[Subtitles_RAS_03] SubtitleSound[2928]="D62R3019" SubtitleText[2928]="Delta 62: Wait! Do you hear that?" SubtitleSound[2929]="D62R3008" SubtitleText[2929]="Delta 62: Who are these guys?!" SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1R3006" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: Don't take these guys lightly." SubtitleSound[2931]="D62R3009" SubtitleText[2931]="Delta 62: They're gonna hand over the ship??" SubtitleSound[2932]="D62R3015" SubtitleText[2932]="Delta 62: This ship would buy a lot of droids…" SubtitleSound[2933]="D62R3010" SubtitleText[2933]="Delta 62: Well… it doesn't work…" SubtitleSound[2934]="D07R3007" SubtitleText[2934]="Delta 07: That turret is shielded." SubtitleSound[2935]="D62R3016" SubtitleText[2935]="Delta 62: Regular shots won't take it out. At least from this angle." SubtitleSound[2936]="RSCR3015" SubtitleText[2936]="RAS Ship computer: Lockdown initiating. All personnel, clear the area." SubtitleSound[2937]="D38R3008" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 38: Squad, poison gas. Secure helmets!" SubtitleSound[2938]="D62R3011" SubtitleText[2938]="Delta 62: That was useful…. But now we're locked in here…." SubtitleSound[2939]="CA1R3021" SubtitleText[2939]="Clone Advisor 1: That clone trooper signature is coming from a position below you." SubtitleSound[2940]="D62R3012" SubtitleText[2940]="Delta 62: Let's go, squad. Down the hatch!" SubtitleSound[2941]="D62R3013" SubtitleText[2941]="Delta 62: Something just moved past my leg!" SubtitleSound[2942]="D62R3017" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 62: They're tossin' em out with the trash!" SubtitleSound[2943]="D62R3014" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 62: Up there! Grenadier on the catwalk! " SubtitleSound[2944]="CA1R3024" SubtitleText[2944]="Clone Advisor 1: You'll need to control those rocket turrets to get through the shielding." SubtitleSound[2945]="CA1R3030" SubtitleText[2945]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta three-eight, assign your squad to the rocket turrets. They're the only way to take out the ship. " SubtitleSound[2946]="D62R3018" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 62: The door's stuck. We're trapped in here!" SubtitleSound[2947]="D38R3001" SubtitleText[2947]="Delta 38: Sir, this is Delta three eight. We've reached the bridge and shut down the signal jamming device. Do you read?" SubtitleSound[2948]="CA1R3001" SubtitleText[2948]="Clone Advisor 1: Loud and clear three eight. I'm patching into the ship's systems to determine her status." SubtitleSound[2949]="CA1R3004" SubtitleText[2949]="Clone Advisor 1: Alert! Sensors are picking up more life forms! On the bridge!" SubtitleSound[2950]="D38R3200" SubtitleText[2950]="Delta 38: They're below us! Look out for grenades!" SubtitleSound[2951]="CA1R3002" SubtitleText[2951]="Clone Advisor 1: You're fighting Trandoshans. They're slavers and thugs, with no known connection to the Separatists." SubtitleSound[2952]="D40R3027" SubtitleText[2952]="Delta 40: Then what are they doing here?" SubtitleSound[2953]="D62R3201" SubtitleText[2953]="Delta 62: And where'd they get all those droids?" SubtitleSound[2954]="CA1R3026" SubtitleText[2954]="Clone Advisor 1: Keep going, I'll see what I can find out." SubtitleSound[2955]="CA1R3204" SubtitleText[2955]="Clone Advisor 1: Sensors show a Trandoshans dropship in Hangar 13-C. It must be their command center." SubtitleSound[2956]="CA1R3003" SubtitleText[2956]="Clone Advisor 1: Get down to the hangar and take it out." SubtitleSound[2957]="CA1R3200" SubtitleText[2957]="Clone