Copyright (c) 2000, LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC VERSION 0.1 ///////////// // MUSIC // ///////////// AddMusic m_suspense_04.wav Suspense AddMusic m_tension_09.wav Tension AddMusic m_battle_07.wav Battle SetMusicInterval Suspense 20 30 SetMusicInterval Tension 18 40 SetMusicInterval Battle 1 3 SetMusicResetInterval 2 //StartMusicManager MissionTitle "The Wonderful Scriptent" MissionObjective 1 "Find the Nudger" MissionObjective 2 "Nudge him" MissionObjective 3 "Enjoy the fireworks" Script Objectives { WaitUntilNear Obi Nudger 2 MissionObjectiveAchieved 1 WaitUntilNudged Nudger MissionObjectiveAchieved 2 WaitUntilNudged Nudgee MissionObjectiveFailed 3 // No one could enjoy that } CreateParticleGen quigon_doorCut.gen "particle_gen" "A_RFP_Gen" Script particle { Pause 5 ParticleGenOff particle_gen Pause 5 ParticleGenOn particle_gen Loop } Script script1 1 { WaitUntilNudged Nudgee RemoveGroup 1 SayLine Obi "Yippee" Save } StoreScript "Impulse everyone" { ImpulseToRefPos Obi A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Flourisher A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Fader A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Nudgee A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Nudger A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos NudgedTalker A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Looker A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos AnimatedGuy A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Vanishee A_RFP_Gen Pause 0.5 ImpulseToRefPos Some_Dude01 A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Some_Dude02 A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Cutscener A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Displayer A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Vanisher A_RFP_Gen Pause 0.5 ImpulseToRefPos Runner A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos ArmsTaker A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Teleporter A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Follower A_RFP_Gen ImpulseToRefPos Sleepy A_RFP_Gen Pause 2.0 Loop } Actor Firer Some_Dude01 Actor Lookee Some_Dude02 /* script { pause 1 begincutscene cameraplayer Runner } Script { waituntildamaged obi begincutscene forcepushcharacter obi } */ script { waituntilforcepushedcharacter obi sayline obi "I pushed him!" } CreateActor Naboo-Resistance2.dsc SlowMoe RP_SlowMoe Script "Tests" { //begincutscene //camerafixed A_RFP_Gen_Cam //BinocularsOn //Zoom 0 //JitterOn //AddInventoryItem Obi PowerupSniperRifle.dsc //playflourish l05_4_cs_01.wav FadeUpAndWait 1.0 //ZoomAndWait .5 1 //BinocularsOff //EndCutscene /* // COMMUNICATOR TEST BeginCutScene CommunicatorOn //LoadDLG "ResistanceLeader.dlg" //CommunicatorMessage "I toured around the world from London to the Bay, it's Hammer, go Hammer, M.C. Hammer, yo Hammer, and the rest can go and play. Yeah boy, U Can't touch this." //CommunicatorMessage "You've got four battle droids converging on your position. Better get to the dropship - Perhaps there's something in there that can help you..." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_31/Great job freeing those Pilots, Jedi." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_32/We have one more job for you." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_33/There is a large turbolaser in a park on the south side of the Hangar." // CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_34/It has been decimating our starfighters." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_35/The pilots are not going to be able to make it out of the Hangar safely until that gun is eliminated." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_36/Take the demo charges and find that gun." // CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_37/Our operatives have placed a beacon on the gun so you should be able to use your tracking device to locate it." // CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_38/Remember, it’s imperative that the gun is out of commission by the time the pilots reach the Hangar." CommunicatorMessageAndWait "/ResistanceLeader_39/Good luck." CommunicatorOff EndCutScene */ /* // VOLUME TEST SayLine Obi "Playing sound" PlaySoundLooping m_saberArena_01_lp.wav Pause 5 SayLine Obi "Decreasing volume" SoundVolume m_saberArena_01_lp.wav 0 5 Pause 5 SayLine Obi "Increasing volume" SoundVolume m_saberArena_01_lp.wav 1 5 Pause 5 SayLine Obi "Done" */ /* // DOOR OPENING TEST Actor door A_08_door1imp_01 SayLine Obi "Opening door!" OpenDoor door Pause 0.1 CloseDoor door Pause 2.0 CloseDoorAndWait door Pause 0.5 OpenDoor door Pause 0.1 if (IsOpening door) { WaitUntilDoorOpen door CloseDoor door } else { CloseDoor door } //WaitUntilDoorOpen A_08_door1imp_01 SayLine Obi "Hey, the door opened!" */ /* PlayAnimationLooping ObiWan human_push-cycle.anim 1.5 //human_bracepistol-idle.anim Pause 10.0 StopAnimation ObiWan */ /* // GESTURE TEST Actor Gesturer Obi SayLine Obi "PointLeft" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PointLeft" SayLine Obi "PointForward" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PointForward" SayLine Obi "PointRight" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PointRight" *** Doesn't point right SayLine Obi "PalmUpLeft" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PalmUpLeft" SayLine Obi "PalmUpRight" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PalmUpRight" SayLine Obi "PalmUpBoth" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PalmUpBoth" SayLine Obi "HandsOnHips" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "HandsOnHips" SayLine Obi "AttractAttention" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "AttractAttention" SayLine Obi "PushButton" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PushButton" SayLine Obi "PullLever" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PullLever" SayLine Obi "Talk" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Talk" SayLine Obi "Think" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Think" SayLine Obi "Typing" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Typing" *** Doesn't work SayLine Obi "TypingThink" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "TypingThink" *** Doesn't work SayLine Obi "ScratchHead" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "ScratchHead" SayLine Obi "TurnHeadLeft" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "TurnHeadLeft" SayLine Obi "TurnHeadRight" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "TurnHeadRight" SayLine Obi "Captured" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Captured" SayLine Obi "Panic" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Panic" SayLine Obi "Manipulate" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Manipulate" *** Doesn't work SayLine Obi "ShakeHead" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "ShakeHead" SayLine Obi "Talk2" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Talk2" *** Doesn't seem to do anything SayLine Obi "Surrender" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "Surrender" SayLine Obi "CapturedKneel" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "CapturedKneel" SayLine Obi "PushBox" PlayGestureAndWait Gesturer "PushBox" SayLine Obi "Done" */ //CameraLookAtAndWait Nudger 6 //sayline obi done /* // Panning test sayline obi "looking at Nudger" cameralookatandwait Nudger 5 sayline obi "panning down" pandownandwait 45 2 sayline obi "panning right" panrightandwait 45 2 sayline obi "panning up" panupandwait 45 2 sayline obi "panning left" panleftandwait 45 2 sayline obi done */ /* // MoveCamera test sayline obi "moving