[Subtitles_RAS_04] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1R4500" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: I've got an idea." SubtitleSound[2929]="D07R4500" SubtitleText[2929]="Delta 07: Good riddance to bad lizards." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1R4501" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta, the Separatists could be here any minute--" SubtitleSound[2931]="D62R4500" SubtitleText[2931]="Delta 62: You don't say." SubtitleSound[2932]="CA1R4502" SubtitleText[2932]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm sending out a distress signal. We can't wait for help from Coruscant." SubtitleSound[2933]="CA1R4503" SubtitleText[2933]="Clone Advisor 1: Get to the next hangar and set up a defense. Move! " SubtitleSound[2934]="D40R4500" SubtitleText[2934]="Delta 40: Sir, over here. We can take a shortcut through the maintenance tunnels!" SubtitleSound[2935]="CA1R4504" SubtitleText[2935]="Clone Advisor 1: Calling any Republic ships near the Corbantis system. This is an emergency." SubtitleSound[2936]="CA1R4505" SubtitleText[2936]="Clone Advisor 1: Any Republic contacts near the Corbantis system, please respond." SubtitleSound[2937]="D38R4500" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 38: I think we're on our own…." SubtitleSound[2938]="CPTR4500" SubtitleText[2938]="Captain Talbot: This is Captain Talbot of the RAS Cruiser Arrestor. Who am I speaking to?" SubtitleSound[2939]="CA1R4506" SubtitleText[2939]="Clone Advisor 1: This is Delta Squadron Advisor 01/425. Separatist forces are attempting to capture our ship." SubtitleSound[2940]="CPTR4501" SubtitleText[2940]="Captain Talbot: Understood, help is on the way." SubtitleSound[2941]="CA1R4507" SubtitleText[2941]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm sending you our coordinates." SubtitleSound[2942]="CA1R4508" SubtitleText[2942]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-eight, the droid dispensers will be setting down in seconds" SubtitleSound[2943]="D62R4501" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 62: Just enough time to prepare a nice welcome." SubtitleSound[2944]="D38R4501" SubtitleText[2944]="Delta 38: Maybe we can get to this turret…" SubtitleSound[2945]="D40R4501" SubtitleText[2945]="Delta 40: Dispenser is down. Droids are deploying!" SubtitleSound[2946]="D07R4501" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 07: Blast! There's another one bringing up the rear!" SubtitleSound[2947]="CA1R4509" SubtitleText[2947]="Clone Advisor 1: Three-eight, I've discovered a vulnerability in the hangar forcefield" SubtitleSound[2948]="CA1R4510" SubtitleText[2948]="Clone Advisor 1: The regulator on the left side of the hangar controls the power flow." SubtitleSound[2949]="CA1R4511" SubtitleText[2949]="Clone Advisor 1: Disable it with a demolition charge and you'll seal off the hangar for good." SubtitleSound[2950]="CA1R4512" SubtitleText[2950]="Clone Advisor 1: Excellent work, squad." SubtitleSound[2951]="CA1R4513" SubtitleText[2951]="Clone Advisor 1: Now take care of any remaining dispensers and move on to the next hangar." SubtitleSound[2952]="CA1R4514" SubtitleText[2952]="Clone Advisor 1: You're coming up on the next hangar." SubtitleSound[2953]="CA1R4515" SubtitleText[2953]="Clone Advisor 1: Scans reveal one droid dispenser already deployed." SubtitleSound[2954]="D62R4502" SubtitleText[2954]="Delta 62: Got a straggler. He's runnin' for help." SubtitleSound[2955]="D07R4502" SubtitleText[2955]="Delta 07: Help this…" SubtitleSound[2956]="D40R4502" SubtitleText[2956]="Delta 40: Blast, there's already another