0 1 Your Xbox does not have enough free blocks to save games. You need %d more free blocks. Press A to continue without saving or B to free more blocks. 2 STR_MEMCARD_BOOT_NO_CARD 3 STR_MEMCARD_SAVE_UNFORMATTED 4 STR_FORMATTING 5 Saving game. Please do not turn off your Xbox console. 6 Loading Game. Please do not turn off your Xbox console. 7 STR_FORMAT_FAILED 8 Save Game 9 Do you wish to save this World Poker Tour game? 10 World Poker Tour game data already exists. Overwrite? 11 World Poker Tour game data already exists. Progress in the saved tournament will be lost. Overwrite? 12 Saving Game 13 Save Successful. 14 Your Xbox does not have enough free blocks to save games. Press A to continue without saving. 15 STR_INSERT_MEMCARD 16 Save failed. Retry? 17 STR_MEMCARD_NOT_FORMATED 18 STR_MEMCARD_FORMATED 19 World Poker Tour save game data found. Do you wish to load your World Poker Tour save game? 20 Do you wish to load this World Poker Tour save game? |CAUTION: Loading now will cause any unsaved changes to be lost. 21 Save Game appears to be damaged and cannot be used. Press A to continue. 22 STR_INSERT_DIF_MEMCARD 23 Checking space on Xbox. Please wait. 24 Load Successful. 25 Load failed. Try Again? 26 STR_NO_MEMCARD_SLOT_1 27 No World Poker Tour save data found. 28 STR_MEMCARD_LOAD_UNFORMATTED 29 Would you like to start this game? Selecting No will load your players and options without starting the game. 30 Saving game. Please don't turn off your Xbox console. 31 Overwrite Successful. 32 Overwrite failed! Please check Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and try again. 33 Do you wish to save the changes you have made to this World Poker Tour game? 34 WPT 35 Please connect a controller to any controller port and press START to continue. 36 START button - Resume 37 and press the START button to continue. 38 Network Cable is disconnected. Please reconnect cable. 39 Please reconnect the Xbox controller to any Controller Port and press START to continue. 40 ESRB Notice:|Game Experience May|Change During Online|Play. 41 STR_NET_NO_ADAPTER 42 STR_INIT_NET_HARDWARE 43 STR_CHAT_PROMPT 44 For best performance, do not run World Poker Tour behind a firewall. It may take several minutes for video and audio chat to connect if you are playing behind a firewall. Note: Gameplay will continue as normal while video and audio chat connects. 45 None 46 Digital 47 Analog 48 DualShock 49 USB headset (for PlayStation®2) 50 1stP Cam 51 Plyr Cam 52 Game Cam 53 Options 54 GamePlay Options 55 Audio Options 56 Controller Options 57 Control Options 58 Network GamePlay Options 59 Set Up Network Configuration 60 Progressive Scan 61 Lightgun Options 62 Language Selection 63 On 64 Off 65 Vibration 66 Swap Analog Controls 67 Invert Y axis 68 Set Analog Sensitivity 69 Four Colour Deck 70 Dealer Animations 71 Sets the experience level of your computer opponents. 72 Use the four colour deck instead of the regular two colour deck. 73 If On, player name and purse shown above them. 74 Turn the dealers animations on or off. 75 Amateur 76 Professional 77 Mixed 78 WPT All-Stars 79 Allow EyeToy™ USB Camera| (for PlayStation®2) Send 80 Allow EyeToy™ USB Camera| (for PlayStation®2) Receive 81 EyeToy™ USB Camera mirror 82 Video Quality. 83 Allow Voice Send 84 Allow Voice Receive 85 HeadSet local Feedback 86 Microphone Gain 87 Tech info 88 On or Off. 89 Allows your own voice to be played back over the t.v. 90 Adjust the gain on your USB Headset (For Playstation 2) microphone 91 Turns on or off extra info that may help troubleshoot network problems. 92 EyeToy™ USB Camera mirror horizontally. 93 Video Quality v.s. Performance. 94 Sound Effects Volume 95 Music Volume 96 Mono 97 Stereo 98 Prologic 99 Prologic II 100 Speaker Test 101 Mono Speaker 102 Left Speaker 103 Right Speaker 104 Center Speaker 105 Rear Speakers 106 Rear Left Speaker 107 Rear Right Speaker 108 Subwoofer 109 ON 110 OFF 111 YES 112 NO 113 MAIN MENU 114 PLAY POKER 115 XBOX LIVE 116 CHARACTER SETUP 117 CREATE-A-GAME 118 WPT BOOT CAMP 119 LOAD GAME 120 SAVE GAME 121 OPTIONS 122 POKER CORNERS 123 WPT NETWORK JOIN 124 EDIT SELECTED PLAYER 125 CREATE OFFLINE PLAYER 126 CREATE ONLINE PLAYER 127 SELECT A PLAYER 128 SELECT A PRO 129 AUDIO 130 GAMEPLAY 131 NET GAMEPLAY 132 NET CONFIG 133 CREDITS 134 LANGUAGES 135 SOUND FX 136 MUSIC 137 VOICES 138 OPPONENTS SKILL 139 4 COLOR DECK 140 AMATEUR 141 PROFESSIONAL 142 MIXED 143 WPT ALL-STARS 144 EyeToy™ SEND 145 EyeToy™ RECEIVE 146 EyeToy™ WINDOW MIRROR 147 VIDEO QUALITY 148 VOICE SEND 149 HEADSET FEEDBACK 150 MICROPHONE GAIN 151 TECH INFO 152 POKER GAMES 153 LIMIT RULES 154 TEXAS HOLD'EM RULES 155 BLINDS 156 SIDE POTS 157 CHIP MANAGEMENT 158 EDIT GAME 159 DELETE GAME 160 NEW GAME 161 Delete created game: Are you sure? 162 HOLD'EM GAME 163 STUD GAME 164 DRAW GAME 165 SELECT GAME NAME 166 SAVE ALL CREATED GAMES? 167 QUICK DRAW 168 WPT SEASON 169 JOIN 170 HOST 171 SHOPPING MALL 172 ACHIEVEMENTS 173 NET GAME TYPE 174 GAME 175 LIMITS 176 BUY-IN 177 STAKES 178 MAX # PLAYERS 179 # PLAYERS 180 PLAY MODE 181 LOCATION 182 BLINDS/ANTE LEVELS 183 PRACTICE 184 CAREER 185 TROPHY CASE 186 GAME STATS 187 HAND STATS 188 DIAMOND CHIP 189 PLATINUM CHIP 190 GOLD CHIP 191 SILVER CHIP 192 BRONZE CHIP 193 \~ Zoom-in \^ Cancel 194 \~ Zoom-out \^ Cancel D-pad - move 195 PLAY 196 RANKING 197 START AMATEUR SEASON 198 CONTINUE AMATEUR SEASON 199 RESTART AMATEUR SEASON 200 AMATEUR SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP 201 START PRO SEASON 202 CONTINUE PRO SEASON 203 RESTART PRO SEASON 204 RESTART SEASON MODE 205 PRO SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP 206 BATTLE OF CHAMPIONS 207 Season Standings 208 Season Schedule 209 210 Welcome to the WPT Amateur Season! 