubtitleSound[2954]="D62G4004" SubtitleText[2954]="Delta 62: I can plant a charge here." SubtitleSound[2955]="D62G4005" SubtitleText[2955]="Delta 62: Cover me." SubtitleSound[2956]="D38G4004" SubtitleText[2956]="Delta 38: Let's get clear and blow this thing." SubtitleSound[2957]="D40G4005" SubtitleText[2957]="Delta 40: There's the turret." SubtitleSound[2958]="D38G4005" SubtitleText[2958]="Delta 38: We've got to get inside." SubtitleSound[2959]="D07G4006" SubtitleText[2959]="Delta 07: Droid Dispensers incoming!" SubtitleSound[2960]="D38G4006" SubtitleText[2960]="Delta 38: Take out the dispenser before it finishes unloading." SubtitleSound[2961]="D38G4007" SubtitleText[2961]="Delta 38: We've got to get up top to plant our charges." SubtitleSound[2962]="D40G4006" SubtitleText[2962]="Delta 40: Super Battle Droids sir!" SubtitleSound[2963]="D07G4007" SubtitleText[2963]="Delta 07: Super battle droids joining the party!" SubtitleSound[2964]="D62G4006" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 62: Look sir, Heavy battle droids!" SubtitleSound[2965]="D38G4008" SubtitleText[2965]="Delta 38: This is the spot, let's get those charges planted." SubtitleSound[2966]="D62G4007" SubtitleText[2966]="Delta 62: I think we should get out of here!" SubtitleSound[2967]="D38G4009" SubtitleText[2967]="Delta 38: The gunship should be able to come in now." SubtitleSound[2968]="D40G4007" SubtitleText[2968]="Delta 40: Heads up squad, spider droid!" SubtitleSound[2969]="D62G4008" SubtitleText[2969]="Delta 62: A spider droid? Here?" SubtitleSound[2970]="D07G4008" SubtitleText[2970]="Delta 07: Heads up squad, spider droid!" SubtitleSound[2971]="D40G4008" SubtitleText[2971]="Delta 40: Nice work, deltas!" SubtitleSound[2972]="D62G4009" SubtitleText[2972]="Delta 62: Well, there goes my arachnaphobia." SubtitleSound[2973]="D07G4009" SubtitleText[2973]="Delta 07: Back to the scrap heap, clanker!" SubtitleSound[2974]="GP1G4003" SubtitleText[2974]="Gunship Pilot 1: How about a little help with that entrance?" SubtitleSound[2975]="GP1G4004" SubtitleText[2975]="Gunship Pilot 1: Stay clear, deltas!" SubtitleSound[2976]="D38G4010" SubtitleText[2976]="Delta 38: Clear away from the Core ship Entrance!" SubtitleSound[2977]="D62G4010" SubtitleText[2977]="Delta 62: Nice shooting, flyboy." SubtitleSound[2978]="GP1G4005" SubtitleText[2978]="Gunship Pilot 1: Get those Launch Codes and I'll come pick you up." SubtitleSound[2979]="D38G4011" SubtitleText[2979]="Delta 38: We can get in through these pipes." SubtitleSound[2980]="D07G4010" SubtitleText[2980]="Delta 07: Look at the size of that thing." SubtitleSound[2981]="D38G4012" SubtitleText[2981]="Delta 38: This is Delta three-eight. I'm in." SubtitleSound[2982]="D38G4511" SubtitleText[2982]="Delta 38: Ready harnasses, Deltas. Down we go!" SubtitleSound[2983]="D07G4509" SubtitleText[2983]="Delta 07: Just point me at the enemy and stay outta my way." SubtitleSound[2984]="D40G4503" SubtitleText[2984]="Delta 40: Cut the chatter, Sev." SubtitleSound[2985]="D62G4506" SubtitleText[2985]="Delta 62: Sev. How many kills you got today, psycho?" SubtitleSound[2986]="D07G4510" SubtitleText[2986]="Delta 07: More than you, wiseguy." SubtitleSound[2987]="D40G4504" SubtitleText[2987]="Delta 40: Keep this comm clear, you two." SubtitleSound[2988]="D62G4507" SubtitleText[2988]="Delta 62: Calm down, Fixer. Just a having a little fun." SubtitleSound[2989]="D40G4505" SubtitleText[2989]="Delta 40: Heads up, enemy aircraft!" SubtitleSound[2990]="D38G4512" SubtitleText[2990]="Delta 38: Don't worry. They're not looking for us." SubtitleSound[2991]="D62G4508" SubtitleText[2991]="Delta 62: These bugs just won't quit!" SubtitleSound[2992]="D38G4514" SubtitleText[2992]="Delta 38: