[Subtitles_YYY_04] SubtitleSound[2928]="CA1Y4001" SubtitleText[2928]="Clone Advisor 1: The Trandoshans have launched a surprise invasion of the tree city of Kichirho. In one concentrated attack they've taken control of half the city. Now they're focucing on a bridge leading to the other half." SubtitleSound[2929]="CA1Y4002" SubtitleText[2929]="Clone Advisor 1: The nature of this attack reveals that they are expecting reinforcements, and the communications disruption confirms this. Expect Separatist landers heading down in large numbers." SubtitleSound[2930]="CA1Y4004" SubtitleText[2930]="Clone Advisor 1: The Wookiees were unprepared for the initial assault. The survivors retreated via this bridge." SubtitleSound[2931]="CA1Y4005" SubtitleText[2931]="Clone Advisor 1: They are using the bridge as a bottleneck, to hold off the enemy while they organize an offensive." SubtitleSound[2932]="CA1Y4006" SubtitleText[2932]="Clone Advisor 1: Whoever controls this bridge controls the city." SubtitleSound[2933]="CA1Y4007" SubtitleText[2933]="Clone Advisor 1: The battle is currently a stalemate -- we're here to end that." SubtitleSound[2934]="CA1Y4008" SubtitleText[2934]="Clone Advisor 1: The plan is simple this time. Drive 'em back and regain the bridge." SubtitleSound[2935]="D40Y4001" SubtitleText[2935]="Delta 40: This is frontline combat. Where are the grunts? " SubtitleSound[2936]="CA1Y4009" SubtitleText[2936]="Clone Advisor 1: This is your mission, do not wait for help." SubtitleSound[2937]="D38Y4001" SubtitleText[2937]="Delta 38: Let's just hope Coruscant figures out why our signal stopped" SubtitleSound[2938]="D38Y4002" SubtitleText[2938]="Delta 38: The Wookiees are spread thin. They'll help us wherever they can." SubtitleSound[2939]="D38Y4003" SubtitleText[2939]="Delta 38: They've sealed the cargo bulkheads. Can we open these up?" SubtitleSound[2940]="CA1Y4010" SubtitleText[2940]="Clone Advisor 1: Negative. They're sealed to slow the enemy down. Find a side route around each bulkhead." SubtitleSound[2941]="D38Y4004" SubtitleText[2941]="Delta 38: Rail turrets!" SubtitleSound[2942]="D38Y4005" SubtitleText[2942]="Delta 38: Cover us from here!" SubtitleSound[2943]="D38Y4006" SubtitleText[2943]="Delta 38: See if you can free up that rail turret." SubtitleSound[2944]="D38Y4007" SubtitleText[2944]="Delta 38: Careful. Sniper in the opposite tower." SubtitleSound[2945]="D38Y4008" SubtitleText[2945]="Delta 38: They're on the run! Move!" SubtitleSound[2946]="D07Y4001" SubtitleText[2946]="Delta 07: These guys are a step up from the usual Trando scum." SubtitleSound[2947]="D38Y4009" SubtitleText[2947]="Delta 38: They're trained military, not just slavers." SubtitleSound[2948]="D38Y4010" SubtitleText[2948]="Delta 38: Take the upper level!" SubtitleSound[2949]="D38Y4011" SubtitleText[2949]="Delta 38: Area's wide open. They'll be using conc rifles here." SubtitleSound[2950]="D38Y4012" SubtitleText[2950]="Delta 38: Spread out a bit." SubtitleSound[2951]="D40Y4002" SubtitleText[2951]="Delta 40: Don't move! There's something here." SubtitleSound[2952]="D62Y4001" SubtitleText[2952]="Delta 62: They left us a present." SubtitleSound[2953]="D38Y4013" SubtitleText[2953]="Delta 38: Disarm that sequencer." SubtitleSound[2954]="D07Y4002" SubtitleText[2954]="Delta 07: Where'd they go?" SubtitleSound[2955]="D38Y4014" SubtitleText[2955]="Delta 38: They're lyin low. Be prepared for anything." SubtitleSound[2956]="D07Y4003" SubtitleText[2956]="Delta 07: Stinkin' lizards hav pinned us down!" SubtitleSound[2957]="D38Y4015" SubtitleText[2957]="Delta 