# Explosion types.  Note: Motes are fire and/or smoke particles.  The scale of
# a mote is based on 3 factors: it's random initial scale (scale_min to
# scale_max), its fire/smoke scale (scale_fire and scale_smoke), and its
# animated scale (in the anim frame values).

[Default Fire]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.4	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.6	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.5	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 12.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life			= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback		= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end		= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius	= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist	= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Default Fire Med]
vel_decay		= 27.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.9	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 2.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.6	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.75	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.6	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 4.5, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Default Fire Large]
vel_decay		= 36.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 4.7	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.  use to be 0.2
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.8	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 1.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.8	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 6.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 28.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 6.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 1.2	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.7	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life		= 0.3	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.4	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.04	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 3.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 30.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -60.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 1.0	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.4	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.1	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 4.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 24.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.
# Animation               t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 5.0, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0 }

[Dash Laser Fire]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 8	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 8	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.6	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.4	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.6	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life	= 0.1	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate	= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 0.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel	= 10.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.5	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 6.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life			= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback		= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end		= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius	= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist	= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Default Smoke Large]
vel_decay		= 36.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.8	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.8	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.8	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 6.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 28.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 4.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 1.2	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.3	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.4	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.04	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 3.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 30.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -60.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 1.0	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.4	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.1	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 4.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 24.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.4	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.3	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 30.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn	# The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 5.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       	   t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 4.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 5.0, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Just Smoke Small]
vel_decay		= 27.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.3	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.5	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.6	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.75	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.6	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.1	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 0.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 0.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.0	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.0	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 0.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 0.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 0.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.0	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 0.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 9.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.0	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.0	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.0	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 0.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 0.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 0.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= None	# The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0 }

[Just Smoke Med]
vel_decay		= 8.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 22	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 2.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 3.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.6	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.75	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.6	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 9.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.1	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 0.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 0.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.0	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.0	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 0.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 0.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 0.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.0	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 0.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 9.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.0	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.0	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.0	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 0.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 0.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 0.0	# Damage applied to other entities.
decal.type		= None	# The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 3.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 0.8, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0 }
anim 1			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0 }

[Default Plasma]
vel_decay		= 10.0
emit_radius		= 0.1
motes_min		= 32
motes_max		= 32
life_min		= 0.5
life_max		= 1.5
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 1.1
scale_smoke		= 1.4
vel_min			= 2.0
vel_max			= 10.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.3
glare.scale		= 5.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 128
warp.type		= Shockwave
warp.radius		= 1.0
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 1.0
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.2
streak.rate		= 200.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.1
streak.width	= 0.05
streak.length	= 2.0
streak.vel		= 15.0
streak.radius	= 0.2
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 2.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0
presence.radius_end		= 1.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 1.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= LensFlare01
texture.smoke	= viperexplosion_smoke
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.03,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Default Fire Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.0
motes_min		= 50
motes_max		= 60
life_min		= 0.6
life_max		= 1.3
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.3
scale_smoke		= 0.7
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 0.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.6
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 0.3
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 40.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.3, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Bot Leap Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.0
motes_min		= 50
motes_max		= 60
life_min		= 0.6
life_max		= 1.3
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.3
scale_smoke		= 0.7
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 0.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.6
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 0.3
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 40.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.3, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Ring Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.3
motes_min		= 10
motes_max		= 10
life_min		= 0.5
life_max		= 0.6
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 1.0
scale_smoke		= 2.0
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 0.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.6
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 0.3
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.0
streak.rate		= 0.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0
presence.radius_end		= 1.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 1.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.25,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 0.5, 2.5, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0 }

///// Below is Kirk's Mr. I effects test /////

[Default Sparks]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 50.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.15	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 15.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Default Glare And Sparks]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.5	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 8.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 200	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 1.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.5	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 1.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 50.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.15	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 15.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Just Sparks]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 1.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 3.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 1.0	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.10	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 1.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 3.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 0.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -5.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