one on the way." SubtitleSound[2957]="D38R4502" SubtitleText[2957]="Delta 38: We've gotta get down to that forcefield regulator." SubtitleSound[2958]="CA1R4516" SubtitleText[2958]="Clone Advisor 1: The faster you can disable it, the fewer droids you'll have to deal with. " SubtitleSound[2959]="CA1R4517" SubtitleText[2959]="Clone Advisor 1: The regulator is on the far side of the hangar." SubtitleSound[2960]="CA1R4518" SubtitleText[2960]="Clone Advisor 1: Same drill as before. Get over there and take it out." SubtitleSound[2961]="CA1R4519" SubtitleText[2961]="Clone Advisor 1: Alert! Sensors detect another launch!" SubtitleSound[2962]="D07R4503" SubtitleText[2962]="Delta 07: You think that speeder still works?" SubtitleSound[2963]="D62R4503" SubtitleText[2963]="Delta 62: I'm not gettin on it… that model's a deathtrap." SubtitleSound[2964]="D38R4503" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 38: See what you can do with it." SubtitleSound[2965]="D07R4508" SubtitleText[2965]="Delta 07: Useless hunk of junk…" SubtitleSound[2966]="D40R4508" SubtitleText[2966]="Delta 40: Nothing happened…" SubtitleSound[2967]="D62R4510" SubtitleText[2967]="Delta 62: Told you it was a clunker…" SubtitleSound[2968]="D07R4509" SubtitleText[2968]="Delta 07: Droideka dispenser! It's headed for the upper level!" SubtitleSound[2969]="D40R4509" SubtitleText[2969]="Delta 40: Droideka dispenser! It's headed for the upper level!" SubtitleSound[2970]="D62R4511" SubtitleText[2970]="Delta 62: Droideka-dropper, headed for the upper level!" SubtitleSound[2971]="D38R4504" SubtitleText[2971]="Delta 38: That's two-for-two, squad. Let's move on to the last hangar." SubtitleSound[2972]="CA1R4520" SubtitleText[2972]="Clone Advisor 1: Be advised, Delta, the droids are fully deployed in the final hangar…" SubtitleSound[2973]="CA1R4521" SubtitleText[2973]="Clone Advisor 1: … and they're spreading throughout the ship." SubtitleSound[2974]="CA1R4522" SubtitleText[2974]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm scanning system logs for any leftover ordnance you can bring into service." SubtitleSound[2975]="CA1R4558" SubtitleText[2975]="Clone Advisor 1: Don't let yourself get caught in a vise." SubtitleSound[2976]="D40R4503" SubtitleText[2976]="Delta 40: Droidekas. They haven't spotted us." SubtitleSound[2977]="D38R4505" SubtitleText[2977]="Delta 38: They'll be back. Let's get ready." SubtitleSound[2978]="D07R4504" SubtitleText[2978]="Delta 07: We're getting close. I can feel it." SubtitleSound[2979]="D40R4504" SubtitleText[2979]="Delta 40: Cover here is awful!" SubtitleSound[2980]="D38R4506" SubtitleText[2980]="Delta 38: Move away from that droideka. Head to the rear of the hangar!" SubtitleSound[2981]="CA1R4523" SubtitleText[2981]="Clone Advisor 1: Deltas, I've found some ordnance, but I can't override the lift control." SubtitleSound[2982]="CA1R4524" SubtitleText[2982]="Clone Advisor 1: Take over that terminal and free it up." SubtitleSound[2983]="CA1R4525" SubtitleText[2983]="Clone Advisor 1: Ordnance is on its way. Hop on board and wrap things up, three-eight." SubtitleSound[2984]="D62R4504" SubtitleText[2984]="Delta 62: "Ordance"… that's a bloody walker!" SubtitleSound[2985]="D38R4507" SubtitleText[2985]="Delta 38: That's it! Assault Ship is secure." SubtitleSound[2986]="CA1R4526" SubtitleText[2986]="Clone Advisor 1: They're recalling their dispensers." SubtitleSound[2987]="D62R4505" SubtitleText[2987]="Delta 62: Retreating? That's not very droid-like." SubtitleSound[2988]="D07R4510" SubtitleText[2988]="Delta 07: What the-?" SubtitleSound[2989]="D40R4510" SubtitleText[2989]="Delta 40: What the-?" SubtitleSound[2990]="D62R4512" SubtitleText[2990]="Delta 62: What now?" SubtitleSound[2991]="D40R4505" SubtitleText[2991]="Delta 40: They're scuttling us!" SubtitleSound[2992]="D38R4508" SubtitleText[2992]="Delta 38: Where's that cruiser?" SubtitleSound[2993]="CA1R4527" SubtitleText[2993]="Clone Advisor 1: We can't wait for Talbot. We'll have fight back!" SubtitleSound[2994]="CA1R4528" SubtitleText[2994]="Clone Advisor 1: Squad, move to the rear of the hangar and get on that lift." SubtitleSound[2995]="CA1R4529" SubtitleText[2995]="Clone Advisor 1: Hang on, I'm lowering the lift. " SubtitleSound[2996]="CA1R4530" SubtitleText[2996]="Clone Advisor 1: Go down that maintenance tunnel. It leads to your next objective." SubtitleSound[2997]="D62R4506" SubtitleText[2997]="Delta 62: Plan on letting us know what it is any time soon?" SubtitleSound[2998]="CA1R4531" SubtitleText[2998]="Clone Advisor 1: This may not work, but it's our only shot." SubtitleSound[2999]="CA1R4532" SubtitleText[2999]="Clone Advisor 1: This tunnel will get you near the ship's defense systems." SubtitleSound[3000]="BD1R4500" SubtitleText[3000]="Battle Droid 1: Analyzing control system…." SubtitleSound[3001]="D62R4507" SubtitleText[3001]="Delta 62: I recognize this… a turret control panel." SubtitleSound[3002]="D07R4505" SubtitleText[3002]="Delta 07: I bet those scumbags are trying to turn 'em against us." SubtitleSound[3003]="CA1R4533" SubtitleText[3003]="Clone Advisor 1: This room coordinates ship defenses. " SubtitleSound[3004]="CA1R4534" SubtitleText[3004]="Clone Advisor 1: You'll need to slice into all three computers to link the ship turrets into dumb-fire mode." SubtitleSound[3005]="CA1R4535" SubtitleText[3005]="Clone Advisor 1: Not as effective as manned gunnery, but it's all we've got." SubtitleSound[3006]="CA1R4536" SubtitleText[3006]="Clone Advisor 1: Sensors detect numerous enemies headed your way." SubtitleSound[3007]="CA1R4537" SubtitleText[3007]="Clone Advisor 1: I recommend simultaneous slices to speed things up." SubtitleSound[3008]="CPTR4502" SubtitleText[3008]="Captain Talbot: This is Captain Talbot. We're moving into position." SubtitleSound[3009]="CPTR4503" SubtitleText[3009]="Captain Talbot: What's wrong with your guns, Delta?" SubtitleSound[3010]="CA1R4538" SubtitleText[3010]="Clone Advisor 1: We're working on the problem now." SubtitleSound[3011]="CPTR4504" SubtitleText[3011]="Captain Talbot: Opening fire on the Separatists. They appear willing to stand their ground." SubtitleSound[3012]="CPTR4505" SubtitleText[3012]="Captain Talbot: Delta Advisor, if we don't get some help here, we're going to have to break off. What's your status?" SubtitleSound[3013]="CA1R4539" SubtitleText[3013]="Clone Advisor 1: We're working on it, Captain." SubtitleSound[3014]="D38R4509" SubtitleText[3014]="Delta 38: Guns online! Opening fire!" SubtitleSound[3015]="CPTR4506" SubtitleText[3015]="Captain Talbot: Enemy shields buckling. They're finished." SubtitleSound[3016]="CA1R4540" SubtitleText[3016]="Clone Advisor 1: Victory is ours, Deltas." SubtitleSound[3017]="D38R4510" SubtitleText[3017]="Delta 38: Thanks for the assistance, Captain." SubtitleSound[3018]="CPTR4507" SubtitleText[3018]="Captain Talbot: Glad to be of service, Delta Squad." SubtitleSound[3019]="D07R4506" SubtitleText[3019]="Delta 07: NO one steals a ship from the Republic while we're around." SubtitleSound[3020]="D38R4511" SubtitleText[3020]="Delta 38: What've we got here?" SubtitleSound[3021]="CA1R4541" SubtitleText[3021]="Clone Advisor 1: Thirty eight, slice that terminal to give me control of the overhead