//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GOAL RELATED VALUES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDLE base_idle_score 10.0 base score for the IDLE goal // FIGHT_IN_OPEN base_fight_in_open 35.0 base score for the FIGHT_IN_OPEN goal fight_in_open_max_aggro_influence 50.0 Aggressiveness will add 0-50 points on to score (linear mapping of 0-100 in character stat) fight_in_open_decay_not_seen 3.0 decay of score for every second target not seen // RELOAD base_reload 30.0 base score for the RELOAD goal. This score is given when the character has a gun that is out of ammo. // GUARD base_guard 25.0 base score for the GUARD goal // INVESTIGATE base_investigate 20.0 base score for the INVESTIGATE goal base_investigate_whilst_searching 26.0 needs to be higher than guard max_investigate 60.0 max score for the INVESTIGATE goal investigate_bonus_per_second 3.0 increase of score for every second in the WHATS_THAT state // RUN_FOR_COVER base_run_for_cover 36.0 run_for_cover_no_weapon 20.0 run_for_cover_have_target_bonus 10.0 run_for_cover_taken_hit_bonus 15.0 run_for_cover_whats_that 10.0 run_for_cover_there_he_is 40.0 run_for_cover_he_was_there 20.0 // PATROL base_patrol 50.0 // FIRE_FROM_COVER base_fire_from_cover 70.0 // SNIPER_FIRE base_sniper_fire 100.0 // SUICIDE_BOMB_RUN base_bomb_run 100.0 // RUN_TO_SPAWN_POINT base_run_to_spawn_point 30.0 // FLEE base_flee_grenade_threat 250.0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACTION RELATED VALUES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIND_DISTURBANCE find_disturbance_distance_epsilon 1.0 find disturbance is satisfied whenever the target pos is this close to last known target pos // GET_TO_DISTURBANCE get_to_disturbance_walk_pace 0.5 what speed to walk at when doing investigating get_to_disturbance_satisfied_distance 0.2 get_to_disturbance_unsatisfied_distance 1.0 // GET_TO_FIRING_POS get_to_firing_pos_walk_pace 1.0 what speed to walk at when heading for a firing position get_to_firing_pos_satisfied_distance 0.2 get_to_firing_pos_unsatisfied_distance 0.5 // GET_TO_COVER get_to_cover_walk_pace 1.0 full speed to get to cover get_to_cover_satisfied_distance 0.2 how far away from the cover node before we're satisfied get_to_cover_unsatisfied_distance 0.4 how far away from the cover node before we stop being satisfied get_to_cover_too_close_distance 3.0 if we are this close to the player, then we really are close // DIE time_from_dead_to_deletion 6.0 how long from the point a character dies until he is destroyed. time_from_dead_to_ragdoll 1.0 how long until the ragdoll kicks in. // RELOAD_CURRENT_WEAPON reload_time 2.5 how long it takes to reload a weapon // PATROL_LOGIC patrol_walk_pace 0.9 patrol_satisfied_distance 0.1 patrol_unsatisfied_distance 10.0 // CROUCH_TO_COVER base_crouch_to_cover 50.0 // FIRE_FROM_COVER fire_from_cover_first_volley 2.0 how long until first volley gets fired fire_from_cover_seconds_firing 3.2 how long to fire for during each volley fire_from_cover_seconds_firing_rand 2.5 how much additional time to randomly add fire_from_cover_seconds_between_volleys 3.0 how long to wait between volleys // RUN_FOR_COVER_AND_FIRE run_for_cover_and_fire_walk_pace 1.1 // RUN_TO_SPAWN_POINT_DESTINATION run_to_spawn_point_destination_satisfied_dist 0.4 run_to_spawn_point_destination_unsatisfied_dist 1.0 // FIND_RETURN_POSITION find_return_position_satisfied_distance 1.0 // MOVE_TO max_move_and_fire_dist 20.0 min_skill_for_moving_reload 30.0 // BACK_OFF back_off_min_dist 2.5 distance away from target before starting to back off back_off_to_dist 5.0 distance away to try to back off to back_off_cornered_dist 0.5 if this distance is blocked or off the nav mesh, don't try backing off back_off_satisfied_dist 0.1 back_off_unsatisfied_dist 0.2 // SNIPER_FIRE sniper_fire_time_between_shots 6.0 in seconds sniper_fire_reaction_speed 0.6 in seconds sniper_fire_attempt_indirect_kill_speed 2.0 in seconds sniper_fire_indirect_kill_dist 4.0 meters //SUICIDE_BOMB_RUN bomb_run_dist_to_explode 3.0 meters bomb_run_update_freq 0.5 seconds // FLEE grenade_threat_distance 6.0 meters grenade_threat_time 3.0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACTION PRIORITY VALUES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// priority_vanish 100 priority_die 99 priority_run_to_spawn_point_destination 80 priority_take_hit -1 priority_default -1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AI BRAIN VALUES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// target_awareness_rampup 30.0 add this much to awareness for each second the target is in plain sight target_awareness_max_random_rampup_modifier 25.0 target_awareness_decay 0.95 multiplier for each second the target is not in sight target_awareness_max_random_decay_modifier 0.10 alertness_decay 0.5 amount to be removed off the alertness value for each frame sense_delay_still_current 1.0 // (seconds) How long ago target can be sensed and still be considered a current reading simulation_head_height 1.6 how high above the target position on the floor to do ray checks from // when we're not dealing with a specific character simulation_gun_height 1.1 similar to above take_hit_damage_amount_threshold 3 // The amount of damage a character needs to take before the TAKE_HIT action is forced awareness_rise_for_take_hit 25 // Awareness that a character gets added for taking a hit from his target awareness_rise_for_friend_take_hit 15 // Awareness that a character gets added for a friend taking hit from their common target awereness_rise_for_target_firing 8 // awareness_rise_for_friend_firing_at_target 5 // Awareness added for friend firing at a common target alertness_rise_for_take_hit 30 // The amount of alertness a character gets added for taking a hit alertness_rise_for_friend_take_hit 20 // The amount of alertness a character gets added for seeing a friend taking a hit alertness_rise_for_gunfire 5 // Alertness rise for hearing gunfire alertness_rise_for_myself_firing 3 // Alertness rise for when the character itself fires alertness_rise_for_explosion 15 max_target_distance_for_awareness_rise 25.0 // If the target's any closer than this, target awareness will rise if the target fires target_score_for_each_ai_targeting 10.0 // added to the selection score (less is more likely to select) if another ai character is already targeting the considered target max_enemies 5 default_max_fight_in_open 2 // Default number of enemies that are allowed to fight in open before the goal scores 0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NAVIGATION VALUES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pos_inside_height_tolerance 1.0