[Subtitles_YYY_03] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1Y3500" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Team, do you copy? Repeat, Delta, do you copy?" SubtitleSound[2929]="D38Y3500" SubtitleText[2929]="Delta 38: Ugh, this is Three-Eight, we copy." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1Y3501" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: What's your situation?" SubtitleSound[2931]="D38Y3501" SubtitleText[2931]="Delta 38: Our ship's hanging from a tree. It's useless, and the pilot's dead." SubtitleSound[2932]="CA1Y3502" SubtitleText[2932]="Clone Advisor 1: Four-Two's dead? That's… a shame. He served the Republic well." SubtitleSound[2933]="D38Y3502" SubtitleText[2933]="Delta 38: The remainder of Delta is... accounted for." SubtitleSound[2934]="CA1Y3503" SubtitleText[2934]="Clone Advisor 1: Understood, proceed with your mission." SubtitleSound[2935]="CA1Y3504" SubtitleText[2935]="Clone Advisor 1: Investigate Trandoshan activity in the area." SubtitleSound[2936]="CA1Y3505" SubtitleText[2936]="Clone Advisor 1: We'll send a ship for you when we can." SubtitleSound[2937]="D38Y3503" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 38: You heard the man, let's get going." SubtitleSound[2938]="D07Y3500" SubtitleText[2938]="Delta 07: That was bumpier than usual." SubtitleSound[2939]="D62Y3500" SubtitleText[2939]="Delta 62: Rule 45, Sev: Any crash you can walk away from is a good one." SubtitleSound[2940]="D62Y3501" SubtitleText[2940]="Delta 62: Something must have spooked those crits." SubtitleSound[2941]="D40Y3500" SubtitleText[2941]="Delta 40: It's a Trandoshan patrol!" SubtitleSound[2942]="D38Y3504" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 38: Take 'em out!" SubtitleSound[2943]="D40Y3501" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 40: Looks like a textbook perimeter defense of a Trando camp." SubtitleSound[2944]="D62Y3502" SubtitleText[2944]="Delta 62: Either that or the Wookiees have taken up landscaping." SubtitleSound[2945]="D38Y3505" SubtitleText[2945]="Delta 38: Sir, the Trandos have set up a camp here." SubtitleSound[2946]="CA1Y3506" SubtitleText[2946]="Clone Advisor 1: Understood, continue your recon." SubtitleSound[2947]="D38Y3506" SubtitleText[2947]="Delta 38: Grenades! Take cover!" SubtitleSound[2948]="D07Y3501" SubtitleText[2948]="Delta 07: It's a Slaver rush!" SubtitleSound[2949]="D38Y3507" SubtitleText[2949]="Delta 38: Drop 'em!" SubtitleSound[2950]="D40Y3502" SubtitleText[2950]="Delta 40: Looks like they've dug themselves in." SubtitleSound[2951]="D38Y3508" SubtitleText[2951]="Delta 38: Droids? What are they doing here?" SubtitleSound[2952]="D07Y3502" SubtitleText[2952]="Delta 07: Look out! It's a missile turret!" SubtitleSound[2953]="D38Y3509" SubtitleText[2953]="Delta 38: Sir, we've eliminated the Trando's perimeter defenses." SubtitleSound[2954]="D40Y3503" SubtitleText[2954]="Delta 40: Looks a little large for a camp, sir." SubtitleSound[2955]="CA1Y3507" SubtitleText[2955]="Clone Advisor 1: Good work, Deltas." SubtitleSound[2956]="CA1Y3508" SubtitleText[2956]="Clone Advisor 1: Proceed inside and ascertain the nature of the camp." SubtitleSound[2957]="D38Y3510" SubtitleText[2957]="Delta 38: It LOOKS like a Trando compound, but they've got droids guarding it." SubtitleSound[2958]="CA1Y3509" SubtitleText[2958]="Clone Advisor 1: Continue your recon of the compound." SubtitleSound[2959]="D38Y3511" SubtitleText[2959]="Delta 38: Those look like Separatist supply crates." SubtitleSound[2960]="D62Y3503" SubtitleText[2960]="Delta 