rail." SubtitleSound[3022]="CA1R4542" SubtitleText[3022]="Clone Advisor 1: Sit tight. I'm fetching a skyhawk from maintenance." SubtitleSound[3023]="CA1R4543" SubtitleText[3023]="Clone Advisor 1: Here it comes, thirty eight. Do your worst." SubtitleSound[3024]="D40R4506" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 40: 2nd dispenser is down. Prepare for Super Battle droids!" SubtitleSound[3025]="D38R4512" SubtitleText[3025]="Delta 38: Put a demo charge on that regulator." SubtitleSound[3026]="CA1R4544" SubtitleText[3026]="Clone Advisor 1: Another droid dispenser is trying to get through!" SubtitleSound[3027]="D07R4511" SubtitleText[3027]="Delta 07: Eat plasma, clanker!" SubtitleSound[3028]="D40R4511" SubtitleText[3028]="Delta 40: They won't fall for that twice." SubtitleSound[3029]="D62R4513" SubtitleText[3029]="Delta 62: What a depressingly stupid droid." SubtitleSound[3030]="D38R4513" SubtitleText[3030]="Delta 38: Clear that debris, Delta." SubtitleSound[3031]="D38R4514" SubtitleText[3031]="Delta 38: Work fast. We'll watch your back." SubtitleSound[3032]="D38R4515" SubtitleText[3032]="Delta 38: Cover that doorway. Don't let 'em surround us." SubtitleSound[3033]="D38R4516" SubtitleText[3033]="Delta 38: Try to wake that speeder up." SubtitleSound[3034]="D07R4507" SubtitleText[3034]="Delta 07: Why won't these droids just die already?" SubtitleSound[3035]="CA1R4545" SubtitleText[3035]="Clone Advisor 1: Work quickly, squad. That last dispenser is re-routing." SubtitleSound[3036]="D40R4507" SubtitleText[3036]="Delta 40: They're coming back. Positions, sir?" SubtitleSound[3037]="D62R4508" SubtitleText[3037]="Delta 62: They've set off a blaze near the regulator. I'm not gettin' near it." SubtitleSound[3038]="CA1R4546" SubtitleText[3038]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta 38, take up defensive positions a the rear of the hangar. " SubtitleSound[3039]="CA1R4547" SubtitleText[3039]="Clone Advisor 1: I've tracked down some gear that'll help you out…" SubtitleSound[3040]="CA1R4548" SubtitleText[3040]="Clone Advisor 1: … but I can't override the lift controls." SubtitleSound[3041]="CA1R4549" SubtitleText[3041]="Clone Advisor 1: There should be a terminal nearby. " SubtitleSound[3042]="CA1R4550" SubtitleText[3042]="Clone Advisor 1: Get a slicer on it to bring up the lift." SubtitleSound[3043]="CA1R4551" SubtitleText[3043]="Clone Advisor 1: Lift is en route. Hold position until it arrives." SubtitleSound[3044]="CA1R4552" SubtitleText[3044]="Clone Advisor 1: Heavy gear is arriving, thirty eight." SubtitleSound[3045]="D62R4509" SubtitleText[3045]="Delta 62: This beast'll take out that regulator with one shot." SubtitleSound[3046]="CA1R4553" SubtitleText[3046]="Clone Advisor 1: Enter that maintenance tunnel, Deltas." SubtitleSound[3047]="CA1R4554" SubtitleText[3047]="Clone Advisor 1: This tunnel leads to one of the ship turbolasers." SubtitleSound[3048]="CA1R4555" SubtitleText[3048]="Clone Advisor 1: This is the command center for one of the turbolasers." SubtitleSound[3049]="CA1R4556" SubtitleText[3049]="Clone Advisor 1: Get slicing, Delta. I'll keep you covered." SubtitleSound[3050]="CA1R4557" SubtitleText[3050]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold your position, squad. This won't take long." SubtitleSound[3051]="CA1R4559" SubtitleText[3051]="Clone Advisor 1: Droids from the next hangar are entering the area. Finish up and get out of there, thirty-eight. " SubtitleSound[3052]="CA1R4560" SubtitleText[3052]="Clone Advisor 1: I'm opening up access to the maintenance tunnels." SubtitleSound[3053]="D40R4512" SubtitleText[3053]="Delta 40: What's wrong