211 Welcome back to the WPT Amateur Season 212 You qualified for the WPT Amateur Season Championship! 213 Welcome back to the WPT Amateur Season Championship 214 You have advanced to the WPT Pro Season! 215 Welcome to the WPT Pro Season! 216 Welcome back to the WPT Pro Season 217 You qualified for the WPT Pro Season Championship! 218 Welcome back to the WPT Pro Season Championship 219 You qualified for the WPT Battle of Champions!! 220 Welcome back to the WPT Battle of Champions! 221 You didn't finish the WPT Amateur Season in the top 6 222 You didn't finish the WPT Pro Season in the top 6 223 You won the WPT Battle of Champions!!! 224 You failed to advance to the WPT Amateur Season Championship 225 Finish this 10-tournament Amateur Season in the top 6 to advance to the WPT Amateur Season Championship Tournament. 226 Win the WPT Amateur Season Championship Tournament to advance to the WPT Pro Season. 227 You failed to advance to the WPT Pro Season Championship 228 Finish this 10-tournament Pro Season in the top 6 to advance to the WPT Pro Season Championship Tournament. 229 Win the WPT Pro Season Championship Tournament to advance to the WPT Battle of Champions. 230 Win the WPT Battle of Champions against WPT Star Players to become the WPT World Champion! 231 You've beaten the WPT's best players to become the WPT World Champion!!! 232 The WPT Amateur Season will now be restarted. 233 Now get ready to play the next exciting WPT Amateur Season tournament! 234 Now get ready to play the WPT Amateur Season Championship tournament! 235 The WPT Pro Season will now be restarted. 236 Now get ready to play the next exciting WPT Pro Season tournament! 237 Now get ready to play the WPT Pro Season Championship tournament! 238 Now get ready to play the WPT Battle of Champions! 239 OK, you've beaten the game, but can you do it again? 240 Play the Satellite 241 Play the Super Satellite 242 Play the Tournament Finale 243 Play the Amateur Season Championship 244 Play the Pro Season Championship 245 Play the Battle of the Champions 246 You earned a FREE entry into this event. 247 You can't afford the buy-in of %s. 248 The buy-in for this event is %s. 249 Finish 1st to earn a FREE Super Satellite entry. 250 Finish in the top %d%% to earn a FREE Finale event entry. 251 This is the Main Event. Finish as high as you can. 252 CASH 253 SEASON STATUS 254 OFFLINE CAREER RECORD 255 ONLINE CAREER RECORD 256 QUICK DRAW RECORD 257 TOUR RECORD 258 TELL LEVEL 259 EXPERTISE LEVEL 260 OFFLINE AWARDS TROPHIES 261 ONLINE AWARDS TROPHIES 262 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 263 SAVE GAME? 264 LOAD GAME? 265 Main Menu 266 Save 267 Menu 268 Open Table 269 Sit & Go 270 Multi-Table 271 Character Select - select and or edit your character. 272 Character Data - choose a starting point for your character's design. 273 SKIN TONE 274 SKIN DETAIL 275 HAIR STYLE 276 HAIR COLOR 277 FACIAL HAIR 278 FACIAL HAIR COLOR 279 EYEBROWS 280 TEETH 281 EYE COLOR 282 HATS 283 HAT COLORS 284 GLASSES 285 GLASSES COLOR 286 WATCHES 287 BRACELETS 288 NECKLACES 289 EARRINGS 290 LEFT RING 291 RIGHT RING 292 LUCK CHARM 293 PENDANT 294 TOPS 295 TOPS COLOR 296 BOTTOMS 297 BOTTOM COLOR 298 SHOES 299 SHOES COLOR 300 Buy Item 301 Sell Item 302 Using Charm 303 Wearing Item 304 Owned Item 305 Yours Free 306 Price: 1 %s 307 Price: %d %s 308 Pale 309 Fair 310 Lt. Tan 311 Tan 312 Dark Tan 313 Ruddy 314 Lt. Brown 315 Brown 316 Dark Brown 317 Average 318 Freckled 319 Teen 320 Acne 321 Teen Gloss 322 Lt. Makeup 323 Makeup 1 324 Makeup 2 325 Makeup 3 326 Makeup 4 327 Makeup 5 328 Goth 329 Heavy Makeup 330 Middle Aged 331 Middle Aged w. Makeup 332 Mature 333 Mature w. Makeup 334 Full 335 Full w. Makeup 336 Average 337 Freckled 338 Teen 339 Acne 340 Handsome 341 Dimpled 342 Cleft 343 Dimpled & Cleft 344 Rugged 345 Middle Aged 346 Mid. Aged Dimp. 347 Mature 348 Full 349 Full 2 350 Hair Style 1 351 Hair Style 2 352 Hair Style 3 353 Hair Style 4 354 Hair Style 5 355 Hair Style 6 356 Hair Style 7 357 Hair Style 8 358 Hair Style 9 359 Hair Style 10 360 Hair Style 11 361 Hair Style 12 362 Hair Style 13 363 Hair Style 14 364 Hair Style 15 365 Hair Style 16 366 Hair Style 17 367 Hair Style 18 368 Hair Style 19 369 Hair Style 20 370 Hair Style 1 371 Hair Style 2 372 Hair Style 3 373 Hair Style 4 374 Hair Style 5 375 Hair Style 6 376 Hair Style 7 377 Hair Style 8 378 Hair Style 9 379 Hair Style 10 380 Hair Style 11 381 Hair Style 12 382 Hair Style 13 383 Hair Style 14 384 Hair Style 15 385 Hair Style 16 386 Hair Style 17 387 Hair Style 18 388 Hair Style 19 389 Hair Style 20 390 Lt. Brown 391 Md. Brown 392 Brown 393 Auburn 394 Natural Red 395 Black 396 Lt Grey 397 Dk Grey 398 White 399 Dk.Brown 400 Blonde 401 Dirty Blonde 402 Strawberry Blonde 403 Dyed Blue 404 Dyed Orange 405 Dyed Green 406 Dyed Purple 407 Dyed Red 408 Dyed Pink 409 Inner 410 Outer 411 Pencil 412 Pointed 413 Round 414 Sparse 415 Straight 416 Thin 417 Average 418 Bushy 419 Inner 420 Outer 421 Pointed 422 Round 423 Square 