38: We need cover. " SubtitleSound[2958]="D38Y4016" SubtitleText[2958]="Delta 38: Target that building and chase 'em out!" SubtitleSound[2959]="CA1Y4011" SubtitleText[2959]="Clone Advisor 1: Be advised. Separatist landers spotted about 20 klicks out." SubtitleSound[2960]="D62Y4003" SubtitleText[2960]="Delta 62: Which way are they headed?" SubtitleSound[2961]="CA1Y4012" SubtitleText[2961]="Clone Advisor 1: Uncertain. But they're close enough to strike at your location." SubtitleSound[2962]="D38Y4017" SubtitleText[2962]="Delta 38: We're not prepared to take on the whole Separatist army." SubtitleSound[2963]="D07Y4004" SubtitleText[2963]="Delta 07: Hold up! Another sequencer!" SubtitleSound[2964]="D62Y4004" SubtitleText[2964]="Delta 62: I'm on it." SubtitleSound[2965]="CA1Y4015" SubtitleText[2965]="Clone Advisor 1: Alert! Separatist troop ships spotted-" SubtitleSound[2966]="D40Y4003" SubtitleText[2966]="Delta 40: Trade Federation design. Troop carrier." SubtitleSound[2967]="D40Y4004" SubtitleText[2967]="Delta 40: There's a batallion of droids on that ship." SubtitleSound[2968]="D38Y4021" SubtitleText[2968]="Delta 38: Keep going. The job's not done." SubtitleSound[2969]="D62Y4007" SubtitleText[2969]="Delta 62: Incoming heavies!" SubtitleSound[2970]="CA1Y4016" SubtitleText[2970]="Clone Advisor 1: Can you locate a defensive position?" SubtitleSound[2971]="D38Y4023" SubtitleText[2971]="Delta 38: Negative. Best we can do is slow 'em down!" SubtitleSound[2972]="D38Y4024" SubtitleText[2972]="Delta 38: Fall back!" SubtitleSound[2973]="D38Y4025" SubtitleText[2973]="Delta 38: Get one of those traps ready!" SubtitleSound[2974]="D38Y4026" SubtitleText[2974]="Delta 38: Plant a sequencer while we hold 'em off!" SubtitleSound[2975]="D62Y4009" SubtitleText[2975]="Delta 62: Sequencer planted!" SubtitleSound[2976]="D38Y4027" SubtitleText[2976]="Delta 38: Let's go! " SubtitleSound[2977]="DC1Y4001" SubtitleText[2977]="Droid Commander 1: Regroup! Infantry, take the lead!" SubtitleSound[2978]="D07Y4006" SubtitleText[2978]="Delta 07: More of those damn Scav droids! " SubtitleSound[2979]="D40Y4005" SubtitleText[2979]="Delta 40: They're ignoring us… " SubtitleSound[2980]="D07Y4007" SubtitleText[2980]="Delta 07: Good. I hate those things." SubtitleSound[2981]="D38Y4028" SubtitleText[2981]="Delta 38: Put another mine right there." SubtitleSound[2982]="D62Y4010" SubtitleText[2982]="Delta 62: Armed and ready, boss." SubtitleSound[2983]="D38Y4029" SubtitleText[2983]="Delta 38: Move out. Back to the loading dock!" SubtitleSound[2984]="DC1Y4002" SubtitleText[2984]="Droid Commander 1: Regroup! Droideka reinforcements needed!" SubtitleSound[2985]="D07Y4008" SubtitleText[2985]="Delta 07: Watch out for Trando stragglers." SubtitleSound[2986]="CA1Y4018" SubtitleText[2986]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Three-eight, be on guard….. incoming enemy troops. Large detachment." SubtitleSound[2987]="D40Y4007" SubtitleText[2987]="Delta 40: What the …?" SubtitleSound[2988]="D38Y4030" SubtitleText[2988]="Delta 38: Command, the Trandoshans have brought some help." SubtitleSound[2989]="D62Y4012" SubtitleText[2989]="Delta 62: Our guns are just making it angry!" SubtitleSound[2990]="D40Y4008" SubtitleText[2990]="Delta 40: We'd better figure something before the Seps get here!" SubtitleSound[2991]="D62Y4013" SubtitleText[2991]="Delta 62: Charge set! Get back!" SubtitleSound[2992]="D62Y4014" SubtitleText[2992]="Delta 62: Rule 73: When you need something knocked over, get a wookie." SubtitleSound[2993]="D40Y4009" SubtitleText[2993]="Delta 40: We're right behind you, sir." SubtitleSound[2994]="CA1Y4025" SubtitleText[2994]="Clone Advisor 1: The Wookiees are losing the bridge. As long as it stands, the Trade Federation has a place to land. And easy access to Wookiee territory." SubtitleSound[2995]="D62Y4015" SubtitleText[2995]="Delta 62: Won't this vector send us deeper into Separatist territory?" SubtitleSound[2996]="DC1Y4003" SubtitleText[2996]="Droid Commander 1: Regroup! Resupply!" SubtitleSound[2997]="D38Y4033" SubtitleText[2997]="Delta 38: First charge planted." SubtitleSound[2998]="D38Y4034" SubtitleText[2998]="Delta 38: Look out! They've found us!" SubtitleSound[2999]="D38Y4035" SubtitleText[2999]="Delta 38: One more charge to go." SubtitleSound[3000]="D38Y4037" SubtitleText[3000]="Delta 38: It's done! Move, move, move! " SubtitleSound[3001]="D38Y4038" SubtitleText[3001]="Delta 38: Don't look back! Just run!" SubtitleSound[3002]="CA1Y4029" SubtitleText[3002]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold your position. I'm consulting the Wookiee leadership right now. " SubtitleSound[3003]="CA1Y4031" SubtitleText[3003]="Clone Advisor 1: You should have a visual on your help." SubtitleSound[3004]="CA1Y4034" SubtitleText[3004]="Clone Advisor 1: Wookiees have arrived to help out." SubtitleSound[3005]="CA1Y4039" SubtitleText[3005]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta_62 is down! Get over there and help him out!" SubtitleSound[3006]="D07Y4010" SubtitleText[3006]="Delta 07: Incoming message from advisor…" SubtitleSound[3007]="D07Y4011" SubtitleText[3007]="Delta 07: Receiving transmission…" SubtitleSound[3008]="CA1Y4040" SubtitleText[3008]="Clone Advisor 1: Transmission beginning on frequency 4-27G…." SubtitleSound[3009]="D62Y4018" SubtitleText[3009]="Delta 62: Approaching Tree City and Landing Area, Guns up" SubtitleSound[3010]="CA1Y4064" SubtitleText[3010]="Clone Advisor 1: We're getting close to a heavy engagement area. I'm pulling back and will take up observation altitude above the canopy." SubtitleSound[3011]="CA1Y4065" SubtitleText[3011]="Clone Advisor 1: The Wookiee dropship will escort you the rest of the way to the landing zone." SubtitleSound[3012]="CA1Y4066" SubtitleText[3012]="Clone Advisor 1: Looks like you are on your own. I'm sending your pilot the rough coordinates for the LZ. Advisor out." SubtitleSound[3013]="CA1Y4041" SubtitleText[3013]="Clone Advisor 1: Advisor out." SubtitleSound[3014]="CA1Y4042" SubtitleText[3014]="Clone Advisor 1: The Separatists have touched down and are starting to deploy." SubtitleSound[3015]="CA1Y4043" SubtitleText[3015]="Clone Advisor 1: Your squad must reach the weakest point on this bridge -- a narrow span in the center -- and destroy it." SubtitleSound[3016]="CA1Y4044" SubtitleText[3016]="Clone Advisor 1: That will sever the link between Separatist and Wookiee territory." SubtitleSound[3017]="CA1Y4045" SubtitleText[3017]="Clone Advisor 1: Move fast. If the Separatists reach the span first, they'll make your job a lot harder." SubtitleSound[3018]="CA1Y4200" SubtitleText[3018]="Clone Advisor 1: Be on the lookout for Wookiees in need of assistance." SubtitleSound[3019]="CA1Y4047" SubtitleText[3019]="Clone Advisor 1: Alert! Be on the lookout for the Wookiee leader Tarfful. He's pinned down up ahead. Get up there and help him out!" SubtitleSound[3020]="D38Y4041" SubtitleText[3020]="Delta 38: It's Tarfful - he looks like he's doing just fine." SubtitleSound[3021]="D38Y4042" SubtitleText[3021]="Delta 38: It's Tarfful - looks like he doesn't need our help." SubtitleSound[3022]="D38Y4043" SubtitleText[3022]="Delta 