with the force field?" SubtitleSound[3054]="D07R4512" SubtitleText[3054]="Delta 07: Sir, over here." SubtitleSound[3055]="D07R4513" SubtitleText[3055]="Delta 07: I think ...I see it. A Trade Federation Battleship." SubtitleSound[3056]="D38R4517" SubtitleText[3056]="Delta 38: O-kay squad, what've got to work with?" SubtitleSound[3057]="D62R4514" SubtitleText[3057]="Delta 62: We can lay some traps, clear up a few sight lines…" SubtitleSound[3058]="D62R4516" SubtitleText[3058]="Delta 62: Not even you can see into hyperspace, Sev." SubtitleSound[3059]="D07R4514" SubtitleText[3059]="Delta 07: No, it's on the edge of the system. Take a look…" SubtitleSound[3060]="D38R4518" SubtitleText[3060]="Delta 38: They could land anywhere. Let's spread the pain around." SubtitleSound[3061]="D40R4513" SubtitleText[3061]="Delta 40: We can't leave, sir! The jobs not done." SubtitleSound[3062]="D62R4517" SubtitleText[3062]="Delta 62: Oh blast…" SubtitleSound[3063]="D38R4520" SubtitleText[3063]="Delta 38: This will be a challenge." SubtitleSound[3064]="D40R4514" SubtitleText[3064]="Delta 40: Watch out, sir. That force field is unstable." SubtitleSound[3065]="D62R4515" SubtitleText[3065]="Delta 62: Done! Forcefield… seriously... messed up. Sir." SubtitleSound[3066]="D38R4519" SubtitleText[3066]="Delta 38: This hangar is sealed. Let's move on to the next one." SubtitleSound[3067]="D40R4515" SubtitleText[3067]="Delta 40: Hard to believe this is our old ship." SubtitleSound[3068]="D62R4518" SubtitleText[3068]="Delta 62: This place is falling apart." SubtitleSound[3069]="D07R4515" SubtitleText[3069]="Delta 07: Sir, more dispensers heading to the other hangars." SubtitleSound[3070]="CA1R4561" SubtitleText[3070]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, you're not finished. Get back to the hangar!" SubtitleSound[3071]="D40R4516" SubtitleText[3071]="Delta 40: Sir, come back. We're not done here." SubtitleSound[3072]="D62R4519" SubtitleText[3072]="Delta 62: Blasted uglies! Stinkin' up my ship!" SubtitleSound[3073]="D62R4520" SubtitleText[3073]="Delta 62: The situation is getting seriously out of hand!" SubtitleSound[3074]="D38R4521" SubtitleText[3074]="Delta 38: Advance to the next hangar and set up a defense. Move!" SubtitleSound[3075]="D62R4521" SubtitleText[3075]="Delta 62: Why don't we just fly out of here?" SubtitleSound[3076]="D38R4522" SubtitleText[3076]="Delta 38: The ship's engines are in bad shape. We'll need a repair team to get it back to Coruscant." SubtitleSound[3077]="CA1R4562" SubtitleText[3077]="Clone Advisor 1: Alert! Trade Fed vessel deploying another dispenser!" SubtitleSound[3078]="D62R4522" SubtitleText[3078]="Delta 62: No help for you…" SubtitleSound[3079]="D07R4516" SubtitleText[3079]="Delta 07: No escape, scalie!" SubtitleSound[3080]="D38R4523" SubtitleText[3080]="Delta 38: Let's take the direct approach" SubtitleSound[3081]="D62R4523" SubtitleText[3081]="Delta 62: How many kills do I rack for droid dispensers?" SubtitleSound[3082]="D07R4517" SubtitleText[3082]="Delta 07: Only one, Scorch. The sleepers don't count." SubtitleSound[3083]="D62R4524" SubtitleText[3083]="Delta 62: Why not? They're hostiles… just sleeping hostiles..." SubtitleSound[3084]="D40R4517" SubtitleText[3084]="Delta 40: Hold on…" SubtitleSound[3085]="CA1R4563" SubtitleText[3085]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead, do not engage those dispensers directly!" SubtitleSound[3086]="D38R4524" SubtitleText[3086]="Delta 38: No heroics! Everyone stick to cover!" SubtitleSound[3087]="D38R4525" SubtitleText[3087]="Delta 38: Move toward that cargo bay in the