///// End Kirk's Mr. I effects test /////

///// Bridge Explosion for OM01 //////
[OM01 Bridge Explosion]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 7.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 9.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 8.5	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.5	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 8.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 200	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 4.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.5	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 1.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 50.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.15	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 15.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[OM01 Bridge Fire Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.3
motes_min		= 50
motes_max		= 60
life_min		= 0.6
life_max		= 1.3
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 1.1
scale_smoke		= 1.1
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 1.0
glare.scale		= 4.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 100
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.6
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 0.3
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 40.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.3, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Velocipod Explosion]
vel_decay		= 7.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 10	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 20	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.7	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 2.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 4.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.4	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 13.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 34.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 12.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.7	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life		= 0.35	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.15	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.06	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 2.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 35.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 3.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 0.55	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 150.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.15	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 15.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 3.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
anim 1			= 0.14,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.2 }

[Spawn Fire Blast]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 5		# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 8		# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.4	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 10.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color
warp.type		= None		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.0	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 0.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 100.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.1	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.01	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 0.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 10.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 0.25	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.2	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 9.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.0	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 0.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None	# The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius	= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist	= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.10,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

vel_decay		= 12.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.9	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 52	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 52	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.9	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.7	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.6	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 9.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 12.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= omni_clawrang_explode # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color
warp.type		= None	# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
streak.life		= 0.25	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 500.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.1	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.015	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 3.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -10.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 1.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 0.5	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 500.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.1	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 7.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 10.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.0	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 0.0	# Damage applied to other entities.
decal.type		= None # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.08,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.4,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0 }

vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.4
motes_min		= 60
motes_max		= 70
life_min		= 0.6
life_max		= 1.3
scale_min		= 0.9
scale_max		= 1.0
scale_fire		= 0.8
scale_smoke		= 1.0
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 0.0
warp.radius		= 0.0
warp.duration	= 0.0
warp.intensity	= 0.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 0.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.7
spark.rate		= 80.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.25
spark.vel_min	= 1.0
spark.vel_max	= 2.0
spark.radius	= 0.2
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
texture.spark	= spark_single2
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.5 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.1, 2.4, 0.5 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 1.0, 3.5, 0.0, 2.4, 0.5 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 4.5, 0.0, 2.4, 0.5 }

[Omnidroid Bolt Impact]
vel_decay		= 8.0
emit_radius		= 0.1
motes_min		= 32
motes_max		= 32
life_min		= 0.5
life_max		= 1.5
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.7
scale_smoke		= 0.9
vel_min			= 2.0
vel_max			= 8.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 5.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 128
warp.type		= None
warp.radius		= 1.0
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 1.0
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 200.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.1
streak.width	= 0.04
streak.length	= 1.0
streak.vel		= 15.0
streak.radius	= 0.2
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.05
presence.life			= 0.1
presence.knockback		= 20.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.6
presence.damage_player	= 8.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 8.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= omni_beam_flare
texture.smoke	= omni_plasma_smoke
texture.streak	= omni_beam_flare
texture.spark	= omni_beam_flare
#texture.glare	= LensFlare01
#texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.03,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 }

[Omnidroid Head Hit Top]
vel_decay		= 8.0
emit_radius		= 0.1
motes_min		= 0
motes_max		= 0
life_min		= 0.5
life_max		= 1.5
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.7
scale_smoke		= 0.9
vel_min			= 2.0
vel_max			= 8.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 5.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 128
warp.type		= None
warp.radius		= 1.0
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 1.0
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.25
streak.rate		= 200.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.1
streak.width	= 0.07
streak.length	= 1.5
streak.vel		= 15.0
streak.radius	= 0.5
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.5
spark.rate		= 100.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.1
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= omni_beam_flare
texture.smoke	= omni_plasma_smoke
texture.streak	= omni_beam_flare
texture.spark	= omni_beam_flare
#texture.glare	= LensFlare01
#texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.03,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 }

[Omnidroid Head Hit Bottom]
vel_decay		= 8.0
emit_radius		= 0.1
motes_min		= 0
motes_max		= 0
life_min		= 0.5
life_max		= 1.5
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.7
scale_smoke		= 0.9
vel_min			= 2.0
vel_max			= 8.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 5.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 128
warp.type		= None
warp.radius		= 1.0
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 1.0
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 200.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.1
streak.width	= 0.05
streak.length	= 1.5
streak.vel		= 20.0
streak.radius	= 0.5
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.4
spark.rate		= 400.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.1
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 8.0
spark.radius	= 0.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= omni_beam_flare
texture.smoke	= omni_plasma_smoke
texture.streak	= omni_beam_flare
texture.spark	= omni_beam_flare
#texture.glare	= LensFlare01
#texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.03,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0 }