38: Sir, we've located Tarfful. What are your orders?" SubtitleSound[3023]="CA1Y4048" SubtitleText[3023]="Clone Advisor 1: Good work, Three-eight. Tell him his presence is needed at the drop zone. He can make it back on his own." SubtitleSound[3024]="D38Y4044" SubtitleText[3024]="Delta 38: Roger that." SubtitleSound[3025]="D38Y4200" SubtitleText[3025]="Delta 38: Tarfful, we have orders to continue clearing this area. Your presence is requested back at our drop zone. Do you require an escort?" SubtitleSound[3026]="CA1Y4201" SubtitleText[3026]="Clone Advisor 1: Tarfful has confirmed the best location to plant the bombs is just ahead, on the suspension cables." SubtitleSound[3027]="CA1Y4050" SubtitleText[3027]="Clone Advisor 1: Keep advancing. Tarfful will bring up the rear and take care of stragglers." SubtitleSound[3028]="D38Y4046" SubtitleText[3028]="Delta 38: Guns ready, squad. They'll be waiting for us. I think we made a good impression." SubtitleSound[3029]="D38Y4047" SubtitleText[3029]="Delta 38: We got here just in time. Drive those Mercenaries back!" SubtitleSound[3030]="CA1Y4051" SubtitleText[3030]="Clone Advisor 1: Be careful with the firepower until he's clear." SubtitleSound[3031]="CA1Y4052" SubtitleText[3031]="Clone Advisor 1: They're coming from that doorway up ahead!" SubtitleSound[3032]="D38Y4048" SubtitleText[3032]="Delta 38: They killed the lights. " SubtitleSound[3033]="D38Y4201" SubtitleText[3033]="Delta 38: Lights up. Squad." SubtitleSound[3034]="D38Y4050" SubtitleText[3034]="Delta 38: Squad, turn on your headlights." SubtitleSound[3035]="D38Y4202" SubtitleText[3035]="Delta 38: Let's commandeer that rail turret." SubtitleSound[3036]="D38Y4052" SubtitleText[3036]="Delta 38: Another turret, heavy fire!" SubtitleSound[3037]="D38Y4053" SubtitleText[3037]="Delta 38: Blast! Another turret! We've got to take it before we can secure that door." SubtitleSound[3038]="D38Y4054" SubtitleText[3038]="Delta 38: Too much resistance for the Gunship - take down those turrets!" SubtitleSound[3039]="CA1Y4053" SubtitleText[3039]="Clone Advisor 1: Too much resistance for the Gunship - take down those turrets!" SubtitleSound[3040]="D38Y4055" SubtitleText[3040]="Delta 38: Spread out! They're using concussion rifles." SubtitleSound[3041]="D38Y4056" SubtitleText[3041]="Delta 38: Heads up - they're using concussion rifles." SubtitleSound[3042]="D38Y4057" SubtitleText[3042]="Delta 38: Loading Dock is secure." SubtitleSound[3043]="D38Y4058" SubtitleText[3043]="Delta 38: Incoming!" SubtitleSound[3044]="D38Y4203" SubtitleText[3044]="Delta 38: We need to get past that barricade!" SubtitleSound[3045]="D38Y4060" SubtitleText[3045]="Delta 38: Look for a weak spot to blast our way through." SubtitleSound[3046]="D38Y4061" SubtitleText[3046]="Delta 38: Get a demo charge ready!" SubtitleSound[3047]="D07Y4012" SubtitleText[3047]="Delta 07: Look out. Snipers on the balcony!" SubtitleSound[3048]="D38Y4062" SubtitleText[3048]="Delta 38: Mercenaries are dropping in from the skylight!" SubtitleSound[3049]="D38Y4063" SubtitleText[3049]="Delta 38: Mercenaries, rappelling!" SubtitleSound[3050]="D38Y4064" SubtitleText[3050]="Delta 38: We've got mercenaries on ziplines." SubtitleSound[3051]="D38Y4065" SubtitleText[3051]="Delta 38: Droidekas!" SubtitleSound[3052]="D38Y4066" SubtitleText[3052]="Delta 38: Grenades!" SubtitleSound[3053]="D38Y4067" SubtitleText[3053]="Delta 38: Slavers - watch for grenades." SubtitleSound[3054]="D38Y4068" SubtitleText[3054]="Delta 38: More mercenaries!" SubtitleSound[3055]="D38Y4069" SubtitleText[3055]="Delta 