424 Unibrow 425 Auburn 426 Blond 427 Black 428 Light Brown 429 Brown 430 Grey 431 Straight 432 Braces 433 Discolored 434 Gapped 435 Pointed 436 Broken 437 Missing 438 Crowns 439 Gold Crowns 440 Partials Flat 441 Scary 442 Black 443 Blue 444 Light Blue 445 Dark Blue 446 Brown 447 Light Brown 448 Dark Brown 449 Green 450 Light Green 451 Dark Green 452 Grey 453 Hazel 454 None 455 Average 456 Handlebar 457 Old West 458 Fu Manchu 459 Barbershop 460 Pencil 461 5:00 Shadow (5) 462 Trimmed Beard 463 Medium Beard 464 Full Beard 465 Goatee 466 Van Dyke 467 Soul Patch 468 Chin Fuzz 469 Chinstrap 470 Trimstrap 471 Sideburns (SB) 472 Medium SB 473 Long SB 474 Muttonchops 475 SB/Average 476 SB/Handlebar 477 SB/Goatee 478 SB/Van Dyke 479 SB/Soul Patch 480 SB/Chinstrap 481 5/Average 482 5/Handlebar 483 5/Old West 484 5/Fu Manchu 485 5/Barbershop 486 5/Pencil 487 5/Goatee 488 5/Van Dyke 489 5/Short SB 490 5/Medium SB 491 5/Long SB 492 5/Muttonchops 493 T-Shirts 494 Camisoles (Camis) 495 Layered T's 496 Layered Camis 497 One Sleeved Blouses 498 Hoodies 499 Track Jackets 500 Plunge Neck Blouses 501 Sleeveless Blouses 502 Button Downs 503 Cardigans with T's 504 Cardigans with Camis 505 V Neck Sweaters 506 Roll Neck Sweaters 507 Sweaters with Blouses 508 Scoop Neck Blouses 509 Empire Waist Blouses 510 Peasant Blouses 511 Jackets with Turtlenecks 512 Jackets with Sashes 513 Jackets with Camis 514 Occasional Jackets 515 Light Jackets 516 Vests with Thermals 517 Style 1 518 Style 2 519 Style 3 520 Style 4 521 Style 5 522 Style 6 523 Style 7 524 Style 8 525 Pants 526 Capris 527 Jeans 528 Cargo Pants 529 Skirts 530 Style 1 531 Style 2 532 Style 3 533 Style 4 534 Style 5 535 Style 6 536 Style 7 537 Style 8 538 Style 9 539 Style 10 540 Sneaker 541 Casual 542 Dress 543 Style 1 544 Style 2 545 Style 3 546 Style 4 547 Style 5 548 Style 6 549 Style 7 550 Style 8 551 Style 9 552 Style 10 553 None 554 Hat 1 555 Hat 2 556 Hat 3 557 Hat 4 558 Hat 5 559 Hat 6 560 Hat 7 561 Hat 8 562 Hat 9 563 Hat 10 564 Colour 1 565 Colour 2 566 Colour 3 567 Colour 4 568 Colour 5 569 Colour 6 570 Colour 7 571 Colour 8 572 Colour 9 573 Colour 10 574 None 575 Watch 1 576 Watch 2 577 Watch 3 578 Watch 4 579 Watch 5 580 Watch 6 581 Watch 7 582 Watch 8 583 Watch 9 584 Watch 10 585 Watch 11 586 Watch 12 587 Watch 13 588 Watch 14 589 Watch 15 590 None 591 Bracelet 1 592 Bracelet 2 593 Bracelet 3 594 Bracelet 4 595 Bracelet 5 596 Bracelet 6 597 Bracelet 7 598 None 599 Earrings 1 600 Earrings 2 601 Earrings 3 602 Earrings 4 603 Earrings 5 604 Earrings 6 605 Earrings 7 606 Earrings 8 607 Earrings 9 608 Earrings 10 609 Earrings 11 610 Earrings 12 611 Earrings 13 612 Earrings 14 613 Earrings 15 614 Earrings 16 615 Earrings 17 616 Earrings 18 617 Earrings 19 618 Earrings 20 619 Earrings 21 620 Earrings 22 621 Earrings 23 622 Earrings 24 623 Earrings 25 624 Earrings 26 625 Earrings 27 626 Earrings 28 627 Earrings 29 628 Earrings 30 629 Earrings 31 630 Earrings 32 631 Earrings 33 632 Earrings 34 633 Earrings 35 634 Earrings 36 635 Earrings 37 636 Earrings 38 637 Earrings 39 638 Earrings 40 639 None 640 Pendant 1 641 Pendant 2 642 Pendant 3 643 Pendant 4 644 Pendant 5 645 Pendant 6 646 Pendant 7 647 Pendant 8 648 Pendant 9 649 Pendant 10 650 Pendant 11 651 Pendant 12 652 Pendant 13 653 Pendant 14 654 Pendant 15 655 Pendant 16 656 Pendant 17 657 Pendant 18 658 Pendant 19 659 Pendant 20 660 Pendant 21 661 Pendant 22 662 Pendant 23 663 Pendant 24 664 Pendant 25 665 Pendant 26 666 Pendant 27 667 Pendant 28 668 Pendant 29 669 Pendant 30 670 Pendant 31 671 Pendant 32 672 Pendant 33 673 Pendant 34 674 Pendant 35 675 Pendant 36 676 Pendant 37 677 Pendant 38 678 Pendant 39 679 Pendant 40 680 Pendant 41 681 Pendant 42 682 Pendant 43 683 Pendant 44 684 Pendant 45 685 Pendant 46 686 Pendant 47 687 Pendant 48 688 Pendant 49 689 Pendant 50 690 None 691 Ring Left 1 692 Ring Left 2 693 Ring Left 3 694 Ring Left 4 695 Ring Left 5 696 Ring Left 6 697 Ring Left 7 698 Ring Left 8 699 Ring Left 9 700 Ring Left 10 701 Ring Left 11 702 Ring Left 12 703 Ring Left 13 704 Ring Left 14 705 Ring Left 15 706 Ring Left 16 707 Ring Left 17 708 Ring Left 18 709 Ring Left 19 710 Ring Left 20 711 None 712 Ring Left 1 713 Ring Right 2 714 Ring Right 3 715 Ring Right 4 716 Ring Right 5 717 Ring Right 6 718 Ring Right 7 719 Ring Right 8 720 Ring Right 9 721 Ring Right 10 722 Ring RIght 11 723 Ring Right 12 724 Ring Right 13 725 Ring Right 14 726 Ring Right 15 727 Ring Right 16 728 Ring Right 17 729 Ring Right 18 730 Ring Right 19 731 Ring Right 20 732 Tee shirts 733 V-Neck Tee shirts 734 Layered T's 735 Henleys 736 Baseball T's 737 Sweater Vests 738 Layered Button Downs 739 Polo and Golf shirts 740 Retro Short Sleeved shirts 741 Jerseys 742 Vests with Thermals 743 Hoodies 744 Cowboy Shirts 745 Cut-offs 746 Western Jackets 747 Button Downs 748 Jackets with ties 749 Jackets with Mock T's 750 Track Jackets 751 Suspenders and Ties 752 Sport coats and T's 753 Sport coats and shirts 754 Sport coats and tie 755 Tuxedos 756 Style 1 757 Style 2 758 Style 3 759 Style 4 760 Style 5 761 Style 6 762 Style 7 763 Style 8 764 Flat front pants 765 Pleated pants 766 Cargo pants 767 Athletic pants 768 Baggy pants 769 Style 1 770 Style 2 771 Style 3 772 Style 4 773 Style 5 774 Style 6 775 Style 7 776 Style 8 777 Style 9 778 Style 10 779 Sneakers 780 Loafers 781 Dress 782 Style 1 783 Style 2 784 