[Water Mine Blast]
vel_decay			= 12.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius			= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min			= 22	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max			= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min			= 0.5	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max			= 0.9	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min			= 0.5	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max			= 0.6	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire			= 0.6	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke			= 0.9	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min				= 6.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max				= 23.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound				= water_mine_explode # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
glare.life			= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale			= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color			= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color
warp.type			= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius			= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.4	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 2.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq			= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life			= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate			= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.15	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.015	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel			= 21.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.1	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life			= 0.5	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate			= 300.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.15	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale			= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 7.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 14.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha			= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time			= 0.75	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag			= 0.3	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle			= 0.04	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 1.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 8.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin = 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player = 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other = 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.
decal.type			= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life			= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width			= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.
texture.fire		= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke		= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak		= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark		= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
# Animation     	  t     alpha  scale heat rise glow
anim 0				= 0.0,	{ 1.0,  1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 }
anim 1				= 0.18,	{ 1.0,  3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 }
anim 2				= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5 }
anim 3				= 1.0,	{ 0.0,  4.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5 }

[Seeker Bot Explosion]
vel_decay		= 15.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 22	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 22	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.6	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.3	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.4	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.5	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 7.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 2.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration	= 0.6	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity	= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).
streak.life		= 0.2	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 150.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.15	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.015	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
spark.life		= 0.4	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 70.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.15	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 2.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 12.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 3.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Seeker Bot Fire Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.0
motes_min		= 140
motes_max		= 150
life_min		= 0.4
life_max		= 0.5
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 0.15
scale_smoke		= 0.25
vel_min			= 0.5
vel_max			= 1.0
glare.life		= 0.0
glare.scale		= 0.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64
texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
texture.glare	= LensFlare01
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.8 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 0.5, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8 }

[Driller Sparks]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.2	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.50	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 180.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.3	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.50	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.08	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 0.5	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 4.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 0.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
# texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
# texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
# texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
# texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
# texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Driller Sparks2]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 3.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 14.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.15	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time= 0.2	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width	= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length	= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius	= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity	= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.40	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 90.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time	= 0.6	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.05	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min	= 0.5	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max	= 2.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius	= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity	= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha	= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
# texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
# texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
# texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
# texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
# texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

##### Enemies #####

[Robot Explosion Small]
vel_decay		= 27.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.5	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.5	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.1	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2 }

[Robot Explosion Med]
vel_decay		= 16.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 1.4	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 1.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 1.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.1	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 16.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.

sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2 }

[Robot Explosion Lrg]
vel_decay		= 27.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 2.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 2.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.1	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 1.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2 }

[Robot Sparks Small]
vel_decay		= 18.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.1	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 0	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 0	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 0.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.0	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.0	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 0.0	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 1.0	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 2.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= mysound

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 0.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.1	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.02	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 1.5	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 15.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -30.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.1	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.10	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 1.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 2.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 0.25	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -5.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius	= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0

decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Scientist Death Smoke]
vel_decay		= 27.0	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 32	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 32	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 0.5	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 1.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.6	# Minimum scale of each mote.
scale_max		= 0.75	# Maximum scale of each mote.
scale_fire		= 0.6	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.1	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 0.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 0.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.0	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.0	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 0.0	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 0.0	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.0	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 0.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.0	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 0.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 9.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 0.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= 0.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 0.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.0	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.0	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.0	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 0.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 0.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 0.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= None	# The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 1.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Scientist	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0 }

