Copyright (c) 2000, LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC VERSION 0.1 Actor QuiGon "Qui_Gon" Actor TC14 "A_TC14" Actor Nem1 "A_Nemoidian01_03" Actor Nem2 "A_Nemoidian02_04" Actor ConferenceRoomDoor "A_01_d_conf_01" /////////////////// // TC14 Escort // /////////////////// Script "TC14 Escort" { PlayFlourish "l01_m_intro_02.wav" FadeUp ChildScript "Obi Equips Saber" { WaitUntilEquippedItem ObiWan EquipObiSaber.dsc SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1172/What are you doing?" SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1173/You endanger us and the mission." } TakeControlOf TC14 TakeControlOf QuiGon Pause 1.0 // Wait a second before Qui-Gon speaks to you SayLineAndContinue QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.28/" PlayAnimationGoalAndWait QuiGon "human_loiter-pointfwd.anim" Event "Play Ramp Animation" // Can't do this from the scripts yet PlaySoundAndWait 01_rep_ramp_open.wav "A_01_rpc_ramp_01" PlayLoopingSound 01_rep_ramp_hydraul_lp.wav "A_01_rpc_ramp_01" WaitFor "RampToLower" LookAt TC14 ObiWan WalkToNode TC14 "tc14_greet" LookAt QuiGon TC14 WalkToNode QuiGon "quigon_greet" WaitUntilEnteredRegion QuiGon "trig_tc14_converse_01" LookAt TC14 QuiGon SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.24/Greetings ambassadors." SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.25/I am TC-14 human-cyborg relations." SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.26/My masters apologize that they can not be here to greet you personally." SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.27/If you would follow me to the conference room..." Follow QuiGon TC14 5.0 WalkToNode TC14 "tc14_outside_conf" // Go to the conference room ChildScript "Scold Obi if he gets too far away" { WaitUntilFar ObiWan TC14 25 // If Obi gets more than 25 meters away LookAt TC14 ObiWan LookAt QuiGon ObiWan ChildScript "Start walking again when Obi returns" { WaitUntilNear ObiWan TC14 20.0 StopActions QuiGon StopActions TC14 Follow QuiGon TC14 5.0 WalkToNode TC14 "tc14_outside_conf" // Start going to the conference room again ResetScript "Scold Obi if he gets too far away" } Pause 3.0 SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.2/" Pause 5.0 SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.28/" Pause 5.0 SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.21/" Pause 5.0 SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.22/" Pause 5.0 SayLineAndContinue QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.45/" PlayAnimationGoalAndWait QuiGon "human_loiter-gesturecrossarms.anim" Pause 5.0 SayLineAndContinue QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.44/" PlayAnimationGoalAndWait QuiGon "human_loiter-pointfwd.anim" Pause 2.0 Loop } WaitUntilEnteredRegion TC14 "trig_script_tc14_say_1" SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.29/" Pause 0.5 SayLineAndContinue TC14 "/TC-14_58.32/" WaitUntilEnteredRegion TC14 "trig_script_tc14_say_3" SayLineAndContinue TC14 "/TC-14_58.3/" WaitUntilEnteredRegion TC14 "trig_script_tc14_say_4" SayLineAndContinue TC14 "/TC-14_58.31/" WaitUntilArrived TC14 "tc14_outside_conf" UnlockDoor ConferenceRoomDoor Nudge TC14 ConferenceRoomDoor LookAt TC14 ObiWan ChildScript // Will end as soon as Obi enters the conference room { SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_58.33/Here we are ambassadors. Please enter the conference room." Pause 5.0 Loop } Pause 0.5 StopActions QuiGon // Stop Following TC14 LookAt QuiGon ObiWan WalkToNode QuiGon "quigon_attack" WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_d_conf_01_2" } //////////////////////////// // Secretive Nemoidians // //////////////////////////// Script "Secretive Nemoidians" { WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_start_nim_talking" WakeUp Nem1 WakeUp Nem2 TakeControlOf Nem1 TakeControlOf Nem2 LookAt Nem1 Nem2 LookAt Nem2 Nem1 ChildScript "Secret Conversation" { SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_86/Preparations are underway already." SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_87/I don't understand why we're doing this." SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_88/It's too late for that." SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_89/We must be successful. It could mean absolute ruin if we are not." WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_start_nim_talking" Pause 5.0 Loop } WaitUntilNear ObiWan Nem2 4.0 EndScript "Secret