38: Mercenaries - watch for grenades." SubtitleSound[3056]="D38Y4070" SubtitleText[3056]="Delta 38: Slavers!" SubtitleSound[3057]="D38Y4071" SubtitleText[3057]="Delta 38: Slavers! What are they doing here? " SubtitleSound[3058]="D38Y4072" SubtitleText[3058]="Delta 38: Scavengers!" SubtitleSound[3059]="D38Y4073" SubtitleText[3059]="Delta 38: More Droids!" SubtitleSound[3060]="D38Y4074" SubtitleText[3060]="Delta 38: Dwarf Spider Droid - don't settle down, squad! It is armed with homing missiles!" SubtitleSound[3061]="D38Y4075" SubtitleText[3061]="Delta 38: That Dwarf Spider Droid has a thick shell. Need to switch to armor piercing rounds." SubtitleSound[3062]="D38Y4076" SubtitleText[3062]="Delta 38: Squad, switch to anti-armor!" SubtitleSound[3063]="D38Y4077" SubtitleText[3063]="Delta 38: More on the way. Hold your position! " SubtitleSound[3064]="D38Y4078" SubtitleText[3064]="Delta 38: HQ, the Separatists are down and are sending scout parties. " SubtitleSound[3065]="CA1Y4054" SubtitleText[3065]="Clone Advisor 1: Keep at it, Three-eight." SubtitleSound[3066]="D38Y4204" SubtitleText[3066]="Delta 38: Sir, we've got droids… lots of them." SubtitleSound[3067]="CA1Y4055" SubtitleText[3067]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Three-eight, I need an update." SubtitleSound[3068]="CA1Y4056" SubtitleText[3068]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Three-eight, circumnavigate!" SubtitleSound[3069]="CA1Y4057" SubtitleText[3069]="Clone Advisor 1: What is your status, Three-eight?" SubtitleSound[3070]="D38Y4080" SubtitleText[3070]="Delta 38: Heavy Droid resistance. Nothing we can't handle." SubtitleSound[3071]="CA1Y4058" SubtitleText[3071]="Clone Advisor 1: Did you equip the anti-armor attachment?" SubtitleSound[3072]="D38Y4081" SubtitleText[3072]="Delta 38: Yes, sir. " SubtitleSound[3073]="D38Y4082" SubtitleText[3073]="Delta 38: Ambush!" SubtitleSound[3074]="D38Y4083" SubtitleText[3074]="Delta 38: Cover me." SubtitleSound[3075]="D38Y4084" SubtitleText[3075]="Delta 38: Watch for a counterattack." SubtitleSound[3076]="D38Y4085" SubtitleText[3076]="Delta 38: I'll watch your back." SubtitleSound[3077]="D38Y4086" SubtitleText[3077]="Delta 38: We found the "suspension cables." One heavy charge on each side should do it." SubtitleSound[3078]="CA1Y4059" SubtitleText[3078]="Clone Advisor 1: Locate the "suspension cables." One heavy charge on each side should do it." SubtitleSound[3079]="CA1Y4060" SubtitleText[3079]="Clone Advisor 1: The structure is already weak. Look for areas to plant a couple more charges." SubtitleSound[3080]="D38Y4087" SubtitleText[3080]="Delta 38: Bombs set, area clear, sir. " SubtitleSound[3081]="D38Y4088" SubtitleText[3081]="Delta 38: Bombs set, area clear - let's get to safety and blow this thing." SubtitleSound[3082]="CA1Y4062" SubtitleText[3082]="Clone Advisor 1: Good. We're sending a gunship now. Find a safe zone inside the structure, and wait." SubtitleSound[3083]="CA1Y4063" SubtitleText[3083]="Clone Advisor 1: Good. Head for cover and get ready to snipe those demo charges." SubtitleSound[3084]="CA1Y4061" SubtitleText[3084]="Clone Advisor 1: That's one. Now find another weak spot." SubtitleSound[3085]="D38Y4089" SubtitleText[3085]="Delta 38: Here comes the gunship - let's watch the thing blow!" SubtitleSound[3086]="D38Y4090" SubtitleText[3086]="Delta 38: BAAAAM!" SubtitleSound[3087]="D40Y4503" SubtitleText[3087]="Delta 40: Hostiles have breached the bulkhead!" SubtitleSound[3088]="D38Y4514" SubtitleText[3088]="Delta 38: We’ve got a breach