62: This place is lousy with droids!" SubtitleSound[2961]="D38Y3512" SubtitleText[2961]="Delta 38: These supplies are too good for the Trandos. Let's take 'em out." SubtitleSound[2962]="D07Y3503" SubtitleText[2962]="Delta 07: It's a droid dispenser!" SubtitleSound[2963]="D62Y3504" SubtitleText[2963]="Delta 62: Bloody perfect." SubtitleSound[2964]="D40Y3504" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 40: Take cover!" SubtitleSound[2965]="D38Y3513" SubtitleText[2965]="Delta 38: Hmmm. More Separatist supplies." SubtitleSound[2966]="D62Y3505" SubtitleText[2966]="Delta 62: One's and anomaly, two's a trend. Rule 89, boss." SubtitleSound[2967]="D38Y3514" SubtitleText[2967]="Delta 38: Sir, I think we've stumbled across a Separatist supply base." SubtitleSound[2968]="CA1Y3510" SubtitleText[2968]="Clone Advisor 1: They must be using it as a staging area for their assault on Kashyyyk." SubtitleSound[2969]="CA1Y3511" SubtitleText[2969]="Clone Advisor 1: Understood, Three-Eight. We'll start conducting more thorough scans of the compound." SubtitleSound[2970]="CA1Y3512" SubtitleText[2970]="Clone Advisor 1: In the meantime, disrupt their operations by any means possible." SubtitleSound[2971]="D38Y3515" SubtitleText[2971]="Delta 38: That droid is activating a minefield down there." SubtitleSound[2972]="D38Y3516" SubtitleText[2972]="Delta 38: Let's see if we can arrange a little surprise for them." SubtitleSound[2973]="D07Y3504" SubtitleText[2973]="Delta 07: That was fulfilling." SubtitleSound[2974]="D07Y3505" SubtitleText[2974]="Delta 07: It's a Trando dropship!" SubtitleSound[2975]="D40Y3505" SubtitleText[2975]="Delta 40: They're bringing in reinforcements!" SubtitleSound[2976]="D38Y3517" SubtitleText[2976]="Delta 38: Destroy that landing pad!" SubtitleSound[2977]="D62Y3506" SubtitleText[2977]="Delta 62: Oh look. The base has ANOTHER level." SubtitleSound[2978]="CA1Y3513" SubtitleText[2978]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Squad, proceed to the lower level of the base." SubtitleSound[2979]="CA1Y3514" SubtitleText[2979]="Clone Advisor 1: Scans indicate more ships in the vicinity." SubtitleSound[2980]="CA1Y3515" SubtitleText[2980]="Clone Advisor 1: There must be another landing pad in the base." SubtitleSound[2981]="CA1Y3516" SubtitleText[2981]="Clone Advisor 1: Put the base out of commission, once and for all!" SubtitleSound[2982]="CA1Y3517" SubtitleText[2982]="Clone Advisor 1: We'll provide air support as soon as possible." SubtitleSound[2983]="D38Y3518" SubtitleText[2983]="Delta 38: Take out that missile turret!" SubtitleSound[2984]="D62Y3507" SubtitleText[2984]="Delta 62: Another missile turret. Brilliant." SubtitleSound[2985]="D40Y3506" SubtitleText[2985]="Delta 40: Try to flank them!" SubtitleSound[2986]="D07Y3506" SubtitleText[2986]="Delta 07: That Merc couldn't hit the broadside of an assault ship." SubtitleSound[2987]="D62Y3508" SubtitleText[2987]="Delta 62: Did you see that?!" SubtitleSound[2988]="D40Y3507" SubtitleText[2988]="Delta 40: Looks like we've got our hands full." SubtitleSound[2989]="D07Y3507" SubtitleText[2989]="Delta 07: He's slower than a Gungan tree sloth!" SubtitleSound[2990]="D62Y3509" SubtitleText[2990]="Delta 62: You've got to be kidding me." SubtitleSound[2991]="D40Y3508" SubtitleText[2991]="Delta 40: Droid dispensers! Kill 'em all!" SubtitleSound[2992]="D62Y3510" SubtitleText[2992]="Delta 62: Well, it's about time!" SubtitleSound[2993]="D07Y3508" SubtitleText[2993]="Delta 07: There's our ride." SubtitleSound[2994]="D38Y3519" SubtitleText[2994]="Delta 