Conversation" SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_90/Shhh!!" Child WalkToNodeAndWait Nem1 "nem_01" Child WalkToNodeAndWait Nem2 "nem_02" WaitForAll // Now the Nemoidians will "scold" Obi if he gets too close to them ChildScript Scold { WaitUntilNear ObiWan Nem2 4.0 LookAt Nem1 ObiWan LookAt Nem2 ObiWan ChildScript // Reset the scold script when Obi leaves { WaitUntilFar ObiWan Nem2 5.0 LookAt Nem1 Nem2 LookAt Nem2 Nem1 ResetScript Scold // Resets this script too } SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_91/Hello Ambassador." Pause 0.25 SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_92/Greetings Ambassadors." Pause 0.25 SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_93/I'm afraid we can't discuss Federation business with you." Pause 2.0 SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_98/You look suspiciously like a Jedi." Pause 0.25 SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_99/I hadn't known the Senate planned to send Jedi to this meeting." Pause 2.0 SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_100/Aren't you afraid you'll be late for your meeting?" Pause 1.0 SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_101/Run along to your meeting." Pause 2.0 SayLine Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_102/You'll find our conference rooms quite comfortable." Pause 0.25 SayLine Nem2 "/Neimoidian2_103/We've just had new climate control installed in our conference rooms." Pause 4.0 Loop } WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_d_conf_01_2" } /////////////////// // Hostile Obi // /////////////////// Script "Hostile Obi" { // Don't hurt any of these guys before entering the conference room or else... Child WaitUntilDamagedBy TC14 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_01 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_02 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_03 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_04 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_07 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_PK_4_08 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_Security_04 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_Security_05 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_infantry_conf_1 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_infantry_conf_2 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_infantry_conf_3 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_BAD_infantry_conf_4 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_Starfighter_droid_04 ObiWan Child WaitUntilDamagedBy A_Starfighter_droid_03 ObiWan ChildScript { WaitUntilDamagedBy Nem1 ObiWan SayLineAndContinue Nem2 "/Neimoidian1_96/You killed him! Help! Guards! Help!" } ChildScript { WaitUntilDamagedBy Nem2 ObiWan SayLineAndContinue Nem1 "/Neimoidian1_96/You killed him! Help! Guards! Help!" } WaitForAny // Wait for any of them to be damaged by Obi-Wan EndScript "Enter Conference Room" EndScript "TC14 Escort" EndScript "Secretive Nemoidians" ReturnControlTo QuiGon ForceState TC14 Retreat ForceState Nem1 Retreat ForceState Nem2 Retreat PlayLoopingSound "fed_klaxon_01.wav" // Killing the lights changes their texture to a red one Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_01" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_02" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_03" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_04" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_05" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_06" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_07" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_08" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_09" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_10" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_11" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_12" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_13" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_14" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_15" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_16" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_17" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_18" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_19" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_20" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_21" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_22" Event "Obi Must Die" } Script "Enter conference room" { WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_d_conf_01_2" EndScript "Hostile Obi" Sleep Nem1 Sleep Nem2 BeginScript "Conference Room CutScene" } //////////////////////////////// // Conference Room CutScene // //////////////////////////////// Actor ConfBAD1 A_BAD_infantry_conf_1 Actor ConfBAD2 A_BAD_infantry_conf_2 Actor ConfBAD3 A_BAD_infantry_conf_3 Actor ConfBAD4 A_BAD_infantry_conf_4 StoreScript "Conference Room CutScene" { BeginCutScene WaitUntilEnteredRegion QuiGon "trig_d_conf_01_2" ChildScript { SayLine TC14 "/TC-14_55/My masters will be with you shortly." Nudge TC14 ConferenceRoomDoor } // Shot #1 //CameraTrack ObiWan A_RFP_CR_camera_01 // *** CameraTrack doesn't take RefPos's yet WalkToNode QuiGon "quigon_in_conf" WalkToNode QuiGon "tc14_in_conf" // Putting a WalkToNode immediately afterwards WalkToNode QuiGon "out_in_conf" // causes Qui-Gon to go there first Pause 1 WalkToNode ObiWan "obi_in_conf" WaitUntilArrived ObiWan "obi_in_conf" LookAt ObiWan QuiGon WaitUntilArrived QuiGon "quigon_in_conf" SayLine ObiWan "/Obi-WanKenobi_71/I have a bad feeling about this." SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_72/I don't sense anything." SayLine ObiWan "/Obi-WanKenobi_73/It's not about the mission, Master. It's something elsewhere. Elusive." Nudge TC14 ConferenceRoomDoor //CameraOff // Get rid of that camera *** // Shot #2 //CameraTrack TC14 A_RFP_CR_camera_01 // *** Event "Setup Tea Tray" ChildScript "Prepare Ambush" { WalkToNodeAndWait TC14 "tc14_tea" Nudge TC14 ConferenceRoomDoor LockDoor ConferenceRoomDoor TakeControlOf ConfBAD1 InvincibilityOn ConfBAD1 WalkToNode ConfBAD1 bad_conf1 TakeControlOf ConfBAD2 InvincibilityOn ConfBAD2 WalkToNode ConfBAD2 bad_conf2 TakeControlOf ConfBAD3 InvincibilityOn ConfBAD3 WalkToNode ConfBAD3 bad_conf3 TakeControlOf ConfBAD4 InvincibilityOn ConfBAD4 WalkToNode ConfBAD4 bad_conf4 Pause 0.5 Event "Put Down Tea Tray" StopActions TC14 LookAt TC14 ObiWan } SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_74/Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration on the here and now, where it belongs." //CameraOff // Shot #3 //CameraTrack ObiWan (-22.6 -22.7 149.2) (0.0, 1.5, 0.0) *** SayLine ObiWan "/Obi-WanKenobi_75/Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future." ChildScript "Starfighter Droids" { TriggerUberGen "A_UG_conf_sfds_02" Pause 0.7 TriggerUberGen "A_UG_conf_sfds_01" Pause 2.5 TriggerUberGen "A_UG_conf_sfds_03" } //CameraOff // Shot #4 //CameraTrack QuiGon (-17.9 -22.1 148.8) (0.0 1.5 0.0) *** SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_76/But not at the expense of the present. Be mindful of the Living Force, my young Padawan." SayLine ObiWan "/Obi-WanKenobi_77/Yes, Master." //CameraOff WaitForScriptToEnd PrepareAmbush EndCutScene BeginScript "Conference Room Ambush" } ////////////////////////////// // Conference Room Ambush // ////////////////////////////// StoreScript "Conference Room Ambush" { ChildScript "TC14 Panics if Obi attacks her" { WaitUntilDamagedBy TC14 ObiWan ForceState TC14 Retreat } Pause 5.0 PlaySound "explo_long_01.wav" ConferenceRoomDoor // the door is in the direction of the explosions PlaySound "Explo_Med_01.wav" ConferenceRoomDoor Pause 0.5 Event "Poison Gas" ChildScript { SetPainRegion "trig_conf_room_gas_01" 10.15 WaitUntilExitedRegion Obi "trig_conf_room_gas_01" SetPainRegion "trig_conf_room_gas_01" 0.0 } PlayFlourish 01_flourish_gas.wav ForceState TC14 Retreat Pause 0.5 StopActions QuiGon LookAt QuiGon TC14 //SayLine ObiWan "/Obi-WanKenobi_82/[BOOM] What happened?!!" SayLine QuiGon "Qui-GonJinn_83/They've destroyed our ship!" EquipWeapon QuiGon SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_84/(gas begins hissing in) Dioxis gas! Poison!" SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_85/Concentrate, Obi-Wan." SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1166/The force can be used to heal - yourself and others." SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1158/Quickly! Do as I do!" // QuiGon->Character()->ActivateForcePower(ForceHealID *** Pause 2.5 // QuiGon->Character()->DeactivateAllForcePowers( *** StopActions QuiGon WalkToNode QuiGon "quigon_attack" Pause 2.5 SayLine ConfBAD1 "/BattleDroidInfantry1_66/They must be dead by now, but make certain..." SayLine ConfBAD1 "/BattleDroidInfantry1_221.73/Check it out corporal..." SayLine ConfBAD2 "/BattleDroidInfantry1_215.2/Roger