Secure the blast shield on that window. Lock them out!" SubtitleSound[2993]="D38G4515" SubtitleText[2993]="Delta 38: The window! Get that window shut!" SubtitleSound[2994]="D40G4506" SubtitleText[2994]="Delta 40: Somebody secure that window!" SubtitleSound[2995]="D40G4507" SubtitleText[2995]="Delta 40: Console over here, sir! Window controls!" SubtitleSound[2996]="D62G4509" SubtitleText[2996]="Delta 62: More bugs! " SubtitleSound[2997]="D38G4516" SubtitleText[2997]="Delta 38: Looks like we've got to shut these windows too." SubtitleSound[2998]="D38G4517" SubtitleText[2998]="Delta 38: Let's hit it, Deltas." SubtitleSound[2999]="D62G4510" SubtitleText[2999]="Delta 62: What the---?" SubtitleSound[3000]="D62G4511" SubtitleText[3000]="Delta 62: Poor sod…" SubtitleSound[3001]="D40G4508" SubtitleText[3001]="Delta 40: Battle droids are trying to let in more Geonosians!" SubtitleSound[3002]="D62G4512" SubtitleText[3002]="Delta 62: No help for you, ya tin soldiers!" SubtitleSound[3003]="D38G4518" SubtitleText[3003]="Delta 38: You know the drill, Deltas. Let's shut them out." SubtitleSound[3004]="D62G4513" SubtitleText[3004]="Delta 62: Finally, some peace and quiet." SubtitleSound[3005]="D38G4519" SubtitleText[3005]="Delta 38: It's still kicking. I think we need to hit this thing again… " SubtitleSound[3006]="D62G4514" SubtitleText[3006]="Delta 62: Boss, that looks like a good spot to plant a charge." SubtitleSound[3007]="D62G4515" SubtitleText[3007]="Delta 62: Good eye, Scorch." SubtitleSound[3008]="D62G4516" SubtitleText[3008]="Delta 62: That's done the trick." SubtitleSound[3009]="D07G4511" SubtitleText[3009]="Delta 07: They just keep coming!" SubtitleSound[3010]="D62G4517" SubtitleText[3010]="Delta 62: Looks like the battle hasn't slowed down yet." SubtitleSound[3011]="D07G4512" SubtitleText[3011]="Delta 07: That's what we're here to do!" SubtitleSound[3012]="D40G4509" SubtitleText[3012]="Delta 40: Sir, this gunship turret is still functional. We could use it against those droids." SubtitleSound[3013]="D62G4518" SubtitleText[3013]="Delta 62: They never had a chance…" SubtitleSound[3014]="D07G4513" SubtitleText[3014]="Delta 07: Now we've made them mad. Good!" SubtitleSound[3015]="D40G4510" SubtitleText[3015]="Delta 40: Let's put that turret to good use!" SubtitleSound[3016]="CA1G4522" SubtitleText[3016]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-Eight, now that you've disabled the Anti-Air turret, we're making a supply drop near your current position." SubtitleSound[3017]="CA1G4523" SubtitleText[3017]="Clone Advisor 1: Keep an eye out for it. Payload includes a special anti-armor attachment for your DC-17." SubtitleSound[3018]="CA1G4524" SubtitleText[3018]="Clone Advisor 1: You're going to need it." SubtitleSound[3019]="D62G4519" SubtitleText[3019]="Delta 62: Yes! More explosives! You just made my day, Advisor." SubtitleSound[3020]="CTPG4001" SubtitleText[3020]="Clone Trooper: We are taking heavy fire. Any Republic forces! We need assistance!" SubtitleSound[3021]="D38G4520" SubtitleText[3021]="Delta 38: Hang tight, trooper. Delta Squad, on our way." SubtitleSound[3022]="CTPG4002" SubtitleText[3022]="Clone Trooper: I thought we were nerf meat for sure. Down to our last power cells." SubtitleSound[3023]="D38G4521" SubtitleText[3023]="Delta 38: Don't get too excited. We've got our own objective. Just passing through." SubtitleSound[3024]="D40G4511" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 40: This door is shielded sir, looks like we have to go around." SubtitleSound[3025]="D07G4514" SubtitleText[3025]="Delta 07: Damn droids! Let us through!" SubtitleSound[3026]="D62G4520" SubtitleText[3026]="Delta 62: Debris blocking our path here, Boss. We need to detonate