Advisor 1: Thirty-eight, I'm reading a slaver ship in Hangar A. Have you run into any Trandoshans?" SubtitleSound[2958]="D62R3200" SubtitleText[2958]="Delta 62: Have we run into any droids he says…" SubtitleSound[2959]="D38R3201" SubtitleText[2959]="Delta 38: Lots of 'em. And they've been throwing battle droids at us. " SubtitleSound[2960]="CA1R3201" SubtitleText[2960]="Clone Advisor 1: The Trandoshans have been more concerned with acquiring Wookiee pelts than taking sides in this war." SubtitleSound[2961]="D38R3202" SubtitleText[2961]="Delta 38: What would they want with an assault ship?" SubtitleSound[2962]="D07R3200" SubtitleText[2962]="Delta 07: And why would the Seps be selling clankers to slavers?" SubtitleSound[2963]="CA1R3202" SubtitleText[2963]="Clone Advisor 1: I'll keep analyzing the logs. In the meantime, get down to Hangar A and shut them down." SubtitleSound[2964]="D40R3001" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 40: Sounds like… a door breach?" SubtitleSound[2965]="CA1R3203" SubtitleText[2965]="Clone Advisor 1: I've put the ship under slave-circuit control. I'll be able to manipulate key systems from here." SubtitleSound[2966]="CA1R3005" SubtitleText[2966]="Clone Advisor 1: Trandoshan Mercenaries. They've got military training and the hardware to match." SubtitleSound[2967]="CA1R3205" SubtitleText[2967]="Clone Advisor 1: Don't take them lightly." SubtitleSound[2968]="D38R3203" SubtitleText[2968]="Delta 38: We'll have to seal off the bridge. Everyone out!" SubtitleSound[2969]="D38R3004" SubtitleText[2969]="Delta 38: There's an access panel here. We can use it to lockdown the bridge." SubtitleSound[2970]="CA1R3008" SubtitleText[2970]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta three-eight, I've been analyzing ship communication logs. " SubtitleSound[2971]="CA1R3009" SubtitleText[2971]="Clone Advisor 1: The Trandoshans have arranged a rendezvous with the Separatists at this location." SubtitleSound[2972]="D07R3201" SubtitleText[2972]="Delta 07: They're giving the ship to the Seps? Over my dead body!" SubtitleSound[2973]="CA1R3010" SubtitleText[2973]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm contacting the Republic for assistance. " SubtitleSound[2974]="CA1R3011" SubtitleText[2974]="Clone Advisor 1: In the meantime, get down to the hangar and take out -- " SubtitleSound[2975]="D07R3001" SubtitleText[2975]="Delta 07: Look out!" SubtitleSound[2976]="D40R3002" SubtitleText[2976]="Delta 40: Ambush!" SubtitleSound[2977]="D38R3005" SubtitleText[2977]="Delta 38: They booby trapped the elevator. We're stuck in the detention area." SubtitleSound[2978]="CA1R3012" SubtitleText[2978]="Clone Advisor 1: Keep moving, squad. I'll search for alternate routes." SubtitleSound[2979]="CA1R3013" SubtitleText[2979]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta three-eight, the detention area has an automated lockdown system." SubtitleSound[2980]="CA1R3028" SubtitleText[2980]="Clone Advisor 1: The detention area has an automated lockdown system." SubtitleSound[2981]="CA1R3014" SubtitleText[2981]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm reading damage on several circuits. " SubtitleSound[2982]="CA1R3015" SubtitleText[2982]="Clone Advisor 1: Find and fix those circuits, then lockdown will kick in automatically." SubtitleSound[2983]="CA1R3016" SubtitleText[2983]="Clone Advisor 1: There's a damaged circuit in your area. Get over there and fix it. " SubtitleSound[2984]="D38R3006" SubtitleText[2984]="Delta 38: That's a start. Let's look for more