// weapons and items "WPN_AT_MAAWS" "M3A2 MAAWS" "WPN_AT_PF89LAW" "PF-89 LAW" "WPN_GL_91" "T91" "WPN_GL_M203" "M203" "WPN_GL_M29" "M29 GL" "WPN_GL_M320" "M320" "WPN_GL_TYPE95OICW" "T-95P GL" "WPN_GL_GP25" "GP25" "WPN_GL_M25AAW" "M25 AAW" "WPN_GL_AK74GP30" "GP30" "WPN_P_M1911" "M1911" "WPN_P_M1911SD" "M1911 SD" "WPN_P_M9" "M9" "WPN_P_M9SD" "M9SD" "WPN_P_QSZ92" "QSZ-92" "WPN_P_QSZ92SD" "QSZ-92 SD" "WPN_P_TYPE54" "T-54" "WPN_P_TYPE54SD" "T-54 SD" "WPN_R_M16M203" "M16/M203" "WPN_R_M4" "A2 Carbine" "WPN_R_M4ACOG" "A2 Scoped" "WPN_R_M4M320" "A2/M320" "WPN_R_M8" "M8 Carbine" "WPN_R_M8M320" "M8/M320" "WPN_R_TYPE562" "AK-47" "WPN_R_TYPE562_91" "AK-47/T91" "WPN_R_TYPE87A" "T-87A Rifle" "WPN_R_TYPE87A_91" "T-87A/T91" "WPN_R_TYPE95" "T-95 Carbine" "WPN_R_TYPE95_91" "T-95/T91" "WPN_R_SA80A2" "SA-80" "WPN_R_SA80G36" "SA-80/AG36" "WPN_R_FAMAS" "FAMAS" "WPN_R_G36K" "G36K" "WPN_R_SCARLCarbine" "SCAR-L Carbine" "WPN_R_SCARLSD" "SCAR-L CQC SD" "WPN_R_SCARH" "SCAR-H Rifle" "WPN_R_SCARLM320" "SCAR-L/M320" "WPN_R_SCARHM320" "SCAR-H/M320" "WPN_R_AK74M" "AK-74M" "WPN_R_A91CAR" "A91 CAR" "WPN_R_AK74GP30" "AK-74/GP30" "WPN_R_MP5SD" "MP5 SD" "WPN_R_M8C" "M8 Compact" "WPN_R_FAMAS203" "FAMAS/M203S" "WPN_SAW_M240B" "M240B LMG" "WPN_SAW_M249" "Mk 46 SAW" "WPN_SAW_M8AR" "M8 AR" "WPN_SAW_TYPE56" "RPD LMG" "WPN_SAW_TYPE87" "QJY-88 LMG" "WPN_SAW_TYPE95" "T-95 LMG" "WPN_SAW_MG4" "MG4" "WPN_SAW_MG36" "MG36" "WPN_R_SHRIKE" "AS56 SAW" "WPN_SAW_MK48" "MK 48 LMG" "WPN_SAW_PJMLMG" "PKM LMG" "WPN_SR_M14DMR" "M14 DMR" "WPN_SR_M16SPR" "SPR-468" "WPN_SR_M8SMR" "M8 Sharpshooter" "WPN_SR_TYPE84M" "SKS 84-M" "WPN_SR_TYPE85" "SVD Sniper" "WPN_SR_TYPE88" "KBU-88 Sniper" "WPN_SR_FAMASG2" "FAMAS G2S" "WPN_SR_SCARHSV" "SCAR-H SV" "WPN_SR_LRS338" "LRS 338" "WPN_SR_SL9SD" "SL9 SD" "WPN_SR_MSG90" "MSG-90" "WPN_SR_SVUA" "SVU Sniper" "WPN_OICW_M29" "M29" "WPN_OICW_TYPE95" "T-95P System" "WPN_OICW_FELINFV2" "FELIN FV2" "WPN_STATIONARY_MG" "50cal MG" "WPN_FRAG" "M67 Grenade" "WPN_T86FRAG" "T-86 Grenade" "ITM_BOMB" "Demo Charge" "ITM_CLAYMORE" "M18A1 Claymore" "ITM_C_CLAYMORE" "T-01A Claymore" "ITM_LASER_DESIGNATOR" "Laser Designator" "SATCHEL_CHARGE" "M183 Satchel Charge" "C_SATCHEL_CHARGE" "T-89 Satchel Charge" // Weapon Information (for Equip Screen) "IN_AT_MAAWS" "The 'Multi-role Anti-armor Anti-personnel Weapon System' is the Ghost's primary weapon for destroying armored vehicles. The M3A2 has substantial weight savings over older models." "IN_AT_PF89LAW" "The PF-89 Light Anti-Armor Weapon was developed to replace the aging RPG-7 system for destroying armored vehicles." "IN_GL_91" "35mm HE - The T91 Grenade Launcher is a modified copy of the US M203, designed to be used on the AK series of rifles." "IN_GL_M203" "40mm HEDP - The M203 is a breach loaded, single shot, underbarrel grenade launcher that fires on an arcing path." "IN_GL_M29" "20mm Airburst - The M29 features a semi-automatic grenade launcher be primed to airburst grenades over targrets." "IN_GL_M320" "40mm HEDP- The M320 is a side-loading, single shot, light weight 40mm launcher based on the AG36." "IN_GL_TYPE95OICW" "35mm HE - The T91P Assault System features a semi-automatic heavy grenade launcher." "IN_GL_GP25" "GP25 - Information. Edit in strings_x.txt." "IN_GL_M25AAW" "25mm - Based on the M29 grenade module, the M25 Airburst