up" movecameraupandwait 10 2 sayline obi "moving down" movecameradownandwait 10 2 sayline obi "moving left" movecameraleftandwait 10 2 sayline obi "moving right" movecamerarightandwait 10 2 sayline obi "moving forward" movecameraforwardandwait 10 2 sayline obi "moving backward" movecamerabackwardandwait 10 2 sayline obi done */ /* Sayline Obi "zooming in" zoomandwait 1 6 2 2 pause 1.0 sayline Obi "zooming out" zoomandwait 0 6 3 3 pause 1.0 */ //binocularsoff //cameraoff //endcutscene /* // MOVING OBJECT TEST pause 3.0 sayline obi "moving left" moveobjectleftandwait c 5 1 0.2 sayline obi "moving right" moveobjectrightandwait c 5 2 0.4 sayline obi "moving forward" moveobjectforwardandwait c 5 3 0.6 sayline obi "moving backward" moveobjectbackwardandwait c 5 4 0.8 sayline obi "moving up" moveobjectupandwait c 5 5 1.0 sayline obi "moving down" moveobjectdownandwait c 5 6 1.2 sayline obi "moving and rotating object" moveandrotateobjectandwait c temp 6 2 sayline obi "moving object without rotation" moveobjectandwait c A_RFP_Gen 3 1 sayline obi "rotating object without moving it" rotateobject c A_RFP_Gen 2 // Rotating Object sayline obi "rotating left" rotateobjectleftandwait c 90 1 0.4 sayline obi "rotating right" rotateobjectrightandwait c 90 2 0.6 sayline obi "rotating up" rotateobjectupandwait c 90 3 1.0 sayline obi "rotating down" rotateobjectdownandwait c 90 4 1.2 sayline obi done */ } /* Script "EndWhileLoop Test" { while (isnotinregion Firer region_01) { if (isnotinregion ObiWan region_01) { println "okay" pause 0.5 } else { endwhileloop } } println "done" } */ /* //FUNCTION TEST Function "Run to stairs" (Actor man, Node dest) { TakeControlOf man RunToNodeAndWait man dest Println "arrived" } Call "Run to stairs" (Nudgee, stairs_3) Call "Run to stairs" (Nudger, stairs_4) ////////////////////// // Pushing crates // ////////////////////// Function "PushCrate" (Actor Thug, Actor Crate, Node From, Node To) { TakeControlOf Thug 0.3 WalkToNodeAndWait Thug From Push Thug Crate ChildScript "Keep Playing animation" { PlayAnimationAndPause Thug human_push-cycle.anim Loop } Child WalkToNodeAndWait Thug To Child WaitUntilRegainedControl Thug Child WaitUntilDamaged Thug Child WaitUntilDamaged Crate WaitForAny StopPushing Thug Crate ReturnControlTo Thug } // Just fill in the blanks with the appropriate thug name, crate name, start node, and end node Call PushCrate Looker c crate1 crate2 */ // *************************************************** Script "Opening Text" { //CreateParticleGen "15_CrashSmoke.GEN" "particle_gen" "A_RFP_Gen" //Display "/DARREN01/" 3.0 } Script "AnimatedGuy's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear AnimatedGuy Obi 3.0 SayLine AnimatedGuy "I'm animated! I'm currently playing 'human_push-cycle.anim.'" WaitUntilFar AnimatedGuy Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "AnimatedGuy's Nudge Dialog" { SayLineWhenNudged AnimatedGuy "Please tell him to stop looking at me." Loop } Script "AnimatedGuy's Script" { TakeControlOf AnimatedGuy PlayAnimationGoalAndWait AnimatedGuy "human_push-cycle.anim" Loop } StoreScript "ArmsTaker's Dialog After Gun" { WaitUntilFar ArmsTaker Obi 3.0 WaitUntilNear ArmsTaker Obi 3.0 SayLine ArmsTaker "Thanks for the firearm." Loop } Script "ArmsTaker's Script" { TakeControlOf ArmsTaker UnEquipWeapon ArmsTaker ChildScript { WaitUntilNear ArmsTaker Obi 3.0 SayLine ArmsTaker "Psst! Hey Slim! Nudge me to give me a gun! Hurry!" WaitUntilFar ArmsTaker Obi 3.0 Loop } SayLineWhenNudged ArmsTaker "Hey thanks! Now it's time to take out the trash!" AddInventoryItem ArmsTaker EquipBADBlaster.dsc // *** Is this right? Used to be Rifle_Naboo EquipWeapon ArmsTaker } // /* Temporarily commented out because Jar Jar's DSC is gone, so the Croucher cannot be created Script "Kill Croucher" { WaitUntilNudged ArmsTaker // ForceTarget