circuits, squad." SubtitleSound[2985]="D38R3007" SubtitleText[2985]="Delta 38: Rocket turret! Take cover!" SubtitleSound[2986]="D07R3202" SubtitleText[2986]="Delta 07: That turret's shielded." SubtitleSound[2987]="D62R3202" SubtitleText[2987]="Delta 62: Regular shots won't take it out. Not from this angle, anyway!" SubtitleSound[2988]="D07R3008" SubtitleText[2988]="Delta 07: A few grenades might do the trick." SubtitleSound[2989]="CA1R3017" SubtitleText[2989]="Clone Advisor 1: Almost there. One more circuit to go." SubtitleSound[2990]="D40R3003" SubtitleText[2990]="Delta 40: Sir, I'm detecting a transmission signature… from clone troopers." SubtitleSound[2991]="CA1R3018" SubtitleText[2991]="Clone Advisor 1: I'll check it out. Don't get distracted, four-oh." SubtitleSound[2992]="CA1R3019" SubtitleText[2992]="Clone Advisor 1: Fix that last circuit to initiate lockdown." SubtitleSound[2993]="D38R3204" SubtitleText[2993]="Delta 38: Posion gas!. Squad, secure helmets!" SubtitleSound[2994]="CA1R3020" SubtitleText[2994]="Clone Advisor 1: I've tracked down the source of that transmission signature. Head back and look for it." SubtitleSound[2995]="D40R3020" SubtitleText[2995]="Delta 40: This way." SubtitleSound[2996]="D40R3021" SubtitleText[2996]="Delta 40: It was close to that rocket turret." SubtitleSound[2997]="D40R3022" SubtitleText[2997]="Delta 40: We're close. Keep looking." SubtitleSound[2998]="CA1R3206" SubtitleText[2998]="Clone Advisor 1: That clone trooper signature is coming from a position below yours." SubtitleSound[2999]="D38R3009" SubtitleText[2999]="Delta 38: Look for a grating nearby and plant a bomb there. " SubtitleSound[3000]="D38R3010" SubtitleText[3000]="Delta 38: I'll head in first." SubtitleSound[3001]="D07R3002" SubtitleText[3001]="Delta 07: Where are we?" SubtitleSound[3002]="D38R3011" SubtitleText[3002]="Delta 38: Lights on, squad." SubtitleSound[3003]="D40R3004" SubtitleText[3003]="Delta 40: Forget it, it's your imagination." SubtitleSound[3004]="D07R3009" SubtitleText[3004]="Delta 07: Lousy Trando scum..." SubtitleSound[3005]="CA1R3022" SubtitleText[3005]="Clone Advisor 1: Get out of there squad. The Trandoshan dropship is nearby." SubtitleSound[3006]="D62R3203" SubtitleText[3006]="Delta 62: So that's how they got here." SubtitleSound[3007]="D38R3012" SubtitleText[3007]="Delta 38: How do we get these turrets firing?" SubtitleSound[3008]="D07R3003" SubtitleText[3008]="Delta 07: There's got to be a control panel nearby." SubtitleSound[3009]="D07R3004" SubtitleText[3009]="Delta 07: Watch it! They've got concussion rifles!" SubtitleSound[3010]="D40R3005" SubtitleText[3010]="Delta 40: They haven't spotted us. Let's do this by the book." SubtitleSound[3011]="D38R3013" SubtitleText[3011]="Delta 38: We can make use of that turret over there." SubtitleSound[3012]="D07R3005" SubtitleText[3012]="Delta 07: Rocket turrets!" SubtitleSound[3013]="CA1R3023" SubtitleText[3013]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta three-eight, all remaining Trandoshans are converging on your position." SubtitleSound[3014]="D38R3015" SubtitleText[3014]="Delta 38: Keep an eye on that catwalk for more arrivals." SubtitleSound[3015]="D38R3014" SubtitleText[3015]="Delta 38: That ship's got heavy shielding. We'll need more firepower to take it out." SubtitleSound[3016]="D07R3010" SubtitleText[3016]="Delta 07: The rocket's are barely scratching it!" SubtitleSound[3017]="CA1R3207" SubtitleText[3017]="Clone Advisor 1: Take control of those rocket turrets to get through the shielding." SubtitleSound[3018]="CA1R3029" SubtitleText[3018]="Clone Advisor 