Style 3 785 Style 4 786 Style 5 787 Style 6 788 Style 7 789 Style 8 790 Style 9 791 Style 10 792 None 793 Trucker Cap 794 Knit Cap 795 Do Rag 796 Cowboy hat 797 Trilby 798 Ivy Cap 799 Ten Gallon hat 800 Baseball cap 801 Another Knit Cap 802 Beanie 803 Colour 1 804 Colour 2 805 Colour 3 806 Colour 4 807 Colour 5 808 Colour 6 809 Colour 7 810 Colour 8 811 Colour 9 812 Colour 10 813 None 814 Watch 1 815 Watch 2 816 Watch 3 817 Watch 4 818 Watch 5 819 Watch 6 820 Watch 7 821 Watch 8 822 Watch 9 823 Watch 10 824 Watch 11 825 Watch 12 826 Watch 13 827 Watch 14 828 Watch 15 829 None 830 Bracelet 1 831 Bracelet 2 832 Bracelet 3 833 Bracelet 4 834 Bracelet 5 835 Bracelet 6 836 Bracelet 7 837 None 838 Earring 1 839 Earring 2 840 Earring 3 841 Earring 4 842 Earring 5 843 Earring 6 844 Earring 7 845 Earring 8 846 Earring 9 847 Earring 10 848 Earring 11 849 Earring 12 850 Earring 13 851 Earring 14 852 Earring 15 853 Earring 16 854 Earring 17 855 Earring 18 856 Earring 19 857 Earring 20 858 Earring 21 859 Earring 22 860 Earring 23 861 Earring 24 862 Earring 25 863 Earring 26 864 Earring 27 865 Earring 28 866 Earring 29 867 Earring 30 868 Earring 31 869 Earring 32 870 Earring 33 871 Earring 34 872 Earring 35 873 Earring 36 874 Earring 37 875 Earring 38 876 Earring 39 877 Earring 40 878 None 879 Ring Left 1 880 Ring Left 2 881 Ring Left 3 882 Ring Left 4 883 Ring Left 5 884 Ring Left 6 885 Ring Left 7 886 Ring Left 8 887 Ring Left 9 888 Ring Left 10 889 Ring Left 11 890 Ring Left 12 891 Ring Left 13 892 Ring Left 14 893 Ring Left 15 894 Ring Left 16 895 Ring Left 17 896 Ring Left 18 897 Ring Left 19 898 Ring Left 20 899 None 900 Ring Right 1 901 Ring Right 2 902 Ring Right 3 903 Ring Right 4 904 Ring Right 5 905 Ring Right 6 906 Ring Right 7 907 Ring Right 8 908 Ring Right 9 909 Ring Right 10 910 Ring Right 11 911 Ring Right 12 912 Ring Right 13 913 Ring Right 14 914 Ring Right 15 915 Ring Right 16 916 Ring Right 17 917 Ring Right 18 918 Ring Right 19 919 Ring Right 20 920 None 921 Style 1 922 Style 2 923 Style 3 924 Style 4 925 Style 5 926 Style 6 927 Style 7 928 Style 8 929 Style 9 930 Style 10 931 Colour 1 932 Colour 2 933 Lens 1 934 Lens 2 935 Lens 3 936 Lens 4 937 Lens 5 938 Lens 6 939 Lens 7 940 Lens 8 941 Lens 9 942 Lens 10 943 None 944 Charm 1 945 Charm 2 946 Charm 3 947 Charm 4 948 Charm 5 949 Charm 6 950 Charm 7 951 Charm 8 952 Charm 9 953 Charm 10 954 Charm 11 955 Charm 12 956 Charm 13 957 Charm 14 958 Charm 15 959 Charm 16 960 Charm 17 961 Charm 18 962 Charm 19 963 Charm 20 964 Charm 21 965 Charm 22 966 Charm 23 967 Charm 24 968 Charm 25 969 Charm 26 970 Charm 27 971 Charm 28 972 Charm 29 973 Charm 30 974 Charm 31 975 Charm 32 976 Charm 33 977 Charm 34 978 Charm 35 979 Charm 36 980 Charm 37 981 Charm 38 982 Charm 39 983 Charm 40 984 Charm 41 985 Charm 42 986 Charm 43 987 Charm 44 988 Charm 45 989 Charm 46 990 Charm 47 991 Charm 48 992 Charm 49 993 Charm 50 994 Gold 995 Silver 996 Herringbone Gold 997 \^ Back \~ Edit 998 \^ Back \< Delete 999 \^ Back \~ Edit \< Delete 1000 \^ Back \~ Create \> Select WPT Pro 1001 \^ Back \~ Select \> Edit \< Delete \) Stats 1002 \^ Back \~ Select \< Delete \) Stats 1003 \^ Back \~ Select \< Edit 1004 \^ Back \~ Create 1005 Event 1006 Commerce Casino 1007 The Bicycle Casino 1008 WPT at Sea 1009 Aviation Club de France 1010 The Millennium Casino 1011 Bay 101 1012 Foxwoods Resort Casino 1013 Borgata 1014 Aruba 1015 The Illusion 1016 Commerce Casino Final 1017 The Bicycle Casino Final 1018 WPT at Sea Final 1019 Aviation Club de France Final 1020 The Millennium Casino Final 1021 Bay 101 Final 1022 Foxwoods Resort Casino Final 1023 Borgata Final 1024 Aruba Final 1025 The Illusion Final 1026 Hour 1027 Hours 1028 Minutes 1029 Player Setup 1030 Select Player 1031 Player %d 1032 Player 2 1033 Computer 1034 Waiting for Player 1 1035 Waiting for Player 2 1036 Return To Game 1037 Squelch Player 1038 Show Player List 1039 Loading 1040 Congrats! 1041 Game Paused 1042 \~ Yes 1043 \^ No 1044 \~ Yes 1045 \^ No 1046 \~ Main Menu 1047 \^ Main Menu 1048 \~ Main Menu 1049 \^ Main Menu 1050 \~ Accept \^ Cancel 1051 \~ Accept \^ Cancel \* Randomize 1052 \~ Accept \^ Cancel \< Randomize \> Reset 1053 \^ continue 1054 \~ Accept \^ Cancel \p Change 1055 \^ Back \p Change 1056 \~ Select \p Change 1057 \^ Back \~ Select \p Change 1058 \^ Cancel \~ Accept \p Change 1059 \~ Select 1060 \^ Back \~ Select 1061 \^ Back|\~ Delete 1062 \~ Wear \< - Sell \^ Back \p Change 1063 \~ Wear \^ Back \p Change 1064 \> Buy \^ Back \p Change 1065 \~ Use \< - Sell \^ Back \p Change 1066 \~ Use \^ Back \p Change 1067 \^ Back \~ Remove \p Change 1068 YES 1069 NO 1070 NO 1071 YES 1072 \^ Abort 1073 \~ Continue 1074 \^ Abort 1075 \^ Cancel 1076 \~ Select \^ Back/Cancel Changes 1077 \~ Main Menu/Accept 1078 \~ Pause Menu/Accept 1079 \^ Back/Cancel Changes 1080 \^ Back 1081 \~ Select \^ Exit to Main Menu 1082 \~ Select \^ Go Back 1083 \~ continue, \^ return to main menu 1084 Quit to Main Menu 1085 Quit this Game 1086 Are you sure? Any unsaved progress will be lost. 1087 Are you sure? Any unsaved Season progress will be lost. 1088 All Events Complete! 1089 Event Complete! 1090 Congratulations! 