ArmsTaker Croucher // ForceState ArmsTaker "Attack" Follow ArmsTaker Croucher 3 Pause 5 ChildScript "Firing" { FireAt ArmsTaker Croucher Loop } SetTeam Croucher 8 EndScript "Croucher's Dialog" SayLine Croucher "Oh nooooo!!! Meesa gonna die!" InvincibilityOff Croucher WaitUntilKilled Croucher EndScript "Firing" StopActions ArmsTaker EndScript "Croucher's Script" BeginScript "ArmsTaker's Dialog After Gun" WalkToNodeAndWait ArmsTaker NodeArmsTaker LookAtAndWait ArmsTaker Runner ReturnControlTo ArmsTaker } Script "Croucher's Death Epilogue" { WaitUntilKilled Croucher SayLine AnimatedGuy "Yay!" SayLine Follower "Alright!" SayLine Cutscener "Hooray!" SayLine Looker "Yes!" SayLine Nudger "Awesome!" SayLine Nudgee "Way to go!" SayLine NudgedTalker "Excellent!" EndScript "Sleepy Guy" WakeUp Sleepy Script { WaitUntilNear Sleepy Obi 3.0 SayLine Sleepy "I just... I just can't sleep now that Croucher is gone. *SNIFF*" WaitUntilFar Sleepy Obi 3.0 Loop } } Script "Croucher's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Croucher Obi 3.0 SayLine Croucher "Watch as I CROUCH and STAND, Obi." WaitUntilFar Croucher Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Croucher's Script" { TakeControlOf Croucher Crouch Croucher Pause 1.5 Stand Croucher Pause 1.5 Loop } Script "Cutscener's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Cutscener Obi 3.0 SayLine Cutscener "Nudge me for a cutscene." WaitUntilFar Cutscener Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Cutscener's Script" { TakeControlOf Cutscener LookAt Cutscener Obi WaitUntilNudged Cutscener BeginCutscene CameraTrack "A_RFP_Gen_Cam" Obi SayLineAndContinue Cutscener "Calisthenics! And one and two and..." Pause 0.2 Crouch Cutscener Crouch Obi Pause 0.5 Stand Cutscener Stand Obi Pause 0.5 MoveCamera CutSceneCamera 5.0 Crouch Cutscener Crouch Obi Pause 0.5 Stand Cutscener Stand Obi Pause 0.5 Crouch Cutscener Crouch Obi Pause 0.5 Stand Cutscener Stand Obi Pause 0.5 SayLine Cutscener "Brilliant acting job! You were amazing!" CameraOff SayLine Obi "Thanks but I'll keep my day job." EndCutscene Loop } Script "Displayer's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Displayer Obi 3.0 SayLine Displayer "Nudge me and I'll DISPLAY that neat opening text again." WaitUntilFar Displayer Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Displayer's Script With Text" { TakeControlOf Displayer WaitUntilNudged Displayer PauseScript "Displayer's Dialog" Display "/DARREN01/" ChildScript { WaitUntilNear Displayer Obi 3.0 SayLine Displayer "Nudge me again and I'll hide that annoying text." WaitUntilFar Displayer Obi 3.0 Loop } WaitUntilNudged Displayer ResetScript "Displayer's Dialog" DisplayOff Loop } /* Script "Door Unlocking" { Actor Door A_08_door1imp_01 Actor Switch A_08_door_switch02_lockperm_01 Actor Man TriggerUbergenAndWait A_z_UberGen_05 Man SetDoorToHalfCycle Door LockDoor Door TakeControlOf Man Child WaitUntilNudged Door Child WaitUntilNudged Switch WaitForAny SayLine Man "Hey, hold on!" Follow Man Door 2.0 WaitUntilNear Man Door 2.0 StopActions Man SayLine Man "Here, let me unlock that for you." UnlockDoor Door Nudge Man Switch Follow Man Obi 1.0 WaitUntilNear Man Obi 2.0 StopActions Man SayLine Man "You can go in now." RunToNodeAndWait Man "stairs_3" LookAt Man Obi } */ Script "Fader's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Fader Obi 3.0 SayLine Fader "Nudge me and I'll fade the screen in and out." WaitUntilFar Fader Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Testing Pausing Pause" { WaitUntilNudged Sleepy SayLine Sleepy "Pausing Fader's Script" PauseScript "Fader's Script" WaitUntilNudged Sleepy SayLine Fader "Thanks for unpausing me, sheesh." ContinueScript "Fader's Script" Loop } Script "Fader's Script" { TakeControlOf Fader WaitUntilNudged Fader SayLine Fader "I'll fade down in 10 