1: That ship's shielding is too tough. You'll need to use both rocket turrets. " SubtitleSound[3019]="CA1R3208" SubtitleText[3019]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta 38, assign your squad to the rocket turrets. " SubtitleSound[3020]="D40R3006" SubtitleText[3020]="Delta 40: Enemy in retreat!" SubtitleSound[3021]="CA1R3025" SubtitleText[3021]="Clone Advisor 1: Squad, get on those turrets and take her down!" SubtitleSound[3022]="D07R3006" SubtitleText[3022]="Delta 07: They're clamming up!" SubtitleSound[3023]="D40R3023" SubtitleText[3023]="Delta 40: The dropship is clamming up!" SubtitleSound[3024]="D07R3011" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 07: Is that was those scavengers are for…." SubtitleSound[3025]="D38R3016" SubtitleText[3025]="Delta 38: Six-two, four-oh, where are you?" SubtitleSound[3026]="D40R3024" SubtitleText[3026]="Delta 40: Ugh… the trash bin. We must have gotten separated on the way down." SubtitleSound[3027]="CA1R3031" SubtitleText[3027]="Clone Advisor 1: Get out of there and find your squadmates." SubtitleSound[3028]="D07R3012" SubtitleText[3028]="Delta 07: You two, stay clear of the door." SubtitleSound[3029]="CA1R3032" SubtitleText[3029]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta three-eight, be advised! I've got a Separatist battleship on long-range sensors!" SubtitleSound[3030]="D40R3025" SubtitleText[3030]="Delta 40: Let's finish the job before those Trandos get reinforcements!" SubtitleSound[3031]="D40R3026" SubtitleText[3031]="Delta 40: Look out, their guns are online!" SubtitleSound[3032]="D07R3203" SubtitleText[3032]="Delta 07: These guys can hide anywhere" SubtitleSound[3033]="D38R3205" SubtitleText[3033]="Delta 38: Let's keep it slow and careful." SubtitleSound[3034]="D40R3028" SubtitleText[3034]="Delta 40: … and watch for ambush." SubtitleSound[3035]="D07R3204" SubtitleText[3035]="Delta 07: What is that thing, Scorch?" SubtitleSound[3036]="D62R3204" SubtitleText[3036]="Delta 62: I'm thinking... A trap." SubtitleSound[3037]="D07R3205" SubtitleText[3037]="Delta 07: I'm getting that big "NO" feeling again…" SubtitleSound[3038]="D40R3029" SubtitleText[3038]="Delta 40: Found their weapons cache, sir!" SubtitleSound[3039]="D40R3030" SubtitleText[3039]="Delta 40: I don't like the looks of this." SubtitleSound[3040]="CA1R3209" SubtitleText[3040]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta, this ship has enormous stores of data about the Trandoshans." SubtitleSound[3041]="D38R3206" SubtitleText[3041]="Delta 38: I noticed. It's been recording everything that happens on board." SubtitleSound[3042]="CA1R3210" SubtitleText[3042]="Clone Advisor 1: Every weapon, every maneuver… The Republic could spend months analyzing this data." SubtitleSound[3043]="D07R3206" SubtitleText[3043]="Delta 07: And the Wookiees could use it to get an edge on the slavers." SubtitleSound[3044]="D62R3205" SubtitleText[3044]="Delta 62: Yeah! Wookiee life-debts for everyone!" SubtitleSound[3045]="CA1R3211" SubtitleText[3045]="Clone Advisor 1: We've gotta get this ship back to Coruscant in one piece." SubtitleSound[3046]="CA1R3212" SubtitleText[3046]="Clone Advisor 1: I've patched into the RAS control grid. I'll be able to manipulate some of the ship's functions from here." SubtitleSound[3047]="CA1R3213" SubtitleText[3047]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm seeing exotic weaponry on the recordings you recovered." SubtitleSound[3048]="CA1R3214" SubtitleText[3048]="Clone Advisor 1: A rocket turret. And some sort of concussion weapon. Looks