Assault Weapon is a semi-automatic grenade launcher, with a built in gun camera and dial-in range system." "IN_GL_AK74GP30" "40mm - The GP-30 is the standard underbarrel grenade launcher of the former soviet block nations, and fires the VOG-25 fragmentation grenade." "IN_P_M1911" ".45 Cal - The M1911 was the official sidearm of the US for over 70 years. Several Special Forces units still prefer the M1911 due to the stopping power of the .45 round." "IN_P_M1911SD" ".45 Cal SS - The M1911 with an attached suppressor provides almost silent fire, with less recoil. The pistol is slightly more bulky to carry with the suppressor attached." "IN_P_M9" "9x19mm - The M9 Pistol is the standard sidearm of the US Military. It has a high magazine capacity and low recoil." "IN_P_M9SD" "9x19mmSS - This M9 Pistol is fitted with a suppressor for quiet fire, with a corresponding lessening of power and recoil." "IN_P_QSZ92" "9x19mm - The QSZ-92 pistol was developed by China to replace the older Type 54 pistol, and for export to different countries. It has a high magazine capacity and low recoil." "IN_P_QSZ92SD" "9x19mm - The QSZ-92 pistol with a suppressor attached. The suppressor reduces recoil, but adds weight and bulk to the pistol." "IN_P_TYPE54" "7.62x25mm - The Type 54 pistol was based off of the Soviet Tokarev T-33, and was popular with communist block countries. It is slowly being replaced by newer pistols." "IN_P_TYPE54SD" "7.62x25mmSS - The Type 54 pistol with a suppressor attached. The suppressor reduces recoil, but adds weight and bulk to the pistol." "IN_R_M16M203" "5.56x45mm/40mm - This rifle features accurate fire and an underslung grenade launcher. While it is slower to aim than the A2, it provides more accurate fire." "IN_R_M4" "5.56x45mm - This is the standard issue weapon of the US Special Forces. It is average in accuracy and firepower, and is useful both in the field and in close quarters." "IN_R_M4ACOG" "5.56x45mm - This A2 features an advanced combat optic. It is slightly slower to aim than the regular carbine, but has a 4x magnification." "IN_R_M4M320" "5.56x45mm/40mm - The A2 is faster to aim than the M16, although it is slightly less accurate. The light weight of the M320 is also an improvement over the older M203 launcher." "IN_R_M8" "5.56x45mm - The M8 Carbine is the most advanced rifle available to the infantry. Made of advanced materials, it is quick to aim and very accurate." "IN_R_M8M320" "5.56x45mm/40mm - The M8 carbine with an M320 launcher is a lethal platform. While slightly bulky, this weapon provides fast and accurate fire." "IN_R_TYPE562" "7.62x39mm - The standard weapon of the former Soviet block since the 1960's, the classic AK-47 provides a reliable infantry weapon, although it is not known for it's accuracy." "IN_R_TYPE562_91" "7.62x39mm/35mm - This is the AK-47 rifle fitted with a underslung 35mm Type 91 grenade launcher." "IN_R_TYPE87A" "5.8x42mm - China refitted the Type 81 rifle to their new 5.8mm round, making the Type 87A. This rifle has less recoil than the AK-47, while still retaining hitting power." "IN_R_TYPE87A_91" "5.8x42mm/35mm - This is the Type 87A rifle fitted with and underbarrel Type 91 30mm grenade launcher. " "IN_R_TYPE95" "5.8x42mm - Developed by China in the late 1990's, the Type 95 is a