back!" SubtitleSound[3088]="D07R4518" SubtitleText[3088]="Delta 07: Okay, we're here, Boss. Now what?" SubtitleSound[3089]="D62R4525" SubtitleText[3089]="Delta 62: I know you're having fun up there, but…" SubtitleSound[3090]="D62R4526" SubtitleText[3090]="Delta 62: … don’t forget to take out the regulator, sir?" SubtitleSound[3091]="D07R4519" SubtitleText[3091]="Delta 07: Gunnery station twelve B." SubtitleSound[3092]="D07R4520" SubtitleText[3092]="Delta 07: I logged a few hours here, back in the day." SubtitleSound[3093]="D07R4521" SubtitleText[3093]="Delta 07: Sir, another Assault Ship in view!" SubtitleSound[3094]="D40R4518" SubtitleText[3094]="Delta 40: What's happening??" SubtitleSound[3095]="D38R4526" SubtitleText[3095]="Delta 38: It's the battleship. Their droid control systems are down!" SubtitleSound[3096]="D07R4522" SubtitleText[3096]="Delta 07: Someone shot something important!" SubtitleSound[3097]="D62R4527" SubtitleText[3097]="Delta 62: Look at that. It's beeeautiful…" SubtitleSound[3098]="D62R4528" SubtitleText[3098]="Delta 62: Let's rename this ship the RAS Lucky Bantha!" SubtitleSound[3099]="D07R4523" SubtitleText[3099]="Delta 07: A little help with these droidekas, sir?" SubtitleSound[3100]="CA1R4564" SubtitleText[3100]="Clone Advisor 1: You'll have to slice all three terminals. " SubtitleSound[3101]="CA1R4565" SubtitleText[3101]="Clone Advisor 1: That will focus all the ship turrets onto the largest enemy target." SubtitleSound[3102]="D40R4519" SubtitleText[3102]="Delta 40: Unmanned gunnery against a battle cruiser?" SubtitleSound[3103]="D38R4527" SubtitleText[3103]="Delta 38: We can give 'em a black eye, at least." SubtitleSound[3104]="D62R4529" SubtitleText[3104]="Delta 62: We'll make 'em regret they day they blew up Delta Squad!" SubtitleSound[3105]="CA1R4566" SubtitleText[3105]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead! Get back to the control room, now!" SubtitleSound[3106]="D62R4530" SubtitleText[3106]="Delta 62: Boss, we can't do it ourselves! " SubtitleSound[3107]="D40R4520" SubtitleText[3107]="Delta 40: Sorry sir, we did our best…" SubtitleSound[3108]="D40R4521" SubtitleText[3108]="Delta 40: Now THAT was satisfying." SubtitleSound[3109]="CA1R4567" SubtitleText[3109]="Clone Advisor 1: Calling all Republic vessels near the Corbantis system. This is an emergency." SubtitleSound[3110]="CA1R4568" SubtitleText[3110]="Clone Advisor 1: Any Republic forces near the Corbantis system, respond immediately!" SubtitleSound[3111]="RSCR4001" SubtitleText[3111]="RAS Ship Computer: Hull integrity compromised." SubtitleSound[3112]="RSCR4002" SubtitleText[3112]="RAS Ship Computer: Hull integrity at 75%" SubtitleSound[3113]="RSCR4003" SubtitleText[3113]="RAS Ship Computer: Hull integrity at 50%" SubtitleSound[3114]="RSCR4004" SubtitleText[3114]="RAS Ship Computer: Hull integrity at 25%" SubtitleSound[3115]="RSCR4005" SubtitleText[3115]="RAS Ship Computer: Navigational systems… failing." SubtitleSound[3116]="RSCR4006" SubtitleText[3116]="RAS Ship Computer: Life-support systems… failing." SubtitleSound[3117]="RSCR4007" SubtitleText[3117]="RAS Ship Computer: Atmospheric compensators… failing." SubtitleSound[3118]="D62R4531" SubtitleText[3118]="Delta 62: Would someone shut that computer up??" SubtitleSound[3119]="RSCR4008" SubtitleText[3119]="RAS Ship Computer: Reactor control systems… failing." SubtitleSound[3120]="RSCR4011" SubtitleText[3120]="RAS Ship Computer: Engines offline." SubtitleSound[3121]="RSCR4012" SubtitleText[3121]="RAS Ship Computer: Shields offline." SubtitleSound[3122]="CA1R4569" SubtitleText[3122]="Clone Advisor 1: Accessing…it leads to a landing bay."