seconds, longer if you nudge Sleepy." SayLine Fader "Nudging Sleepy un/pauses my script." Pause 10 FadeDownAndWait 1.0 // Pause 1.0 FadeUpAndWait 1.0 SayLine Fader "Can you believe it actually worked?" Loop } Script "Firer's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Firer Obi 2.0 SayLine Firer "Nudge me so I can shoot this guy! I'm in a really foul mood." WaitUntilFar Firer Obi 2.0 Loop } Script "Firer's Script" { WaitUntilNudged Firer SetDeadOnAimFraction Firer 1.0 FireAt Firer Lookee FireAt Firer Obi Loop } Script "Firer's Setup" { TakeControlOf Firer AddInventoryItem Firer EquipBADBlaster.dsc // *** Is this right? Used to be Rifle_Naboo EquipWeapon Firer } Script "Flourisher's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Flourisher Obi 2.0 SayLine Flourisher "Nudge me and I'll play a little something I call Flourish." WaitUntilFar Flourisher Obi 2.0 Loop } Script "Flourisher's Script" { TakeControlOf Flourisher WaitUntilNudged Flourisher PlayFlourish "m_objective_01.wav" Loop } Script "Follower's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Follower Obi 2.0 SayLine Follower "Nudge me and I'll follow you, Obi." WaitUntilFar Follower Obi 2.0 Loop } Script "Follower's Script" { TakeControlOf Follower SayLineWhenNudged Follower "Yay! I'm following you! Thank you." Follow Follower Obi 2.0 PauseScript "Follower's Dialog" SayLineWhenNudged Follower "Fine. Nudge me again when you want me to tag along. Jerk." StopActions Follower WaitUntilFar Follower Obi 2.0 ResetScript "Follower's Dialog" Loop } Script "Lookee's Dialog" { WaitUntilSees Obi Lookee 3.0 SayLine Lookee "Take a picture, it'll last longer." WaitUntilFar Lookee Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Looker's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Looker Obi 3.0 SayLine Looker "I'm alternating between looking at that animated (pushing) guy and you, Obi." WaitUntilFar Looker Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Looker's Script" { TakeControlOf Looker LookAt Looker AnimatedGuy Pause 1.5 LookAt Looker Obi Pause 1.5 Loop } Script "NudgedTalker's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear NudgedTalker Obi 3.0 SayLine NudgedTalker "I'll say something when you nudge me." WaitUntilFar NudgedTalker Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "NudgedTalker's Script" { TakeControlOf NudgedTalker SayLineWhenNudged NudgedTalker "I'm saying this because you nudged me. Yup that's about it." Loop } Script "Nudgee's Script" { TakeControlOf Nudgee LookAt Nudgee Obi WaitUntilFinishedTurning Nudgee PauseScript "Nudgee's Script" //To be continued... elsewhere... WaitUntilNudged Nudgee Crouch Nudgee Pause 0.05 Stand Nudgee LookAt Nudgee Nudger WaitUntilFinishedTurning Nudgee SayLine Nudgee "Hey! That tickles!" Loop } Script "Nudger's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Nudger Obi 3.0 SayLine Nudger "Nudge me and I'll nudge Nudgee." WaitUntilFar Nudger Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Nudger's Script" { TakeControlOf Nudger LookAt Nudger Obi SayLineWhenNudged Nudger "Now to prove it's really me nudging him back off a ways." WaitUntilFar Nudger Obi 3.0 LookAtAndWait Nudger Nudgee ContinueScript "Nudgee's Script" Nudge Nudger Nudgee WaitUntilSaidLine Nudgee "Hey! That tickles!" Loop } Script "Obi's Undoing" { Child WaitUntilKilled Cutscener Child WaitUntilKilled Flourisher Child WaitUntilKilled Follower Child WaitUntilKilled AnimatedGuy Child WaitUntilKilled Looker Child WaitUntilKilled Nudger Child WaitUntilKilled Nudgee Child WaitUntilKilled NudgedTalker Child WaitUntilKilled ArmsTaker Child WaitUntilKilled Teleporter WaitForAny ReturnControlTo Cutscener ReturnControlTo Flourisher ReturnControlTo Follower ReturnControlTo AnimatedGuy ReturnControlTo Looker ReturnControlTo Nudger ReturnControlTo Nudgee ReturnControlTo