;Level 7 Conversations ;Note - We now have a NEW FORMAT. Marker-text pairs. One marker per text segment. ;But these markers are special - they must be meaningful! Use these identifiers in the txConversation ;asset in AppKit to specify what text you want played when! ;Luna Vox_luna_037 USE YOUR CARD, NOW! Vox_luna_038 LIKE HELL! MY ORDERS ARE TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE. Vox_luna_039 WE'RE IN THE FIELD, I OUTRANK YOU, AND I'M GIVING YOU A DIRECT ORDER. SCRAM! Vox_luna_040 HE AND I CAN HAVE DISCUSS IT OVER TEA LATER. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. ;Reese Vox_reese_081 RUN! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF WHILE YOU GET AWAY. Vox_reese_082 I'M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE ALONE! Vox_reese_083 CONNOR'S NOT GONNA LIKE THIS. ;Alex Stone Vox_alex_018 YES! NOW THIS IS THE AMAZING MACHINE TO KILL YOU BOTH FINALLY! Vox_alex_019 ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Vox_alex_020 I GIVE. Vox_alex_021 DON'T SHOOT! Vox_alex_022 LEAD AWAY. Vox_alex_023 LET'S GO THEN. Vox_alex_024 YOU GOT ME. Vox_alex_025 TAKE ME TO CONNOR, AND I'LL TELL HIM WHAT I THINK. Vox_alex_026 SKYNET AND MY BROTHER WILL KILL YOU SOON. Vox_alex_027 YOU'RE LUCKY YOU HAVE A GUN.