38: Deltas, let's get out of here!" SubtitleSound[2995]="CA1Y3518" SubtitleText[2995]="Clone Advisor 1: We're not going far, Delta! The Separatists areplanting their flag in Kashyyyk, and it's up to us to yank it out!" SubtitleSound[2996]="D62Y3511" SubtitleText[2996]="Delta 62: Berserkers! They're coming through their own mine field!" SubtitleSound[2997]="D62Y3512" SubtitleText[2997]="Delta 62: Are they stupid or crazy??!" SubtitleSound[2998]="D38Y3520" SubtitleText[2998]="Delta 38: Trenches…Trandoshans have really dug in here. Not good." SubtitleSound[2999]="D07Y3509" SubtitleText[2999]="Delta 07: Berserkers!" SubtitleSound[3000]="CA1Y3519" SubtitleText[3000]="Clone Advisor 1: Scans indicate more hostiles on your vector." SubtitleSound[3001]="CA1Y3520" SubtitleText[3001]="Clone Advisor 1: Prepare yourselves for hard contact." SubtitleSound[3002]="D62Y3513" SubtitleText[3002]="Delta 62: Here they come!" SubtitleSound[3003]="D38Y3521" SubtitleText[3003]="Delta 38: Get the one on the tower!" SubtitleSound[3004]="D38Y3522" SubtitleText[3004]="Delta 38: Watch it. That minefield is active and engaged." SubtitleSound[3005]="D38Y3523" SubtitleText[3005]="Delta 38: Fixer, there's a droid up there controlling the minefield." SubtitleSound[3006]="D40Y3509" SubtitleText[3006]="Delta 40: Roger that." SubtitleSound[3007]="D38Y3524" SubtitleText[3007]="Delta 38: That droid is deactivating the minefield." SubtitleSound[3008]="D40Y3510" SubtitleText[3008]="Delta 40: Watch for enemy droids!" SubtitleSound[3009]="D38Y3525" SubtitleText[3009]="Delta 38: The minefield is active!" SubtitleSound[3010]="D38Y3526" SubtitleText[3010]="Delta 38: The mines have been deactivated!" SubtitleSound[3011]="D38Y3527" SubtitleText[3011]="Delta 38: Someone get to the controls and reactivate them!" SubtitleSound[3012]="D07Y3510" SubtitleText[3012]="Delta 07: There they go!" SubtitleSound[3013]="D07Y3511" SubtitleText[3013]="Delta 07: Heh heh heh… stupid droids." SubtitleSound[3014]="D38Y3528" SubtitleText[3014]="Delta 38: You heard him: Annihilate this base!" SubtitleSound[3015]="D40Y3511" SubtitleText[3015]="Delta 40: Hostile reinforcements: Rappelling in! " SubtitleSound[3016]="D62Y3514" SubtitleText[3016]="Delta 62: Keep your eyes on the skies!" SubtitleSound[3017]="D38Y3529" SubtitleText[3017]="Delta 38: Advisor: I believe the Separatists are using this base as a staging area for their attack on the Wookiees." SubtitleSound[3018]="CA1Y3521" SubtitleText[3018]="Clone Advisor 1: Copy that. I'll alert Command." SubtitleSound[3019]="D38Y3530" SubtitleText[3019]="Delta 38: This place is more than just a Trando supply base." SubtitleSound[3020]="D38Y3531" SubtitleText[3020]="Delta 38: The Separatists are definitely involved here." SubtitleSound[3021]="D40Y3512" SubtitleText[3021]="Delta 40: Sir, maybe we can drop that crate on the spider droid!" SubtitleSound[3022]="D38Y3532" SubtitleText[3022]="Delta 38: Good idea, Fixer. Find the controls to that crane!" SubtitleSound[3023]="D40Y3513" SubtitleText[3023]="Delta 40: Crane interface over near those supply crates, sir!" SubtitleSound[3024]="D62Y3515" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 62: Man, this place gives me the creeps." SubtitleSound[3025]="D07Y3512" SubtitleText[3025]="Delta 07: Ah, Scorch... Nothing better than a jungle hunt. Hiding in the bush, putting a plasma bolt through a hostile's cranium… makes me feel alive." SubtitleSound[3026]="D62Y3516" SubtitleText[3026]="Delta 62: Okay, now Oh-Seven's giving me the creeps."