bullpup rifle that fires a high-velocity 5.8mm round." "IN_R_TYPE95_91" "5.8x42mm/35mm - This is the Type 95 rifle fitted with an underbarrel Type 91 grenade launcher." "IN_R_SA80A2" "5.56x45mm - The standard rifle of the British Army, the SA-80 A2 has recently undergone several reliability upgrades. It is a bullpup design that features a standard SUSAT 4x sight." "IN_R_SA80G36" "5.56x45mm/40mm - The SA-80 with the side-loading 40 mm AG-36 grenade launcher attached." "IN_R_FAMAS" "5.56x45mm - The bullpup FAMAS G2 is the standard infantry rifle of the French army. It is known for its high rate of fire." "IN_R_G36K" "5.56x45mm - The standard rifle of the German Special Forces, the G36K is a light weight assault carbine. It features a built in red-dot sight." "IN_R_SCARLCarbine" "5.56x45mm - The SOF Combat Assault Rifle Light (SCAR-L) was developed for US Special Forces. It features a modular design that is built for dependability and versatility." "IN_R_SCARLSD" "5.56x45mmSS - This compact version of the SCAR-L has a shorter barrel, with a suppressor attached. It is slightly less accurate and powerful than the standard model" "IN_R_SCARH" "7.62x51mm - The SCAR-H is the heavy hitting version of the SCAR, chambered for the 7.62 NATO round. It has more stopping power and range, but less ammo and higher recoil." "IN_R_SCARLM320" "5.56x45mm/40mm - The SCAR-L fitted with an underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher for heavy indirect fire." "IN_R_SCARHM320" "7.62x51mm/40mm - The SCAR-H fitted with an underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher for heavy indirect fire." "IN_R_AK74M" "5.45x39mm - The AK-74M is the more advanced version of the AK-47 assault rifle, firing a lighter round and built with lighter materials." "IN_R_A91CAR" "9x39mm - The compact version of the A-91 series of assault rifles is popular with eastern-block special forces and police units, as it provides heavy firepower in short range combat." "IN_R_AK74GP30" "5.45x39mm/40mm - The AK-74M assault rifle with an underslung 40mm grenade launcher." "IN_R_MP5SD" "9x19mmSS - The MP5 is a popular submachine gun. This version incorporates a suppressor for quiet operation." "IN_R_M8C" "5.56x45mm - The M8 Compact is a shortened version of the standard carbine. It is highly maneuverable, although less accurate than other versions." "IN_R_FAMAS203" "5.56x45mm - This is a standard FAMAS G2 with an attached M203 launcher." "IN_SAW_M240B" "7.62x51mm - The M240B LMG replaced the M60 in the US Army. It is designed for heavy suppression fire and is fed from a 100-round box magazine." "IN_SAW_M249" "5.56x45mm - The latest special ops variant of the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, the Mk 46 has a high rate of fire and is fed from a 200 round belt." "IN_SAW_M8AR" "5.56x45mm - The Automatic Rifle variant of the M8 rifle is fed from a 100 round drum magazine, and features a heavy barrel for sustained fire." "IN_SAW_TYPE56" "7.62x39mm - This Light Machine Gun was developed by the Soviets after WWII. It is fed from a 75 round drum." "IN_SAW_TYPE87" "5.8x42mm - Developed in China, the QJY-88 was developed to be the first belt fed machine gun to fire the 5.8mm round. It has a high rate of fire coupled with manageable recoil." "IN_SAW_TYPE95" "5.8x42mm - A variant of the T-95 Rifle, the T-95 Light Machine Gun features a 75 round drum magazine and is more maneuverable than the QJY-88 LMG." "IN_SAW_MG4" "5.56x45mm - The MG4 is the latest squad automatic weapon adopted by the German Army. It features a 200rd box magazine, with controllable recoil." "IN_SAW_MG36" "5.56x45mm - The Squad Automatic Rifle variant of the G36, the MG36 is fed from a 100-round drum magazine and features a heavy barrel for sustained fire." "IN_R_SHRIKE" "5.56x45mm - Designed to increase the capabilities of the A2, the AS56 is essentially a belt-fed A2, creating a compact SAW." "IN_SAW_MK48" "7.62x51mm - The Mk48 LMG is an update to the Mk46, firing the more powerful 7.62 cartridge." "IN_SAW_PJMLMG" "7.62x54mm - Developed in the 1960's, the PKM machine gun was the standard light machine gun of the Soviet Union, replacing the RPD and RPK LMG's." "IN_SR_M14DMR" "7.62x51mm - The M14 was first issued in the 1950's, and is known for accuracy and stopping power. Recently, it has been accurized and re-issued as a Designated Marksman Rifle." "IN_SR_M16SPR" "6.8x43mm - The latest variant in the SPR rifle program, the 468 is chambered in the new 6.8mm cartridge, a heavy-hitting round with manageable recoil." "IN_SR_M8SMR" "6.8x43mm - The Squad Marksman Rifle variant of the M8 features an extended barrel and advanced optics. Its light weight makes it quick to aim." "IN_SR_TYPE84M" "7.62x39mm - With thousands of SKS rifles in their inventory, many nations reworked them into the SKS 84-M, which is more accurate than the AK-47 and mounts a scope." "IN_SR_TYPE85" "7.62x54mm - The standard sniper rifle of eastern block countries, the SVD is still in use by several countries. The SVD is considered a reliable medium-range sniper platform." "IN_SR_TYPE88" "5.8x42mm - The sniper variant of the Type 95 rifle was designed to replace the SVD. It fires the high-velocity 5.8mm round, and is both lighter and more accurate than the SVD." "IN_SR_FAMASG2" "5.56x45mm - A marksman variant of the standard FAMAS G2, the G2S is modified with an accurate long barrel and lowered scope rail mount." "IN_SR_SCARHSV" "7.62x51mm - The marksman variant of the SCAR-H, the SV is fitted with a heavy barrel and long-range scope for accurate fire." "IN_SR_LRS338" ".338 Magnum - Based on a heavily modified AR-15 action, the LRS fires the hard-hitting .338 Magnum round, packing heavy firepower into a compact package." "IN_SR_SL9SD" ".300WSS - The SL9 is an advanced marksman version of the G36 rifle. This version is suppressed and fires special subsonic ammo." "IN_SR_MSG90" "7.62x51mm - Used by the German Army, the MSG90 is a powerful sniper platform based on the battle proven G3." "IN_SR_SVUA" "7.62x54mm - The SVU is a shortened bullpup version of the famous SVD sniper rifle, and is used as a tactical sniper weapon for special units." "IN_OICW_M29" "5.56x45mm/20mm - Integrated with the IWS gear, the M29 provides direct and indirect firepower with its gun camera, target designator, and airburst grenades." "IN_OICW_TYPE95" "5.8x42mm/30mm - Developed in China, this prototype system is an attempt to copy the US OICW program, based on the Type 95 assault rifle." "IN_OICW_FELINFV2" "5.56x45mm - The FELIN is the French army's advanced infantry weapon, based on