the rocks to get through." SubtitleSound[3027]="D62G4521" SubtitleText[3027]="Delta 62: And I'm not just saying that because I love to blow stuff up." SubtitleSound[3028]="D07G4515" SubtitleText[3028]="Delta 07: Yes you are." SubtitleSound[3029]="D40G4512" SubtitleText[3029]="Delta 40: This way looks to be shielded as well, sir." SubtitleSound[3030]="D07G4516" SubtitleText[3030]="Delta 07: Blasted droids!" SubtitleSound[3031]="D38G4522" SubtitleText[3031]="Delta 38: All right squad, back out again." SubtitleSound[3032]="GP1G4503" SubtitleText[3032]="Gunship Pilot 1: Delta squad, this is Gunship wing Delta 42, we're closing in on your position now. Stand back from the entryway." SubtitleSound[3033]="D07G4517" SubtitleText[3033]="Delta 07: You're late to the party, pilot!" SubtitleSound[3034]="GP1G4504" SubtitleText[3034]="Gunship Pilot 1: You should be happy I got here at all. It's a nightmare out there." SubtitleSound[3035]="GP1G4505" SubtitleText[3035]="Gunship Pilot 1: We've got a visual on the target area. Initiating firing run now." SubtitleSound[3036]="GP1G4506" SubtitleText[3036]="Gunship Pilot 1: You boys are gonna want to stand back." SubtitleSound[3037]="D40G4513" SubtitleText[3037]="Delta 40: Take cover!!!" SubtitleSound[3038]="D62G4522" SubtitleText[3038]="Delta 62: So much for boarding this thing undetected!" SubtitleSound[3039]="D62G4523" SubtitleText[3039]="Delta 62: I thought this was a covert op." SubtitleSound[3040]="D38G4523" SubtitleText[3040]="Delta 38: I sure hope we don't encounter many more of those." SubtitleSound[3041]="D38G4524" SubtitleText[3041]="Delta 38: Hmm… an Anti-Armor attachment. This should come in handy against all these droids." SubtitleSound[3042]="D38G4526" SubtitleText[3042]="Delta 38: Set up a grenade position here, Delta." SubtitleSound[3043]="D38G4527" SubtitleText[3043]="Delta 38: This looks like a good spot to set up a grenade position, Deltas!" SubtitleSound[3044]="D62G4524" SubtitleText[3044]="Delta 62: Anti-Armor… oh this is nice, Boss. A very nice piece of ordnance here…" SubtitleSound[3045]="CA1G4527" SubtitleText[3045]="Clone Advisor 1: Deltas, pay attention! You may have only one shot at this! " SubtitleSound[3046]="CA1G4528" SubtitleText[3046]="Clone Advisor 1: The CG-A dwarf spider droid has one exploitable weak spot: A sensitive infrared optics cluster on its body." SubtitleSound[3047]="D38G4528" SubtitleText[3047]="Delta 38: I need an anti-armor position, on the double!" SubtitleSound[3048]="D38G4530" SubtitleText[3048]="Delta 38: We need to set up an anti-armor position now! " SubtitleSound[3049]="CA1G4529" SubtitleText[3049]="Clone Advisor 1: The cluster is protected by front armor panels, mounted on the legs." SubtitleSound[3050]="D38G4529" SubtitleText[3050]="Delta 38: Anti-armor! Mark that position! Go!" SubtitleSound[3051]="D38G4531" SubtitleText[3051]="Delta 38: There, that looks like a good spot!" SubtitleSound[3052]="CA1G4530" SubtitleText[3052]="Clone Advisor 1: Tough as nails, but you can punch through these with enough ordnance." SubtitleSound[3053]="CA1G4531" SubtitleText[3053]="Clone Advisor 1: You're looking at a dwarf spider droid, one of the Commerce Guild's nastiest anti-infantry units." SubtitleSound[3054]="CA1G4532" SubtitleText[3054]="Clone Advisor 1: Its durasteel plating is rated for starship hulls, and is nearly invulnerable to small arms fire." SubtitleSound[3055]="CA1G4533" SubtitleText[3055]="Clone Advisor 1: Only its optical cluster, the red orb on its abdomen, is unshielded and vulnerable." SubtitleSound[3056]="D07G4518" SubtitleText[3056]="Delta 07: Then I guess we'll have to poke out its eye!" SubtitleSound[3057]="D38G4525" SubtitleText[3057]="Delta 38: Focus on that Optical