here! " SubtitleSound[3089]="D07Y4505" SubtitleText[3089]="Delta 07: Looks like the Wookiees need to work on their welding skills!" SubtitleSound[3090]="D62Y4504" SubtitleText[3090]="Delta 62: What do you want? They're not commandos." SubtitleSound[3091]="CA1Y4514" SubtitleText[3091]="Clone Advisor 1: Lead, recommend you put a couple of thermals in that breach. The resulting debris should hold off any further incursions." SubtitleSound[3092]="D38Y4515" SubtitleText[3092]="Delta 38: Copy that." SubtitleSound[3093]="D40Y4504" SubtitleText[3093]="Delta 40: Grenadiers on the upper level!" SubtitleSound[3094]="D38Y4516" SubtitleText[3094]="Delta 38: Take out those grenadiers!" SubtitleSound[3095]="D38Y4517" SubtitleText[3095]="Delta 38: I need suppressing fire on those grenadiers!" SubtitleSound[3096]="D62Y4505" SubtitleText[3096]="Delta 62: I'm getting shredded here!" SubtitleSound[3097]="D07Y4506" SubtitleText[3097]="Delta 07: On my way, Scorch!" SubtitleSound[3098]="CA1Y4515" SubtitleText[3098]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta Lead: Trandoshans have breached the concourse!" SubtitleSound[3099]="D38Y4518" SubtitleText[3099]="Delta 38: Have they now?" SubtitleSound[3100]="D38Y4519" SubtitleText[3100]="Delta 38: Oh really?" SubtitleSound[3101]="D38Y4520" SubtitleText[3101]="Delta 38: I never would have guessed." SubtitleSound[3102]="CA1Y4516" SubtitleText[3102]="Clone Advisor 1: Seal that hole, squad!" SubtitleSound[3103]="D40Y4505" SubtitleText[3103]="Delta 40: Sir, let's bring that tree branch down. That should hold 'em." SubtitleSound[3104]="D38Y4521" SubtitleText[3104]="Delta 38: Let’s trim these trees a bit!" SubtitleSound[3105]="D62Y4506" SubtitleText[3105]="Delta 62: Boss, with all due respect: Blow up that tree branch already!" SubtitleSound[3106]="CA1Y4517" SubtitleText[3106]="Clone Advisor 1: Good news, Three-Eight. I've found you some heavier firepower. " SubtitleSound[3107]="CA1Y4518" SubtitleText[3107]="Clone Advisor 1: There should be a Rocket Launcher in that area. See if you can find it." SubtitleSound[3108]="CA1Y4519" SubtitleText[3108]="Clone Advisor 1: Good job, Lead. The concourse is secure, but that’s not going to hold them for long. Tactical advance to the loading dock." SubtitleSound[3109]="CA1Y4520" SubtitleText[3109]="Clone Advisor 1: We need to push them back to the Center Span. " SubtitleSound[3110]="D38Y4522" SubtitleText[3110]="Delta 38: Come on, Squad. Let's push them back to that Center Span" SubtitleSound[3111]="D38Y4523" SubtitleText[3111]="Delta 38: Set visor mode to night vision, Delta. Full spectrum enhancement." SubtitleSound[3112]="D62Y4507" SubtitleText[3112]="Delta 62: Bet they don't know we can see in the dark." SubtitleSound[3113]="CA1Y4521" SubtitleText[3113]="Clone Advisor 1: Good job. Loading dock secure. Advance to Center Span." SubtitleSound[3114]="CA1Y4522" SubtitleText[3114]="Clone Advisor 1: Step on it, Delta. We need to hold that span, or it's gonna be a nightmare for the infantry." SubtitleSound[3115]="CA1Y4523" SubtitleText[3115]="Clone Advisor 1: If the Separatists reach the Center Span before you do, the city will be lost." SubtitleSound[3116]="CA1Y4524" SubtitleText[3116]="Clone Advisor 1: If the Separatists reach the Center Span before you do, Kachirho will be over-run." SubtitleSound[3117]="CA1Y4525" SubtitleText[3117]="Clone Advisor 1: This is it, Deltas. This is your objective. If we can stop the Separatists here, we can hold Kachirho." SubtitleSound[3118]="D38Y4524" SubtitleText[3118]="Delta 38: Let’s see if we can bring this thing