the FAMAS assault rifle. It features a built-in gun camera combined with a long range scope." "IN_STATIONARY_MG" "50cal MG - Information. Edit in strings_x.txt." "IN_FRAG" "The M67 Fragmentation Grenade is the standard issue anti-personnel grenade used by US forces." "IN_T86FRAG" "The Type 86 Fragmentation Grenade is the standard issue anti-personnel greande used by the several nations." "IN_BOMB" "The Demo Charge is a shaped charge used to destroy valuable targets. It is remote detonated by command when friendly troops are clear of the area." "IN_CLAYMORE" "The US Army's M18A1 Claymore provides an anti-personnel directional charge. It can be placed and remotely detonated." "IN_C_CLAYMORE" "The Eastern-block copy of the US Claymore provides an anti-personnel directional charge. It can be placed and remotely detonated." "IN_LASER_DESIGNATOR" "This compact model is a replacement for the bulky LLDR. The Laser Designator is used to guide air strikes onto targets. Once locked on, GPS systems guides the missiles in." "SATCHEL_INFO" "The US Army's M183 Satchel Charge contains a high amount of plastic explosives primed with a timed fuse. It can destroy armored vehicles." "C_SATCHEL_INFO" "The T-89 Satchel Charge contains a high amount of plastic explosives primed with a timed fuse. It can destroy armored vehicles." // Kit restriction files "KR_NO_RESTRICTIONS" "No Restrictions" "KR_NO_EXPLOSIVES" "No Explosives" "KR_PISTOLS_ONLY" "Pistols Only" "KR_GRENADES_ONLY" "Grenades Only" "KR_HIGH_TECH_ONLY" "Lone Wolf Weapons Only" "KR_NO_HIGH_TECH" "No Lone Wolf Weapons" "KR_NO_LAUNCHED" "No Launched Weapons" "KR_SILENCED_ONLY" "Silenced Weapons Only" "KR_NO_SILENCED" "No Silenced Weapons" "KR_NO_MARKSMAN" "No Marksman Weapons" "KR_NO_GUNNER" "No Gunner Weapons" "KR_CLASSIC_GR2" "Classic GR2 Weapons" "KR_STANDARD_ONLY" "Standard Weapons Only" "KR_RFLMN_ONLY" "Rifleman Weapons Only" // Multiplayer Character Model Set Files for player appearance "mp_01_players_choice" "Ghosts 1" "mp_02_players_choice" "Enemy Soldiers 1" "mp_03_players_choice" "Ghosts 2" "mp_04_players_choice" "Enemy Soldiers 2" "mp_05_players_choice" "Ghosts 3" "mp_06_players_choice" "Enemy Soldiers 3" "mp_07_players_choice" "Ghosts Snow 1" "mp_08_players_choice" "Ghosts Snow 2" "mp_09_players_choice" "Enemy Snow" "mp_10_players_choice" "Ghosts Digital 1" "mp_11_players_choice" "Ghosts Digital 2" "mp_12_players_choice" "Ghosts Digital 3" "mp_13_players_choice" "Allied Soldiers" "mp_14_players_choice" "International Specialists" // Names for the characters in the .CGS files. "Scott Mitchell" "Scott Mitchell" "Joe Ramirez" "Joe Ramirez" "Marcus Brown" "Marcus Brown" "Jennifer Burke" "Jennifer Burke" "Nick Salvatore" "Nick Salvatore" "Mike Kim" "Mike Kim" "Grigoriy Koslov" "Grigoriy Koslov" "Derrick Parker" "Derrick Parker" "David Foster" "David Foster" "Alicia Diaz" "Alicia Diaz" "Asad Rahil" "Asad Rahil" "Kazakh Militia" "Kazakh Militia" "Kazakh Vehicle Crew" "Kazakh Vehicle Crew" "Kazakh Army" "Kazakh Army" "Kazakh Army Sniper" "Kazakh Army Sniper" "Kazakh Elite" "Kazakh Elite" "Kazakh Elite Lieutenant" "Kazakh Elite Lieutenant" "Captive Ally" "Captive Ally" "Allied Kazakhs" "Allied Kazakhs" "US Soldier" "US Soldier" "U.N. Soldier" "U.N. Soldier" "U.N. Disposal Crew" "U.N. Disposal Crew"