[*Globals*] cone = Water_ripple_tile # Texture used for the splash cone. mist = Splash_particle # Texture used for mist particles. ring = Water_ripple # Texture used for surface ring particles. streak = ui_arrowup_glow # Texture used for water streaks. plume = Splash_particle # Texture used for splash plumes. trail = swimming_ripples # Texture used for swimming ripples. drips = Splash_Mist_Clumpy # Texture used for coming out of water drips. cone_texture_repeats = 4 # Number of times the cone texture repeats around a splash cone. ################ # Splash types. ################ [Default Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 0.7 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 5.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 2.0 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.8 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplash # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 0.4 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 2.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -6.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 100 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 20.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 300.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Default Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.3 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 400.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 0.4 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 1.4 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 8.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 11.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 16.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 0.3 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 0.9 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 1.7 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -14.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 200, 255, 255, 75 } # Color of the particle. [Large Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 3.0 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 8.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 2.0 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.8 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplashBig # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 300 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.5 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 1.3 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 3.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -9.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 90 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 40.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 6.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 500.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Huge Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 11.0 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 25.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 3.5 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.9 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplashBig # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 1.5 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 2.5 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 5.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -14.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 90 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 80.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 4.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 12.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 500.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Very Large Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 7.0 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 25.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 3.5 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.9 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplashBig # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 5.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -14.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 90 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 80.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 4.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 6.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 500.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Large Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.3 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 400.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 1.5 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 1.0 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 8.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 12.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 20.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 1.9 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 1.7 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -14.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 200, 255, 255, 75 } # Color of the particle. [Laser Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 1.5 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 0.1 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 0.9 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.0 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 0.7 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.2 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplash # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 100 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 0.4 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 2.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -6.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 100 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.01 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.4 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 20.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 300.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Laser Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.2 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 100.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 0.2 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 0.5 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 1.0 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 8.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 14.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 0.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 0.3 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 0.5 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 1.7 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -26.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 200, 255, 255, 75 } # Color of the particle. ################ # Incredi Splash. ################ [Incredi Splash] type = splash # The splash cone. cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 1.2 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 5.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.4 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 3.0 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 1.2 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplashBig # Mist particle parameters. Mist particles are generated on the leading # edge of the splash cone. mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 0.4 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 2.5 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 2.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -6.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 100 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Ring particle parameters. These are small flat rings generated at the # bottom of the splash cone. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 20.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. # Splash streaks. These are streak particles that are generated at the # bottom of the splash cone and move out along the cone edge. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 300.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.9 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 4.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 10.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.15 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -13.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Incredi Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.3 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 1000.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 1.0 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 2.0 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 6.0 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 8.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 17.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 16.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 0.6 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 1.3 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 1.7 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -15.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 200, 255, 255, 75 } # Color of the particle. [Player Walk Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Player Fall Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Laser Water Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Laser Splash start = 0.0, Laser Plume [BotLobWaterExplode] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Small Thrown Object Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Medium Thrown Object Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Large Thrown Object Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Melee Bot Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Helibot Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Player Fall Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Default Splash start = 0.0, Default Plume [Splash Emitter Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Large Splash start = 0.0, Large Plume [Dash Splash Cone] type = splash cone.life = 3.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 0.1 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 1.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.2 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 0.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 1.0 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.6 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 155 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 0.3 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.0 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 1.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -4.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 255, 255, 255, 127 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 10.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 1.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 2.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. streak.emit_end = 0.1 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 300.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.3 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 0.5 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 10.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 15.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.03 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.5 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -5.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Dash Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.2 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 400.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 0.0 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 0.8 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 1.0 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 7.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 7.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 10.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 0.3 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -15.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. [Dash Splash Chain] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Dash Splash Cone start = 0.0, Dash Plume [Mine Explode Cone] type = splash cone.life = 6.0 # Lifetime of the splash cone. cone.radius_birth = 0.5 # Radius at birth. cone.radius_death = 5.0 # Radius at death. cone.dxz_birth = 0.4 # Horizontal width at birth. cone.dxz_death = 1.0 # Horizontal width at death. cone.dy_birth = 1.0 # Height at birth. cone.dy_max = 4.0 # Maximum height. cone.dy_airtime = 0.9 # Time in the air. cone.alpha_birth = 85 # Alpha at birth (0-255). cone.alpha_death = 0 # Alpha at death (0-255). cone.sound_group = SwimEnterSplash mist.rate = 400 # Number of mist particles to emit per second. mist.size_min = 0.1 # Minimum random size of mist particle. mist.size_max = 0.4 # Maximum random size of mist particle. mist.size_scale = 2.0 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. mist.life = 1.7 # Lifetime of the particle. mist.y_vel = 2.0 # y-velocity of the particle. mist.y_accel = -6.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). mist.color = { 181, 233, 240, 100 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. ring.emit_begin = 0.2 # Time at which to start emitting ring particles. ring.emit_end = 0.8 # Time at which to stop emitting ring particles. ring.rate = 20.0 # Number of ring particles to emit per second. ring.life_min = 2.2 # Minimum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.life_max = 3.0 # Maximum random lifetime of ring particle. ring.size_min = 1.0 # Minimum random ending size of ring particle. ring.size_max = 2.0 # Maximum random ending size of ring particle. ring.color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. streak.emit_end = 0.21 # Time at which to stop emitting streak particles. streak.rate = 300.0 # Number of streak particles to emit per second. streak.life_min = 0.7 # Minimum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.life_max = 1.1 # Maximum random lifetime of streak particle. streak.vel_min = 3.0 # Minimum random velocity of streak particle. streak.vel_max = 8.0 # Maximum random velocity of streak particle. streak.width = 0.01 # Width of the streak. streak.length = 0.25 # Maximum length of the streak. streak.y_accel = -33.0 # y-acceleration applied to the streaks (negative for gravity). streak.color = { 255, 255, 255, 155 } # Color of the particle. Alpha fades to zero linearly over the life of the particle. [Mine Explode Plume] type = plume emit_end = 0.3 # Time at which to stop emitting particles. rate = 400.0 # Number of particles to emit per second. radius = 0.2 # Radius of horizontal circle to emit from. life_min = 1.7 # Minimum random lifetime of particle. life_max = 2.0 # Maximum random lifetime of particle. vel_min = 16.0 # Minimum random velocity of particle. vel_max = 22.0 # Maximum random velocity of particle. vel_angle = 5.0 # Random velocity angle (in degrees) from vertical. size_min = 0.7 # Minimum random size of particle. size_max = 0.9 # Maximum random size of particle. size_scale = 1.7 # Amount to scale (multiplier) over the life of the particle. y_accel = -22.0 # y-acceleration of the particle (negative for gravity). color = { 200, 255, 255, 75 } # Color of the particle. [Mine Explode Splash] type = chain # time, type-name start = 0.0, Mine Explode Cone start = 0.0, Mine Explode Plume