1091 \~ Continue 1092 \^ Back \~ Continue 1093 \^ Back \~ Continue 1094 \~ Continue \> Help 1095 \^ Back \~ - Starts Game 1096 \^ Back START button - Starts Game 1097 \^ Back \~ Select|START button - Starts Game 1098 \^ Quit Challenge 1099 \~ Quit Challenge 1100 \^ Quit to main menu 1101 \~ exit to main menu 1102 \^ exit to main menu 1103 Exit To Main Menu 1104 \^ Return To Game 1105 \~ Options 1106 \~ Select Player 1107 Select Player 1108 Continue Playing 1109 Press START button To Exit Demo Mode 1110 Press \~ to continue 1111 \~ Skip Intro 1112 Player's Name 1113 SPACE 1114 Start an Online Game 1115 Join a WPT Online Game 1116 Host your own WPT Online Game 1117 View High Scores 1118 Choose A Login Name 1119 Downloading Player Stats... 1120 This game cannot be played online at this time. Please try again later. 1121 Unable to delete this online player at this time. Please try again later. 1122 Demo Mode 1123 S 1124 H 1125 D 1126 C 1127 J 1128 2 1129 3 1130 4 1131 5 1132 6 1133 7 1134 8 1135 9 1136 10 1137 J 1138 Q 1139 K 1140 A 1141 Deuce 1142 Trey 1143 Four 1144 Five 1145 Six 1146 Seven 1147 Eight 1148 Nine 1149 Ten 1150 Jack 1151 Queen 1152 King 1153 Ace 1154 Deuces 1155 Treys 1156 Fours 1157 Fives 1158 Sixes 1159 Sevens 1160 Eights 1161 Nines 1162 Tens 1163 Jacks 1164 Queens 1165 Kings 1166 Aces 1167 No Hand 1168 High Card 1169 Pair 1170 2 Pair 1171 3 of a Kind 1172 Straight 1173 Flush 1174 Full House 1175 4 of a Kind 1176 Straight Flush 1177 Royal Flush 1178 Five of a Kind 1179 Game Class 1180 Hold'em 1181 Stud 1182 Draw 1183 Game Type 1184 Texas Hold'em 1185 Super Hold'em 1186 Double Flop Hold'em 1187 Omaha 1188 Omaha Hi/Lo 1189 Pineapple 1190 Crazy Pineapple 1191 Crazy Pineapple Hi/Lo 1192 Tahoe 1193 Billabong 1194 Shanghai 1195 7 Card Stud 1196 7 Card Stud Hi/Lo 1197 5 Card Draw 1198 Triple Draw 2-7 1199 Create-A-Game 1200 Texas Hold'em 1201 Super Hold'em 1202 Dbl-Flop Hold'em 1203 Omaha 1204 Omaha Hi/Lo 1205 Pineapple 1206 Crzy Pineapple 1207 Crzy Pnppl H/L 1208 Tahoe 1209 Billabong 1210 Shanghai 1211 7-Card Stud 1212 7-Card St. H/L 1213 5-Card Draw 1214 Triple Draw 1215 Create-A-Game 1216 \> Game Status 1217 %s's Poker Digital Advisor 1218 Hand Rankings 1219 You have no cards. 1220 You have a '%s' hand (%s). 1221 %d%% 1222 ANTE 1223 BLINDS 1224 LIMITS 1225 %s + %s kicker 1226 %s High 1227 %s And %s 1228 %s Over %s 1229 Hand History 1230 Player Actions This Hand 1231 †\ZWaRound %d 1232 Posted blind 1233 Chat History 1234 Recent Player Chat 1235 Hand Statistics 1236 Stats for %s 1237 †aM"aRound %d, %s 1238 Opponent Play Style 1239 Play Style for %s 1240 Amateur 1241 Pro 1242 Loose 1243 Tight 1244 Folds 1245 Calls 1246 Passive 1247 Aggressive 1248 Bluffs 1249 Slow Plays 1250 Raises 1251 Record for %s 1252 • Cash 1253 • Sit & Go 1254 Placed †\ZWa%d (%d%%)‡, Won †\ZWa%d (%d%%) 1255 Earned †\ZWa%s 1256 • Open Table 1257 • Re-buys/Add-ons 1258 †\ZWa%d/%d (%d%%)‡, Total †\ZWa%s 1259 • Multi-Table 1260 • Re-buys 1261 †\ZWa%d (%d%%)‡, Total †\ZWa%s 1262 • †\ZWa%d‡ hands played 1263 • †\ZWa%d%%‡ hands won, †\ZWa%d%%‡ showdowns won 1264 • †\ZWa%d%%‡ flops seen, †\ZWa%d%%‡ pre-flop wins 1265 • †\ZWa%d%%‡ folds, †\ZWa%d%%‡ checks, †\ZWa%d%%‡ calls 1266 • †\ZWa%d%%‡ bets, †\ZWa%d%%‡ raises, †\ZWa%d%%‡ re-raises 1267 • Folds: †\ZWa%d%%‡ pre-flop, †\ZWa%d%%‡ flop 1268 • Folds: †\ZWa%d%%‡ turn, †\ZWa%d%%‡ river 1269 Hands Ranked from Low to High 1270 Game Rules 1271 Rules For '%s' 1272 • A %s-class game 1273 • There are %d rounds 1274 , %d communities 1275 • Use 1 hole card in final hand 1276 • Use %d hole cards in final hand 1277 • Use %d to %d hole cards in final hand 1278 • High hand wins the pot 1279 • Low hand wins the pot 1280 • High/lows hand split the pot 1281 • High/low (%s-high max) split the pot 1282 • Wild cards: %s 1283 • Low hand: No A-5 straights 1284 • Low hand: No straights/flushes 1285 • Dealer burns 1 card 1286 • Dealer burns %d cards 1287 • Players are dealt 1 card face down 1288 • Players are dealt %d cards face down 1289 • Players are dealt 1 card face up 1290 • Players are dealt %d cards face 1291 • 1 card dealt to each community 1292 • %d cards dealt to each community 1293 • 1 card dealt to the community 1294 • %d cards dealt to the community 1295 • Players pass 1 card %s 1296 • Player pass %d cards %s 1297 • Players discard 1 card 1298 • Players discard %d cards 1299 • Players exchange 1 card 1300 • Players exchange %d cards 1301 • Players exchange %d to %d cards 1302 • Players fold, call, or raise 1303 • First player must either bet or fold 1304 • Minimum bet is double this round 1305 Game Status 1306 Multi-Table Tournament 1307 WPT Amateur Season Championship 1308 WPT Pro Season Championship 1309 WPT World Championship 1310 Sit n' Go Tournament 1311 Open Play 1312 WPT Amateur Season Satellite 1313 WPT Amateur Season Super Satellite 1314 WPT Amateur Season Tournament 1315 WPT Pro Season Satellite 1316 WPT Pro Season Super Satellite 1317 WPT Pro Season Tournament 1318 • Hosted by †\ZWa%s 1319 • †[YVa%d‡ players remain in the tournament. 1320 • Opponents skill level: †\ZWa%s 1321 • Prizes awarded to the top †[YVa%d‡ finishers. 1322 • Top †\ZWa%d‡ prizes are 1323 • Winner advances to the %s 1324 • Top %d%% advance to the %s 1325 • This is the final level 1326 • This is level †\ZWa%d‡ of †\ZWa%d‡. 