[Snow Blob Trail]
vel_decay		= 12.0
emit_radius		= 0.3
motes_min		= 20
motes_max		= 20
life_min		= 0.6
life_max		= 1.3
scale_min		= 0.4
scale_max		= 0.5
scale_fire		= 1.1
scale_smoke		= 1.1
vel_min			= 1.0
vel_max			= 2.0
#sound			= mysound
glare.life		= 1.0
glare.scale		= 4.0
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 100
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 0.6
warp.duration	= 0.5
warp.intensity	= 0.3
warp.freq		= 1.0
streak.life		= 0.15
streak.rate		= 40.0
streak.emit_delay= 0.0
streak.emit_time= 0.0
streak.width	= 0.015
streak.length	= 6.0
streak.vel		= 7.5
streak.radius	= 0.0
streak.gravity	= -9.8
streak.alpha	= 1.0
spark.life		= 0.1
spark.rate		= 0.0
spark.emit_delay= 0.0
spark.emit_time	= 0.0
spark.scale		= 0.7
spark.vel_min	= 6.0
spark.vel_max	= 6.0
spark.radius	= 1.0
spark.gravity	= -9.8
spark.alpha		= 2.0
shake.time		= 0.0
shake.mag		= 0.0
shake.cycle		= 0.05
shake.rot_mag	= 0.2
shake.radius	= 7.0
presence.delay			= 0.0
presence.life			= 0.0
presence.knockback		= 0.0
presence.radius_begin	= 0.0
presence.radius_end		= 0.0
presence.damage_player	= 0.0
presence.damage_npc		= 0.0
presence.damage_other	= 0.0
decal.type		= None
decal.radius	= 1.0
decal.life		= 5.0
decal.width		= 0.5
decal.max_dist	= 2.0
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64
texture.smoke	= vfx_snow_blob_smoke
#texture.streak	= spark_single2
#texture.spark	= spark_single2
#texture.glare	= LensFlare01
#texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal

# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 2.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0 }
anim 3			= 0.75,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0 }
anim 4			= 1.0,	{ 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0 }

[Gen Smoke Small]
vel_decay		= 27	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 3	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 3	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.5	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 2.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 0.5	# Minimum scale of each mote. 0.6
scale_max		= 0.75	# Maximum scale of each mote. 0.75
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
#warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
#warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
#warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
#warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
#texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
#texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
#texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
#texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 0.25, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 0.25, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 0.25, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.0 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0 }

[Gen Explosion Small]
vel_decay		= 27	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 4	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 4	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.5	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 2.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 1.25	# Minimum scale of each mote. 0.6
scale_max		= 1.5	# Maximum scale of each mote. 0.75
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
#warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
#warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
#warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
#warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Gen Explosion Large]
vel_decay		= 27	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 6	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 6	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 1.5	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 2.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 2.5	# Minimum scale of each mote. 0.6
scale_max		= 3.0	# Maximum scale of each mote. 0.75
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
#warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
#warp.radius		= 3.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
#warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
#warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
#warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Gen Explosion Humongous]
vel_decay		= 27	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 6	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 6	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 3.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 3.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 8.0	# Minimum scale of each mote. 0.6
scale_max		= 8.0	# Maximum scale of each mote. 0.75
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Shockwave		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 10.0	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 0.9	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 0.5	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.3	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 6.0	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 1			= 0.01,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
anim 2			= 0.3,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 }
anim 3			= 0.8,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0 }

[Underwater Explosion Large]
vel_decay		= 27	# Velocity decay factor.  The greater this is, the faster motes stop.
emit_radius		= 0.15	# Spherical radius in which motes are emitted.
motes_min		= 6	# Minimum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
motes_max		= 6	# Maximum number of motes to emit.  For trails, this is an emit rate.
life_min		= 3.0	# Minimum life of each mote.
life_max		= 3.0	# Maximum life of each mote.
scale_min		= 5.0	# Minimum scale of each mote. 0.6
scale_max		= 5.0	# Maximum scale of each mote. 0.75
scale_fire		= 1.0	# Scale of fire particles.
scale_smoke		= 1.4	# Scale of smoke particles.
vel_min			= 4.5	# Minimum outward start velocity of a mote.
vel_max			= 21.0	# Maximum outward start velocity of a mote.
#sound			= explo_small01 # Play this sound on start (or continually for trail explosions).

# Screen glare parameters.
glare.life		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen glare.
glare.scale		= 0.0	# Scale of the screen glare.
glare.color		= 255, 255, 255, 0	# Screen glare color

# Screen warp parameters.
warp.type		= Warble		# Distortion type.  Currently supported: Warble, Lens, Ripple, Shockwave, Heat Shimmer
warp.radius		= 7.5	# Spherical radius of screen distortion
warp.duration		= 3.0	# Duration of screen warp.
warp.intensity		= 1.0	# Intensity of screen warp (affects how much image is displaced).
warp.freq		= 1.0	# Procedural frequency of screen warp (higher animates faster).