down." SubtitleSound[3119]="CA1Y4526" SubtitleText[3119]="Clone Advisor 1: You’ll need to place a charge on the center joint of the span." SubtitleSound[3120]="CA1Y4527" SubtitleText[3120]="Clone Advisor 1: And squad…Advise you evacuate the span before activating that charge." SubtitleSound[3121]="D38Y4525" SubtitleText[3121]="Delta 38: Roger that." SubtitleSound[3122]="D38Y4526" SubtitleText[3122]="Delta 38: Misfire? Misfire! Who packed that charge?!!" SubtitleSound[3123]="CA1Y4528" SubtitleText[3123]="Clone Advisor 1: You’re going to have to find another way to bring down that bridge. You have any more ordnance?" SubtitleSound[3124]="D62Y4508" SubtitleText[3124]="Delta 62: Nothing with enough punch. Sorry, Boss." SubtitleSound[3125]="CA1Y4529" SubtitleText[3125]="Clone Advisor 1: Never mind. There’s a fuel line running along the underside of the bridge. A well-placed rocket might set it off. " SubtitleSound[3126]="CA1Y4530" SubtitleText[3126]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold on while I calculate the proper line of sight." SubtitleSound[3127]="CA1Y4531" SubtitleText[3127]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold on while I locate the best firing position." SubtitleSound[3128]="CA1Y4532" SubtitleText[3128]="Clone Advisor 1: Looks like you can get a good bead on it from that window on the far side of the bridge. " SubtitleSound[3129]="CA1Y4533" SubtitleText[3129]="Clone Advisor 1: OK, Delta, try that window to the upper right of the bulkhead door." SubtitleSound[3130]="CA1Y4534" SubtitleText[3130]="Clone Advisor 1: Hold on, Delta. You're missing a man. I'll transmit when you bring him across safe." SubtitleSound[3131]="D38Y4527" SubtitleText[3131]="Delta 38: Don't worry. We'll get him across later. Transmit! Let's blow this thing!" SubtitleSound[3132]="D40Y4506" SubtitleText[3132]="Delta 40: Hold up, squad. I'm getting a read on something big headed this way." SubtitleSound[3133]="D62Y4509" SubtitleText[3133]="Delta 62: Hope it's not a spider droid." SubtitleSound[3134]="D07Y4507" SubtitleText[3134]="Delta 07: Guess what? It's a spider droid." SubtitleSound[3135]="D38Y4528" SubtitleText[3135]="Delta 38: Take positions and do your job. Good luck, lads." SubtitleSound[3136]="CA1Y4500" SubtitleText[3136]="Clone Advisor 1: If we block access to the main routes, we can force the Separatists to engage us where we're more prepared for them." SubtitleSound[3137]="CA1Y4501" SubtitleText[3137]="Clone Advisor 1: Make for the Market Concourse, and secure it." SubtitleSound[3138]="D07Y4500" SubtitleText[3138]="Delta 07: Now's my chance to pick up those bandoliers I've always wanted." SubtitleSound[3139]="D62Y4500" SubtitleText[3139]="Delta 62: I was thinking we might find a good deal on a really big comb." SubtitleSound[3140]="D40Y4500" SubtitleText[3140]="Delta 40: You can shop after you're dead, Deltas. Deltas. Let's move." SubtitleSound[3141]="CA1Y4502" SubtitleText[3141]="Clone Advisor 1: Delta squad, secure the Market Concourse." SubtitleSound[3142]="CA1Y4503" SubtitleText[3142]="Clone Advisor 1: Neutralize all opposition, and save as many wookiees as you can." SubtitleSound[3143]="CA1Y4504" SubtitleText[3143]="Clone Advisor 1: Good job, Delta! The Market Concourse is secure. Move on to the Loading Dock" SubtitleSound[3144]="CA1Y4505" SubtitleText[3144]="Clone Advisor 1: It looks like the Trandoshans arrived earlier than we expected. They've had a chance to dig in." SubtitleSound[3145]="D38Y4500" SubtitleText[3145]="Delta 38: On your toes, Deltas! Let's ambush their