1327 • Levels change every †\ZWa%d‡ minutes (simulated) 1328 • Next level, stakes rise to †\ZWa%s/%s/%s 1329 WPT Chip Count 1330 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 2 of 2 hole cards 1331 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 3 of 3 hole cards 1332 Make the 2 highest 5-card hands using 0 to 2 hole cards 1333 Make the highest 5-card hand using 2 of 4 hole cards 1334 Make highest/lowest 5-card hands using 2 of 4 hole cards 1335 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 2 hole cards 1336 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 2 hole cards 1337 Make highest/lowest 5-card hands using 0 to 2 hole cards 1338 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 2 of 3 hole cards 1339 Make the highest 5-card hand using 3 or 4 of 4 hole cards 1340 Make the highest 5-card hand using 0 to 2 of 3 hole cards 1341 Make the highest 5-card hand from the 7 cards dealt 1342 Make highest/lowest 5-card hands from the 7 cards dealt 1343 Make the highest hand by drawing 0 to 3 cards (4 with Ace) 1344 Make the lowest hand by drawing 0 to 5 cards, 3 times 1345 Often called the purest form of poker. Played with 2 hole cards and 5 community cards dealt 3-1-1. 1346 It's Texas Hold'em with an extra hole card. 0, 1, 2 or all 3 may be used to make a hand. 1347 Played just like Texas Hold'em but with 2 sets of community cards. The winners of each set split the pot. 1348 Very popular worldwide, Omaha players get 4 hole cards but only 2 of them must be used. 1349 A variation of Omaha where the best high hand and best low hand (no card higher than 8) split the pot. 1350 A variation of Hold'em that uses 3 hole cards, one of which is discarded before the flop. 1351 Like Pineapple, players are dealt 3 cards but in Crazy Pineapple the discard is made after the flop. 1352 A variation of Pineapple where the highest hand and the lowest hand (no card higher than 8) split the pot. 1353 Tahoe is like Hold'em with a third hole card, however, only 0, 1 or 2 cards may be used to make a hand. 1354 4 cards are dealt to each player - 3 face down and one face up. Make the highest 5-card hand using 3 or 4 of the 4 hole cards. 1355 A variation of Hold'em using 3 hole cards and 5 community cards dealt 2-2-1. 1356 Each player receives 2 hole cards and 4 face-up cards dealt one at a time and then a final hole card. 1357 A variation of 7-Card Stud where the best high hand and best low hand (no card higher than 8) split the pot. 1358 5 cards are dealt to each player. Up to 3 cards may be exchanged for new cards - 4 with an ace. 1359 5 cards are dealt to each player, followed by 3 drawing rounds (up to 5 cards each round). The low hand wins. 1360 Limit 1361 Half-Pot 1362 Pot Limit 1363 No Limit 1364 Limit 1365 1/2 Pot 1366 Pot 1367 No Limit 1368 Online Game Rules 1369 Game Type 1370 Rules 1371 Limits 1372 Buy-In 1373 Max. Players 1374 Location 1375 Stakes 1376 Players 1377 Game 1378 Limits 1379 Blinds 1380 Side Pots 1381 Chip Management 1382 EyeToy™ USB Camera (for PlayStation®2) 1383 Walk through a sample hand of the selected game type. 1384 Learn about the selected betting limit type. 1385 Learn about forced bets. 1386 Learn about side pots. 1387 Learn how to manage your stack of chips. 1388 Preview your EyeToy® USB Camera (for PlayStation®2) in-game video. 1389 POT SIZE 1390 The Deal 1391 The Flop 1392 The Turn 1393 3rd Street 1394 The River 1395 4th Street 1396 5th Street 1397 6th Street 1398 7th Street 1399 The Draw 1400 The 1st Draw 1401 The 2nd Draw 1402 The 3rd Draw 1403 Discard Round 1404 Passing Round 1405 Main Pot 1406 Side Pot 1407 Winner 1408 Invalid 1409 to Call 1410 Raise by 1411 Fold 1412 Discard 1413 Pass left 1414 Pass right 1415 Check 1416 All In 1417 to Raise 1418 to Bet 1419 Bet 1420 Called 1421 Raised 1422 Folded 1423 Discarded 1424 Passed left 1425 Passed right 1426 Checked 1427 All In 1428 Bet 1429 Big Blind 1430 Sm. Blind 1431 Re-raised by 1432 calls 1433 raises by 1434 folds 1435 discards 1436 passes left 1437 passes right 1438 checks 1439 goes all In 1440 bets 1441 posts big blind 1442 posts small blind 1443 re-raises by 1444 Time 1445 Pot 1446 DEMO 1447 $ %d 1448 Time Remaining 1449 Competitive Play Finished 1450 MALE 1451 FEMALE 1452 GENDER 1453 BACKGROUND 1454 AGE 1455 WEIGHT 1456 AFRICAN 1457 ASIAN 1458 EUROPEAN 1459 MIDDLE EASTERN 1460 120LBS - 140LBS 1461 140LBS - 160LBS 1462 160LBS - 180LBS 1463 180LBS - 200LBS 1464 200LBS - 220LBS 1465 220LBS - 240LBS 1466 240LBS - 260LBS 1467 260LBS - 280LBS 1468 280LBS - 300LBS 1469 300LBS - 320LBS 1470 20 - 25 1471 26 - 30 1472 31 - 35 1473 36 - 40 1474 41 - 45 1475 46 - 50 1476 51 - 55 1477 56 - 60 1478 61 - 65 1479 66 - 70 1480 71 - 75 1481 76 - 80 1482 What would you like to do? 1483 Poker Game Over 1484 Tournament Summary 1485 Game Over 1486 Congratulations, you've completed all of your objectives. 1487 Your Poker Game is over. 1488 %s joins from another table 1489 %s moves to another table 1490 finishes %s with %s 1491 %s ties for %s with %s 1492 finishes %s 1493 %s is broke 1494 %s ties for %s 1495 wins the tournament and %s! 1496 wins the championship! 1497 wins the satellite! 1498 Limits: %s/%s, Ante %s 1499 Limits: %s/%s, Ante %s, Bring-in %s 1500 %d players remain in the tournament 1501 You made the final table! 1502 The tournament reaches the final table 1503 \) Shift, \@ ShiftLock 1504 \( Switch Layout, \) Shift, \@ ShiftLock 1505 \< Space \> Delete \~ or ENTER Accept 1506 \^ or ESC Back and Cancel Changes 1507 \< Space \> Delete 1508 Shift 1509 Press START button to end. 1510 Press ENTER on USB Keyboard to end. 1511 Waiting for Server... 