nasty." SubtitleSound[3049]="D62R3206" SubtitleText[3049]="Delta 62: So let me get this straight…." SubtitleSound[3050]="D62R3207" SubtitleText[3050]="Delta 62: The Trandos have stolen this ship... to give to the Separatists… to buy battle droids?" SubtitleSound[3051]="D07R3207" SubtitleText[3051]="Delta 07: Makes sense. They're probably tired of risking their own hides. Cowards." SubtitleSound[3052]="D38R3207" SubtitleText[3052]="Delta 38: Enough, you two. Leave the politics to Coruscant." SubtitleSound[3053]="D62R3208" SubtitleText[3053]="Delta 62: When we get to that lizard dropship I'm gonna…." SubtitleSound[3054]="D07R3208" SubtitleText[3054]="Delta 07: Why do I feel like a nerf in a gurrcat lair?" SubtitleSound[3055]="D62R3209" SubtitleText[3055]="Delta 62: You certainly smell like one." SubtitleSound[3056]="CA1R3215" SubtitleText[3056]="Clone Advisor 1: My scans show most of the remaining Trandoshans are in the detention area. " SubtitleSound[3057]="D40R3031" SubtitleText[3057]="Delta 40: Why are they so fond of the detention block?" SubtitleSound[3058]="D38R3208" SubtitleText[3058]="Delta 38: Maybe it's the heat?" SubtitleSound[3059]="D07R3209" SubtitleText[3059]="Delta 07: I'll give 'em heat." SubtitleSound[3060]="D40R3032" SubtitleText[3060]="Delta 40: They're coming from all sides!" SubtitleSound[3061]="D07R3210" SubtitleText[3061]="Delta 07: Somebody watch our six." SubtitleSound[3062]="D40R3033" SubtitleText[3062]="Delta 40: Here's another one of those panels." SubtitleSound[3063]="D38R3209" SubtitleText[3063]="Delta 38: That would be kill number seventeen thousand, four hundred and…" SubtitleSound[3064]="D62R3210" SubtitleText[3064]="Delta 62: C'mon, Boss… I'm TRYING to catch up." SubtitleSound[3065]="CA1R3216" SubtitleText[3065]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold position, Delta." SubtitleSound[3066]="CA1R3217" SubtitleText[3066]="Clone Advisor 1: Reviewing ship schematics..." SubtitleSound[3067]="CA1R3218" SubtitleText[3067]="Clone Advisor 1: More coming from behind, squad. Watch your back." SubtitleSound[3068]="D62R3211" SubtitleText[3068]="Delta 62: Poison gas. That sort of thing really messes up a kill count." SubtitleSound[3069]="D62R3212" SubtitleText[3069]="Delta 62: The gas got the last of 'em. Guess we know how long Trandoshans can hold their breath." SubtitleSound[3070]="D07R3211" SubtitleText[3070]="Delta 07: That last one put me at two hundred." SubtitleSound[3071]="D62R3213" SubtitleText[3071]="Delta 62: I was there five minutes ago." SubtitleSound[3072]="D62R3214" SubtitleText[3072]="Delta 62: That's a wrap. This assault ship is clean." SubtitleSound[3073]="D07R3212" SubtitleText[3073]="Delta 07: There's our objective." SubtitleSound[3074]="D40R3034" SubtitleText[3074]="Delta 40: Trandoshan dropship in view." SubtitleSound[3075]="CA1R3219" SubtitleText[3075]="Clone Advisor 1: This dropship is their base camp, and they'll put all hands on deck to protect it." SubtitleSound[3076]="D38R3210" SubtitleText[3076]="Delta 38: Heavy Merc! And he's guarding that E-web Turret." SubtitleSound[3077]="D38R3211" SubtitleText[3077]="Delta 38: More of those blasted turrets!" SubtitleSound[3078]="CA1R3220" SubtitleText[3078]="Clone Advisor 1: Squad, I'm reading one more of those Heavy Mercs. Somewhere in the hangar." SubtitleSound[3079]="D40R3035" SubtitleText[3079]="Delta 40: Let's get a hold of that concussion rifle." SubtitleSound[3080]="D07R3213" SubtitleText[3080]="Delta 07: Hey, what's that Trando up to?" SubtitleSound[3081]="D40R3036" SubtitleText[3081]="Delta 40: Squad! Get him off that console!"