Roger..." LookAt QuiGon ObiWan Pause 0.5 LockDoor "A_01_d_blastdoor_02" UnlockDoor "A_01_d_blastdoor_05" UnlockDoor ConferenceRoomDoor Nudge ConfBAD1 ConferenceRoomDoor LockDoor ConferenceRoomDoor ReturnControlTo ConfBAD1 InvincibilityOff ConfBAD1 ReturnControlTo ConfBAD2 InvincibilityOff ConfBAD2 ReturnControlTo ConfBAD3 InvincibilityOff ConfBAD3 ReturnControlTo ConfBAD4 InvincibilityOff ConfBAD4 ReturnControlTo QuiGon ForceTarget QuiGon ConfBAD1 SayLineAndContinue QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1157/Now - Let us press the attack!" PlayFlourish 01_flourish_conf_attack.wav // Killing the lights changes their texture to a red one Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_01" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_02" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_03" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_04" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_05" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_06" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_07" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_08" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_09" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_10" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_11" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_12" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_13" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_14" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_15" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_16" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_17" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_18" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_19" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_20" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_21" Kill "A_01_HL_clear_light_22" Event "Conference Room Finale" BeginScript "Taking Down Droids" } StoreScript "Taking Down Droids" { ChildScript "Kill All Conf Droids" { WaitUntilKilled ConfBAD1 WaitUntilKilled ConfBAD2 WaitUntilKilled ConfBAD3 WaitUntilKilled ConfBAD4 PlayFlourish "01_flourish_conf_end.wav" PlayLoopingSound "fed_klaxon_01.wav" } WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan "trig_script_fab_room_1" // CSoundCue::PlaySoundCue("notify.wav" } ///////////////// // Nim_Conf2 // ///////////////// Script Nim_Conf2 { Actor Nem A_Nemoidian02_talk WaitUntilEnteredRegion ObiWan trig_nim_conf_room_02 WakeUp Nem ChildScript { WaitUntilExitedRegion ObiWan trig_call_nim_bads // Does this overlap trig_nim_conf_room_02? EndScript Nim_Conf2 } SayLine Nem "/Neimoidian 1_66.31/" SayLine Nem "/Neimoidian 1_66.32/" SayLine Nem "/Neimoidian 1_66.34/" SayLine Nem "/Neimoidian 1_66.33/" TriggerUberGen "A_UG_BADsec_nim" } //////////////////// // Control Room // //////////////////// Script "Control Room" { WaitUntilKilled "A_BAD_Pilot_10" WaitUntilKilled "A_01_cntrlrm_sec_1" WaitUntilKilled "A_01_cntrlrm_pilot_1" WaitUntilKilled "A_01_cntrlrm_pilot_2" WaitUntilKilled "A_BAD_Security_43" Pause 2.0 SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.32/We can use the conduit to gain entry to the fabrication room." SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.31/Obi-Wan, we must somehow DIVERT the power from that conduit." TakeControlOf QuiGon WalkToNodeAndWait QuiGon quigon_controlroom ChildScript "Wait Until Obi Is Ready" { SayLine(QuiGon,"/Qui-GonJinn_45.33/I need your help. Stand over by those controls." ChildScript { Pause 3.0 ResetScript "Wait Until Obi Is Ready" } WaitUntilEnteredRegion Obi "trig_cntrlrm_is_obi_ready" } WaitForScriptToEnd "Wait Until Obi Is Ready" Script "Push Spheres" { SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_45.28/Padawan, are you ready?" Nudge QuiGon "A_01_cntrlrm_sphere_1" ChildScript { Pause 1.0 // Obi has one second to push the second sphere PauseScript "Push Spheres" Pause 5.0 SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_85/concentrate, obiwan" ResetScript "Push Spheres" } WaitUntilNudged "A_01_cntrlrm_sphere_2" } WaitForScriptToEnd "Push Spheres" Event "TurnOffBeam" SayLine QuiGon "/Qui-GonJinn_1162/Follow me!" // (or 45.44) SetTeam "A_01_cntrlrm_grate_01" 8 ForceTarget QuiGon "A_01_cntrlrm_grate_01" WalkToNodeAndWait QuiGon "into_beam" WalkToNodeAndWait QuiGon "quigon_pre_fabroom" Script { WaitUntilActivatedForcePower QuiGon Kill "A_01_Fab_vent_01" } WalkToNodeAndWait QuiGon "fab_bads" } ////////////////// // Setup