1512 Place Holder Event Description #1. 1513 Place Holder Event Description #2. 1514 Place Holder Event Description #3. 1515 Place Holder Event Description #4. 1516 Place Holder Event Description #5. 1517 Place Holder Event Description #6. 1518 Place Holder Event Description #7. 1519 Place Holder Event Description #8. 1520 1521 Root 1522 Biped Root 1523 Pelvis 1524 Left Hind Hip 1525 Left Hind Knee 1526 Left Hind Ankle 1527 Left Hind Toe 1528 Right Hind Hip 1529 Right Hind Knee 1530 Right Hind Ankle 1531 Right Hind Toe 1532 Base of Tail 1533 Tail 1534 Rear 1535 Abdomen 1536 Mid Body 1537 Chest 1538 Front of Chest 1539 Lower Neck 1540 Mid Neck 1541 Upper Neck 1542 Head 1543 Left Temple 1544 Right Temple 1545 Jaw 1546 Left Shoulder 1547 Left Front Hip 1548 Left Front Knee 1549 Left Front Ankle 1550 Left Front Toe 1551 Right Shoulder 1552 Right Front Hip 1553 Right Front Knee 1554 Right Front Ankle 1555 Right Front Toe 1556 Between Eyes 1557 BONETAG 37 1558 BONETAG 38 1559 Snout 1560 BONETAG 40 1561 BONETAG 41 1562 BONETAG 42 1563 BONETAG 43 1564 BONETAG 44 1565 BONETAG 45 1566 BONETAG 46 1567 BONETAG 47 1568 Single table games. Play to eliminate all of your opponents. 1569 Compete in tournaments around the world, in all variations of Poker. 1570 . 1571 Construct your player here. You have total control over how your player looks. 1572 Compete with players online, in tournaments or just join in for a quick hand or two. 1573 New to Poker? Or just need to brush up on some of the finer points, this section will show you how. 1574 Load your stats, you can even start a game exactly where you left off. 1575 Save your current stats here. 1576 Set the game up exactly as you like it here. 1577 The people behind WORLD POKER TOUR. 1578 Returning to the Main Menu. 1579 Poker Jargon 1580 Press START button 1581 Aggressive Action 1582 A wager that could enable a player to win a pot without a showdown - a bet or raise. 1583 All-In 1584 When you have put all of your playable money and chips into the pot during the course of a hand, you are said to be all-in. (In table stakes games, a player may not go into his pocket for more money during a hand.) 1585 Ante 1586 A prescribed amount posted before the start of a hand by all players; a small portion of a bet contributed by each player to seed the pot at the beginning of a poker hand. Most Hold'em games do not have an ante - they use blind bets to get initial money into the pot. 1587 Bad Beat 1588 A hand being beat by another hand that had a very low percentage of becoming a winning hand. It is generally used to imply that the winner of the pot had no business being in the pot at all, and it was the wildest of luck that he managed to catch the one card in the deck that would win the pot. 1589 Big Blind 1590 The largest regular blind bet in a game. Usually the forced bet in second position before any cards are dealt - generally, this is a Live Blind, which means that the player in this position can raise when the bet is checked around. 1591 Board 1592 In flop games, the five cards that are turned face up in the center of the table - the community cards - the flop, turn, and river cards together. In Seven-Card Stud games, the four cards that are dealt face up to each player. 1593 Bring-In 1594 The forced bet made on the first betting round by the player dealt the lowest card showing in Seven-Card Stud and the highest card showing in Razz. 1595 Burn 1596 To discard the top card from the deck, face down. This is done between each betting round before putting out the next community card(s). It is security against any player recognizing or glimpsing the next card to be used on the board. 1597 Capped 1598 Describes the situation in limit poker in which the maximum number of raises on the betting round have been reached. 1599 Cards Speak 1600 The face value of a hand in a showdown is the true value of the hand, regardless of a verbal announcement. 1601 Check Raise 1602 To check at your bet and then raise when a player after you bets and then to increase the bet by at least an equal amount when it is your turn to act. It is particularly useful in low-limit games where you need extra strength to narrow the field when you have the best hand. 1603 Dead Blind 1604 A fee posted by a player who is joining the game. Upon entering the game, the player must post a dead blind so as not to get an unfair advantage or wait for the big blind to come around. Unlike a live blind, dead blinds do not have the option of raising after the regular betting round is complete. 1605 Dealer Button 1606 A flat disk that indicates the player who would be in the dealing position for that hand (if there were not a house dealer.) Normally just called 'the button.' 1607 Free Card 1608 A turn or river card on which you don't have to call a bet because of a play earlier in the hand (or a reputation which you have with your opponents). For instance, if you are on the button and raise when you flop a flush draw, your opponents may check to you on the turn. If you don't get it on the turn, you can check as well - seeing the river card for 'free.' 1609 Gutshot Straight 1610 A straight filled 'inside'. If you have 9s-8s, the flop comes 7c-5h-2d, and the turn is the 6c, you've made your gutshot straight. 1611 Heads Up / Heads Up Play 1612 A pot that is being contested by only two players - 'It was heads up by the turn.' Often, the climax of a tournament. 