[Setup] LocalProduct=Unreal Engine DefaultFolder=C:\UnrealEngine ReadMe=Help\ReadMe.htm SetupWindowTitle=Unreal Engine Setup AutoplayWindowTitle=Unreal Engine Options ProductURL=http://www.unreal.com/ VersionURL=http://unreal.epicgames.com/versions.htm Developer=Epic Games, Inc. DeveloperURL=http://www.epicgames.com/ Logo=Help\UnrealTournamentSetupLogo.bmp License=License.int [General] PlayLevelCommand=&Play this Unreal level OpenLinkCommand=&Open this Unreal link InstallModuleCommand=&Install this Unreal module EditLevelCommand=&Edit this Unreal level [UnrealGameContentGroup] Caption=Game Content Description=Install this for best performance. If you deselect it, the game content will be loaded from CD during play, degrading performance, but using less hard disk space. [GameGroup] Caption=Unreal Game Description=Installation is required. [NetGamesGroup] Caption=NetGames USA Stat Utils Description=These tools can be used to generate HTML statistics about your Unreal Engine games. You can also view your global ranking online! [DirectXGroup] Caption=DirectX 8.1 Description=Optional Microsoft DirectX 8.1 drivers for enhanced graphics, sound, and joystick support. [OpenALGroup] Caption=OpenAL Description=OpenAL sound drivers required for audio. [EditorGroup] Caption=Unreal Editor Description=Unreal world editor, for creating your own 3D Unreal environments. For advanced users; installation is optional. [PlayShortcut] Caption=Play Unreal [SafeModeShortcut] Caption=Unreal Safe Mode [EditorShortcut] Caption=Unreal Editor [DocumentationShortcut] Caption=Documentation [WebShortcut] Caption=Unreal Web Page [NetGamesShortcut] Caption=NetGames USA [LocalStatsShortcut] Caption=View my local game stats. [ngStats] [GlobalStatsShortcut] Caption=View my global game stats. [ngWorldStats] [MPlayerShortcut] Caption=Play Unreal on mplayer.com [HeatShortcut] Caption=Play Unreal on HEAT [UninstallShortcut] Caption=Uninstall Unreal