World // ////////////////// Script "Setup World" { SetDoorToHalfCycle ConferenceRoomDoor // This makes it so that it won't automatically close SetTeam ConferenceRoomDoor 8 LockDoor ConferenceRoomDoor // Make the army of prop BAD's motionless Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_01" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_02" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_03" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_04" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_05" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_06" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_07" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_08" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_09" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_10" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_11" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_12" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_13" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_14" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_15" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_16" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_17" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_18" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_19" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_20" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_21" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_22" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_23" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_24" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_25" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_26" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_27" Sleep "A_BAD_infantry_28" Sleep "A_BAD_commander_01" Sleep "A_BAD_commander_02" Sleep "A_Nemoidian01_03" Sleep "A_Nemoidian02_04" Sleep "A_Nemoidian02_talk" Sleep "A_Nemoidian02_sitting" Sleep "A_Nemoidian01_sitting" //Sleep "A_BAD_Security_35" //Sleep "A_BAD_Security_36" // Make the lights invincible so that Obi can't kill them. When they "die" // they change to a different texture. InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_01" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_02" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_03" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_04" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_05" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_06" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_07" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_08" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_09" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_10" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_11" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_12" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_13" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_14" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_15" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_16" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_17" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_18" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_19" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_20" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_21" InvincibilityOn "A_01_HL_clear_light_22" InvincibilityOn QuiGon // hide the tea set in the conference room Hide "A_01_tc14_cup_01" Hide "A_01_tc14_cup_02" Hide "A_01_tc14_tea_01" Hide "A_01_tc14_tray_01" Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_Security_04 Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_Security_05 Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_infantry_conf_1 Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_infantry_conf_2 Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_infantry_conf_3 Call "Elevator Guard" A_BAD_infantry_conf_4 } Function "Elevator Guard" (Actor Guard) { TakeControlOf Guard WaitUntilNear Obi Guard 2.0 LookAt Guard Obi ChildScript "When Obi Leaves" { WaitUntilFar Obi Guard 2.0 StopActions Guard // Return to original rotation and position ResetScript "Elevator Guards" } SayLine Guard "BattleDroidInfantry1_66.13" Pause 3.0 SayLine Guard "BattleDroidInfantry1_66.14" Pause 3.0 SayLine Guard "BattleDroidInfantry1_215" Pause 3.0 SayLine Guard "BattleDroidInfantry1_214" Pause 3.0 SayLine Guard "BattleDroidInfantry1_215.12" Pause 3.0 }