Cluster, Delta!" SubtitleSound[3058]="D62G4525" SubtitleText[3058]="Delta 62: In other words -- shoot the big red spot!" SubtitleSound[3059]="CA1G4534" SubtitleText[3059]="Clone Advisor 1: Also be aware that while it is somewhat vulnerable to your EC Detonators, it will not be immobilized the way other targets will." SubtitleSound[3060]="D40G4514" SubtitleText[3060]="Delta 40: Look sir, here comes the supply drop now." SubtitleSound[3061]="D40G4515" SubtitleText[3061]="Delta 40: Look, there's the Anti Armor supplies sir!" SubtitleSound[3062]="GP1G4500" SubtitleText[3062]="Gunship Pilot 1: Deltas, there's a large anti-air turret up ahead. This is as close as I can get you to your target... good luck!" SubtitleSound[3063]="GP1G4501" SubtitleText[3063]="Gunship Pilot 1: I'm out of here, it's too hot for me to stay any longer." SubtitleSound[3064]="CA1G4500" SubtitleText[3064]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta, a few clicks down this canyon is a disabled droid core ship." SubtitleSound[3065]="CA1G4501" SubtitleText[3065]="Clone Advisor 1: We need you to infiltrate the core ship and retrieve its launch codes, giving us the edge we need to halt the evacuation of the separatist fleet." SubtitleSound[3066]="CA1G4517" SubtitleText[3066]="Clone Advisor 1: Advance via the canyon and effect entry any way you can." SubtitleSound[3067]="CA1G4502" SubtitleText[3067]="Clone Advisor 1: As you may have noticed, the core ship is protected by an anti-air turret, limiting our intelligence on the nature of the core ship's ground defenses." SubtitleSound[3068]="D38G4509" SubtitleText[3068]="Delta 38: Any intel on the enemy forces in this area?" SubtitleSound[3069]="CA1G4503" SubtitleText[3069]="Clone Advisor 1: We advise taking out the turret first, then proceeding through the canyon to the core ship entrance." SubtitleSound[3070]="CA1G4518" SubtitleText[3070]="Clone Advisor 1: The core ship is protected by a large anti-air turret, and initial scans reveal a substantial droid presence. Also, expect to encounter local resistance." SubtitleSound[3071]="D07G4508" SubtitleText[3071]="Delta 07: Good. More bugs, more kills." SubtitleSound[3072]="CA1G4504" SubtitleText[3072]="Clone Advisor 1: There's a passage up ahead that should lead to the next canyon." SubtitleSound[3073]="D38G4510" SubtitleText[3073]="Delta 38: Alright, let's get to it, squad!" SubtitleSound[3074]="CA1G4505" SubtitleText[3074]="Clone Advisor 1: Good luck, Delta, and don't come back without those launch codes!" SubtitleSound[3075]="D07G4500" SubtitleText[3075]="Delta 07: Looks like we'll have to blow through that wreckage, sir." SubtitleSound[3076]="D07G4501" SubtitleText[3076]="Delta 07: Looks like we'll have to blow through that rockslide, sir." SubtitleSound[3077]="D38G4500" SubtitleText[3077]="Delta 38: Entering passage now." SubtitleSound[3078]="CA1G4506" SubtitleText[3078]="Clone Advisor 1: Roger that three-eight, proceed to the anti-air turret." SubtitleSound[3079]="D40G4500" SubtitleText[3079]="Delta 40: There's the turret, squad leader." SubtitleSound[3080]="D38G4501" SubtitleText[3080]="Delta 38: We're at the turret now, It looks like there's an opening below it." SubtitleSound[3081]="CA1G4519" SubtitleText[3081]="Clone Advisor 1: Copy that. Acquire target and destroy." SubtitleSound[3082]="CA1G4520" SubtitleText[3082]="Clone Advisor 1: That thing's been giving us heavy casualties all day." SubtitleSound[3083]="D38G4513" SubtitleText[3083]="Delta 38: There's an entrance below it." SubtitleSound[3084]="CA1G4521" SubtitleText[3084]="Clone Advisor 1: Understood, updating mission paramaters now… " SubtitleSound[3085]="CA1G4507" SubtitleText[3085]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-Eight, make