# Streak parameters.
streak.life		= 0.225	# Lifetime of a streak.
streak.rate		= 200.0	# Number of streaks to emit per second.
streak.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting streaks.  Unused for trail explosions.
streak.emit_time	= 0.3	# Time during which streaks are emitted.
streak.width		= 0.03	# Width of each streak.
streak.length		= 2.25	# Max length of each streak.
streak.vel		= 22.5	# Initial outward velocity of each streak.
streak.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which streaks are emitted.
streak.gravity		= -45.0	# Y-acceleration applied to each streak (negative for gravitation).
streak.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each streak.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Spark parameters.
spark.life		= 0.75	# Lifetime of a spark.
spark.rate		= 100.0	# Number of sparks to emit per second.
spark.emit_delay	= 0.0	# Delay before emitting sparks.  Unused for trail explosions.
spark.emit_time		= 0.3	# Time during which sparks are emitted.
spark.scale		= 0.075	# Scale of each spark particle.
spark.vel_min		= 3.0	# Minimum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.vel_max		= 18.0	# Maximum initial outward velocity of each spark.
spark.radius		= 1.5	# Spherical radius in which sparks are emitted.
spark.gravity		= -9.8	# Y-acceleration applied to each spark.
spark.alpha		= 2.0	# Alpha of each spark.  1 is full alpha.  >1 causes streak to stay solid for longer.

# Screen shake parameters.
shake.time		= 0.0	# Duration of the screen shake.  Set to 0 to disable screen shake.
shake.mag		= 0.2	# Magnitude of the screen shake.
shake.cycle		= 0.05	# Cycle time (inverse frequency) of screen shake.
shake.rot_mag		= 0.2	# Rotation magnitude of screen shake.
shake.radius		= 10.0	# Falloff radius of screen shake.

presence.delay		= 0.0	# Delay before damage becomes active.
presence.life		= 0.0	# Life-time of the damage volume.
presence.knockback	= 0.0	# Knockback applied to entities.
presence.radius_begin	= 1.0	# Beginning damage radius.
presence.radius_end	= 1.0	# End damage radius.
presence.damage_player	= 0.0	# Damage applied to player.
presence.damage_npc	= 0.0	# Damage applied to NPCs.
presence.damage_other	= 1.0	# Damage applied to other entities.

decal.type		= Burn # The type of decal to render: None, Impact, Burn, or Plasma
decal.radius		= 2.0	# The radius of the decal emitter sphere.
decal.life		= 5.0	# The life time of the decal.
decal.width		= 0.5	# The width of the decal.
decal.max_dist		= 2.0	# Maximum distance at which to cast the decal.  This should be a little greater than radius.

# Textures.  These textures must exist in the scene for the explosion to work properly.
texture.fire	= ExplosionFlash_Tan_64			# Fire texture id.
texture.smoke	= ExplosionFlash_Smoke_tan_64	# Smoke texture id.
texture.streak	= spark_single2					# Streak texture id.  Remove to disable streaks.
texture.spark	= spark_single2					# Spark texture id.  Remove to disable sparks.
texture.glare	= LensFlare01					# Screen glare texture id.  Remove to disable glare.
texture.decal	= WallCrackDecal				# Decal texture id.  Remove to decals.

# Animation key frames.  Each value specifies the alpha, scale, heat, and rise
# of a mote during a particular time in its life, represented as a fraction of
# its total life.  Time values (t) should be sorted, from 0 to 1. The values
# for each time are linearly interpolated between key frames.  alpha and scale
# are multipliers on the base mote alpha and scale.  heat controls the blend
# between fire and smoke (0 all smoke, 1 all fire).  rise specifies an
# additional upward velocity applied to the mote.
# Animation       t     alpha scale heat rise glow
anim 0			= 0.0,	{ 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1 }
anim 1			= 0.18,	{ 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1 }
anim 2			= 0.5,	{ 1.0, 3.75, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1 }
anim 3			= 0.6,	{ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.1 }