NudgedTalker ReturnControlTo ArmsTaker ReturnControlTo Teleporter Print "Attack Obi!!" SetTeam Obi 12 } Script "Panaka's Script" { Actor Panaka WaitUntilEnteredRegion Obi "region_01" TriggerUbergenAndWait A_z_UberGen_01 Panaka Pause 1.0 TakeControlOf Panaka ChildScript "Panaka yells" { WaitUntilNear Panaka Obi 3 SayLine Panaka "AIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" PauseRandom 1 2 SayLine Panaka "I must save the queen!" PauseRandom 2 3 Loop } ChildScript { RunToNodeAndWait Panaka "Panaka_Hide" WaitUntilEnteredRegion Obi "region_01" GotoStart Panaka 2 Loop } WaitForAbsolutelyAll } /* Script "Region Script" { WaitUntilEnteredRegion Obi "region_01" SayLine Obi "Entered region 'region_01.'" WaitUntilExitedRegion Obi "region_01" SayLine Obi "Exited region 'region_01.'" Loop } */ Script "Runner's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Runner Obi 3.0 SayLine Runner "Mmm cardiovascular exercise. Good for the heart!" WaitUntilFar Runner Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Runner's Script" { TakeControlOf Runner RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_1" RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_2" RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_3" WalkToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_4" //Needs to rest after climbing those stairs RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_5" RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_6" RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_7" RunToNodeAndWait Runner "stairs_8" Loop } Script "Sleepy Guy" { TakeControlOf Sleepy WaitUntilNear Sleepy Obi 3.0 SayLine Sleepy "What?! You woke me up. Walk away so I can go back to sleep." WakeUp Sleepy WaitUntilFar Sleepy Obi 3.0 SayLine Sleepy "Thanks. Zzzzzzz..." Sleep Sleepy Loop } Script "SlowMoe's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear SlowMoe Obi 3.0 SayLine SlowMoe "Nudge me and I'll slow you down (temporarily)!" WaitUntilFar SlowMoe Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "SlowMoe's Script" { TakeControlOf SlowMoe WaitUntilNudged SlowMoe SayLineAndContinue SlowMoe "Do.. you.... feel......... slower!?!" SetGameSpeed 0.1 1 Pause 4.0 SetGameSpeed 1.0 1 Loop } Script "Teleporter's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Teleporter Obi 3.0 SayLine Teleporter "Nudge me and I'll teleport!" WaitUntilFar Teleporter Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Teleporter's Script" { TakeControlOf Teleporter SayLineWhenNudged Teleporter "Wheeee!!!" GotoStart Teleporter 1 // RunToNodeAndWait Teleporter "RunToNode" // SayLine Teleporter "I should be running." SayLineWhenNudged Teleporter "Woo-hoo!!!" GotoStart Teleporter 0 Loop } Script "Vanishee's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Vanishee Obi 3.0 SayLine Vanishee "Do NOT nudge me." WaitUntilFar Vanishee Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Vanishee's Script" { WaitUntilNudged Vanishee ChildScript { WaitUntilFar Vanishee Obi 3.0 ResetScript "Vanishee's Script" } SayLine Vanishee "I SAID, 'Do not nudge me!'" WaitUntilNudged Vanishee SayLine Vanishee "What, are you a tester? I'm warning you, stop nudging me." WaitUntilNudged Vanishee SayLine Vanishee "This is your final warning. I beg you not to nudge me again." WaitUntilNudged Vanishee SayLine Vanishee "You asked for it! BLACK HOLE!" GotoStart Obi 0 BeginScript "Impulse everyone" } Script "Vanisher's Dialog" { WaitUntilNear Vanisher Obi 3.0 SayLine Vanisher "Nudge me and I'll HIDE that guy behind the tree for two seconds!" WaitUntilFar Vanisher Obi 3.0 Loop } Script "Vanisher's Script" { TakeControlOf Vanisher TakeControlOf Vanishee WaitUntilNudged Vanisher Hide Vanishee SayLineAndContinue Vanisher "You can't see him!!" Pause 2.0 Show Vanishee SayLine Vanisher "Whoop there he is! Cool huh?" Loop }