Copyright (c) 2000, LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC VERSION 0.0 # # Tanis Dialog file # # from voice export on 6/7/00 # DO NOT ADD LINES to this file, they will be lost on the # next export. FILE: "trainingrobot" NAME: "JTR-47" LINE: TrainingRobot_888 "Welcome to Jedi Training. I am JTR-47, automated combat specialist. I will be responsible for your initial training." TRTRx628 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_889 "Use the left thumbstick to walk." TRTRx629 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1480 "While in the training area, the Force will protect you, so you are in no real danger." TRTRx1119 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_890 "Move the left thumbstick up slightly to walk. Move it all the way up to run." TRTRx630 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_891 "Walk to the door." TRTRx631 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_892 "To open the door press the use button." TRTRx632 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1481 "The next training droid is at the end of the hall. Run to him now." TRTRx1120 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_899 "To get through small spaces press the crouch button." TRTRx639 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_893 "To jump, press the jump button." TRTRx633 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_894 "If you jump towards a ledge, and move the left thumbstick up, you will automatically grab hold." TRTRx634 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_895 "Now jump forward and grab the ledge." TRTRx635 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_896 "Move the left thumbstick left or right to shimmy along the edge." TRTRx636 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_897 "Move the left thumbstick up to pull yourself up." TRTRx637 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1467 "Use the right thumbstick to control your lightsaber." TRTRx1106 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_901 "Well done." TRTRx641 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_903 "Press the acrobatics button and move with the left thumbstick to do acrobatics." TRTRx643 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_904 "Use the right thumbstick to swing your saber." TRTRx644 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_905 "Moving the right thumbstick to the right, swings to your right." TRTRx645 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_906 "Move the right thumbstick to the left, and you swing to the left." TRTRx646 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_907 "Move the right thumbstick up to strike down over your head." TRTRx647 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_908 "Practice your lightsaber strikes on Training Droid 1138." TRTRx648 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1466 "Press and hold the acrobatics button and then move with the left thumbstick to do acrobatics." TRTRx1105 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1468 "To reflect a shot, face your enemy and move down on the right thumbstick as the shot approaches." TRTRx1107 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_914 "Reflect shots back at Training Droid 32P2." TRTRx654 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_922 "Excellent. Now, pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press the jump button to Force Jump." TRTRx662 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_895 "Now jump forward and grab the ledge." TRTRx635 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1481 "The next training droid is at the end of the hall. Run to him now." TRTRx1120 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1484 "Move to the next room for further training." TRTRx1123 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_916 "Pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press the push button to Force Push enemies." TRTRx656 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1483 "Now, push the training droids off the ledge." TRTRx1122 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_918 "Pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press the throw button to Force Throw an object." TRTRx658 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1485 "Use the crate to jump to the ledge." TRTRx1124 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_920 "If an enemy is nearby, the Force will guide the object at the enemy." TRTRx660 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_921 "Feel free to throw the barrel at Training Droid 1138." TRTRx661 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1474 "Pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press the pull button to Force Pull and disarm an opponent." TRTRx1113 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_925 "While holding down the Force trigger press the pull button to Force Pull an opponent’s weapon." TRTRx665 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_926 "Force Pull the weapon from Training Droid 1138." TRTRx666 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1475 "Force Pull only works on blasters." TRTRx1114 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1478 "Stepping through a Force nexus will give you unlimited Force power for a short time." TRTRx1117 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1471 "To throw your lightsaber using the Force, pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press in on the right thumbstick." TRTRx1110 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1472 "You can guide the lightsaber with the right thumbstick." TRTRx1111 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1473 "Releasing the Force modifier trigger will return the lightsaber to you." TRTRx1112 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1486 "Throw your lightsaber to destroy the training droids." TRTRx1125 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1487 "The duel training droid is waiting for you in the final room. Go to him now." TRTRx1126 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_927 "Pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and move the right thumbstick to execute a Force attack." TRTRx667 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_929 "These attacks are the special domain of the Jedi." TRTRx669 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1488 "Now face the sparring droid." TRTRx1127 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_932 "Moving left and right while locked on will keep your position relative to your opponent." TRTRx672 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1476 "To enable lock on, pull the strafe modifier trigger, this will lock on to the nearest enemy." TRTRx1115 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1489 "You can make your opponent vulnerable by focusing your own defensive block." TRTRx1128 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_939 "Move down on the right thumbstick. This will focus your defense and your saber will be active with the Force." TRTRx679 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_940 "Time your parry so that you are focused when your opponent strikes. Doing this will stun your opponent, and give you the opportunity to counter-attack." TRTRx680 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1490 "To use Force Focus, pull and hold the Force modifier trigger and press the focus button. This will slow things down for a limited amount of time." TRTRx1129 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1495 "Hello, welcome Obi-Wan." TRTRx1089 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1512 "Padawan Defeated." TRTRx1131 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1511 "Would you like to try again?" TRTRx1130 "TrainingRobot" LINE: TrainingRobot_1513 "Use the left thumbstick to move." TRTRx1132 "TrainingRobot"