ambush!" SubtitleSound[3146]="D38Y4501" SubtitleText[3146]="Delta 38: Delta squad, that barracade is in our way. Let's remove it." SubtitleSound[3147]="CA1Y4506" SubtitleText[3147]="Clone Advisor 1: Efficient as usual, Delta. The Medical Concourse is the next hot spot. Clear it out." SubtitleSound[3148]="D38Y4502" SubtitleText[3148]="Delta 38: Let's move, commandos!" SubtitleSound[3149]="CA1Y4507" SubtitleText[3149]="Clone Advisor 1: We're pushing them back to the central span." SubtitleSound[3150]="CA1Y4508" SubtitleText[3150]="Clone Advisor 1: Take control of the Medical Concourse, and we'll have them bottled in." SubtitleSound[3151]="D62Y4501" SubtitleText[3151]="Delta 62: That'll give 'em a taste of their own--" SubtitleSound[3152]="D07Y4501" SubtitleText[3152]="Delta 07: Don't make me shoot you." SubtitleSound[3153]="D62Y4502" SubtitleText[3153]="Delta 62: Won't be the first time." SubtitleSound[3154]="D40Y4501" SubtitleText[3154]="Delta 40: Cut the chatter, commandos." SubtitleSound[3155]="D38Y4503" SubtitleText[3155]="Delta 38: Guess we won't be running out of bacta any time soon." SubtitleSound[3156]="D07Y4502" SubtitleText[3156]="Delta 07: Mercs! From the skylight!" SubtitleSound[3157]="D07Y4503" SubtitleText[3157]="Delta 07: Droids! We must be getting closer to the heart of the Sep forces." SubtitleSound[3158]="CA1Y4509" SubtitleText[3158]="Clone Advisor 1: The Medical Concourse is secure, Delta squad. Good job!" SubtitleSound[3159]="CA1Y4510" SubtitleText[3159]="Clone Advisor 1: Move on to the Central Span, and smother the Separatist advance." SubtitleSound[3160]="CA1Y4511" SubtitleText[3160]="Clone Advisor 1: This is it, Deltas. If we can stop the Separatists here, we can keep them out of this half of Kachirho." SubtitleSound[3161]="CA1Y4512" SubtitleText[3161]="Clone Advisor 1: Expect massive resistance; this is the advance group of the main Separatist army." SubtitleSound[3162]="D07Y4504" SubtitleText[3162]="Delta 07: That's enough targets for me, but what're the rest of you gonna shoot?" SubtitleSound[3163]="D40Y4502" SubtitleText[3163]="Delta 40: All the ones you miss." SubtitleSound[3164]="D62Y4503" SubtitleText[3164]="Delta 62: Was thas a joke? Hey boss, forty made a joke." SubtitleSound[3165]="D38Y4504" SubtitleText[3165]="Delta 38: Now I know we're doomed." SubtitleSound[3166]="D38Y4505" SubtitleText[3166]="Delta 38: We need to plant charges on either side of the bridge." SubtitleSound[3167]="D38Y4506" SubtitleText[3167]="Delta 38: We need to plant a charge on the center support column." SubtitleSound[3168]="D38Y4507" SubtitleText[3168]="Delta 38: It's going to take more than one charge to blow this thing. Look for likely spots." SubtitleSound[3169]="D38Y4508" SubtitleText[3169]="Delta 38: We need to place explosives at every available spot to do the job." SubtitleSound[3170]="D38Y4509" SubtitleText[3170]="Delta 38: OK, two more charges to place." SubtitleSound[3171]="D38Y4510" SubtitleText[3171]="Delta 38: One more charge to set." SubtitleSound[3172]="D38Y4511" SubtitleText[3172]="Delta 38: We don't have enough charges yet to destroy the central span. I can't detonate it until we do." SubtitleSound[3173]="D38Y4512" SubtitleText[3173]="Delta 38: I can't detonate the explosives from here. I wonder if that window overlooking the bridge would work." SubtitleSound[3174]="D38Y4513" SubtitleText[3174]="Delta 38: Follow me, Deltas! We need to get clear of this bridge." SubtitleSound[3175]="CA1Y4513" SubtitleText[3175]="Clone Advisor 1: Nice work, Delta squad! Now the Separatists will never get their hands on Kachiro."