your way inside and disable the turret." SubtitleSound[3086]="D38G4502" SubtitleText[3086]="Delta 38: Alright squad, let's get in there and start breaking things." SubtitleSound[3087]="D62G4500" SubtitleText[3087]="Delta 62: That wreckage - it's one of ours…talk about a bad landing." SubtitleSound[3088]="D38G4503" SubtitleText[3088]="Delta 38: Bunker penetrated." SubtitleSound[3089]="CA1G4508" SubtitleText[3089]="Clone Advisor 1: Roger that, squad leader. Locate turret controls and commence disabling maneuvers." SubtitleSound[3090]="D07G4502" SubtitleText[3090]="Delta 07: "Disabling maneuvers?"" SubtitleSound[3091]="D62G4501" SubtitleText[3091]="Delta 62: Blowing things up." SubtitleSound[3092]="D07G4503" SubtitleText[3092]="Delta 07: Oh. I knew that." SubtitleSound[3093]="D38G4504" SubtitleText[3093]="Delta 38: I think we've found a loading mechanism here." SubtitleSound[3094]="CA1G4509" SubtitleText[3094]="Clone Advisor 1: Affirmative Delta. See if you can find a weak spot to plant some charges." SubtitleSound[3095]="D07G4504" SubtitleText[3095]="Delta 07: There's the spot, let's set our charges and do some damage." SubtitleSound[3096]="D38G4505" SubtitleText[3096]="Delta 38: Turret Disabled!" SubtitleSound[3097]="CA1G4510" SubtitleText[3097]="Clone Advisor 1: Good job three-eight. Now find an exit and make your way to the core ship." SubtitleSound[3098]="D40G4501" SubtitleText[3098]="Delta 40: There's the core ship, sir." SubtitleSound[3099]="D62G4502" SubtitleText[3099]="Delta 62: Are you sure, Forty? Maybe there's another one around the corner." SubtitleSound[3100]="D38G4506" SubtitleText[3100]="Delta 38: We've reached the entrance to the core ship, but it appears to be shielded." SubtitleSound[3101]="CA1G4511" SubtitleText[3101]="Clone Advisor 1: Affirmative Delta, hold position. We're bringing in some air support now." SubtitleSound[3102]="D07G4505" SubtitleText[3102]="Delta 07: Here it comes…" SubtitleSound[3103]="D62G4503" SubtitleText[3103]="Delta 62: And there it goes." SubtitleSound[3104]="D38G4507" SubtitleText[3104]="Delta 38: Shield destroyed! Thanks for the assist, Four-Two." SubtitleSound[3105]="GP1G4502" SubtitleText[3105]="Gunship Pilot 1: Glad to be of service, Delta." SubtitleSound[3106]="CA1G4512" SubtitleText[3106]="Clone Advisor 1: Now get into that core ship, and secure those launch codes." SubtitleSound[3107]="D40G4502" SubtitleText[3107]="Delta 40: What's that?!" SubtitleSound[3108]="D07G4506" SubtitleText[3108]="Delta 07: It's a spider droid! Look out!" SubtitleSound[3109]="D62G4504" SubtitleText[3109]="Delta 62: That was a lot more intense than the simulations." SubtitleSound[3110]="D62G4505" SubtitleText[3110]="Delta 62: Look at the size of that thing." SubtitleSound[3111]="CA1G4513" SubtitleText[3111]="Clone Advisor 1: Good job, Delta Squad!" SubtitleSound[3112]="CA1G4514" SubtitleText[3112]="Clone Advisor 1: Now that you've reached the core ship, it's time for you to split up." SubtitleSound[3113]="CA1G4515" SubtitleText[3113]="Clone Advisor 1: Each of you is tasked with disabling a different critical system within the ship." SubtitleSound[3114]="CA1G4525" SubtitleText[3114]="Clone Advisor 1: Taking out these critical systems will weaken the ship defense components, and make achieving your ultimate objective easier." SubtitleSound[3115]="CA1G4526" SubtitleText[3115]="Clone Advisor 1: Remember, it is imperative that you retrieve those launch codes!" SubtitleSound[3116]="CA1G4516" SubtitleText[3116]="Clone Advisor 1: Good luck Deltas!" SubtitleSound[3117]="D07G4507" SubtitleText[3117]="Delta 07: Alright sir, in you go. Happy hunting." SubtitleSound[3118]="D38G4508" SubtitleText[3118]="Delta 38: This is Delta 38, I'm in."