1613 Implied Odds 1614 The amount of money you expect to win if you make your hand versus the amount of money it will cost you to continue playing. 1615 Keep Honest 1616 To call an opponent on the river, even though you believe he has a better hand than you do specifically so that the opponent won't think that he can bluff in a similar situation later in the game (i.e. 'I called him to keep him honest'). 1617 Kicker 1618 An unpaired card used to determine the better of two near-equivalent hands. For instance, suppose you have A-K and your opponent has A-Q. If the flop has an ace in it, you both have a pair of aces but you have a king kicker. Kickers can be vitally important in Hold'em. 1619 Lay Down Your Hand 1620 To fold - specifically when you suspect that you're beaten. For instance, if you have three Jacks to a possible straight on the board and your opponent has been consistently betting or raising back into you, you're likely beaten and you'd be wise to lay down your hand. 1621 Main Pot 1622 When a player goes all-in, that player is only eligible to win the main pot - the pot consisting of the bets they were able to match. Additional bets are placed in a side pot and are contested among the remaining players. 1623 Muck Your Cards 1624 To discard your hand instead of showing your cards at the showdown in order to avoid giving information to your opponents. For instance, after seeing that your hand is beaten, you can muck your cards so other players have less information to read you in the future. 1625 No-Limit Poker 1626 A version of poker in which a player may bet any amount of chips (up to the number in front of him) whenever it is his turn to act. It is a very different game than limit poker. 1627 Nuts 1628 The best possible hand given the board. If the board is Ks-Jd-Ts-4s-2h, then As-Xs is the nuts. Occasionally, the term is applied to the best hand of a certain category, for example, another player in this same hand holding Ah-Qc might say they had the 'nut straight'. 1629 Offsuit 1630 Two different suits, used primarily to describe the first two cards (i.e. a 7 and 2 of different suits is called '7-2 offsuit'). 1631 Overcard 1632 A hole card that is higher than any other card on the board. For instance, if you have A-Q and the flop comes J-7-3, you don't have a pair, but you have two overcards. 1633 Play(ing) the Board 1634 Using all five community cards for your hand in Hold'em. For instance, if you have 2-2, and the board is 4-4-9-9-A (no flush possible), then you must 'play the board' since the best possible hand you can make doesn't use any of your cards. Note that if you play the board, the best you can do is to split the pot with all remaining players. 1635 Pot Limit 1636 The betting structure of a game in which you are allowed to bet up to the amount of the pot. The calculation includes the amount in the pot plus the current bets in play plus the minimum required bet. Like no-limit poker, pot limit can secure very large pots and is a very different game from limit poker. 1637 River 1638 In flop games, the last round of betting on the fifth street card. In stud games, the last round of betting on the seventh card. Also known as 'fifth street'. 1639 Round of Betting 1640 The period during which each active player has the right to check, bet or raise. It ends when the last bet or raise has been called by all players still in the hand. 1641 Semi-bluff 1642 To bet with a hand which isn't the best hand, but which has a reasonable chance of improving. It is a bet or raise that you hope will not be called, but you have some outs if it is. 1643 Short Stack 1644 A number of chips that is not very much compared to the other players at the table. If you have $10 in front of you, and everybody else at the table has over $100, you are playing on a short stack. 1645 Showdown 1646 The final act of determining the winner of the pot after all betting has been completed, at which all players remaining in the hand turn their cards over and determine who has the best hand. Of course, if a final bet or raise is not called, there is no showdown. 1647 Soft playing 1648 Defined as NOT betting when you have the 'nut' hand at the river when there is no possibility of a better hand, and when you are the last player to act. It is particularly bad in an online game where players may communicate or 'help each other out' to win pots. 1649 Spread Limit 1650 Betting limits in which there is a fixed minimum and maximum bet for each betting round. A typical spread limit structure is $3-$6, where a player may bet as little as $3 or as much as $6 on every betting round. 1651 Stone Cold Nuts 1652 Hands down, the absolute best hand on the board, without a question. An absolute winner. For instance, when a straight flush is revealed to you on the flop, you would have the stone cold nuts. 1653 Table Stakes 1654 A condition in a poker game meaning that a player can wager only the money in front of them at the start of a hand, and can only buy more chips between hands. As such, he may only invest the amount of money in front of him into the current pot. If he runs out of chips during the hand, a side pot is created in which he has no interest. 1655 Tell 1656 A clue or hint that a player unknowingly gives about the strength of his hand, his next action, etc. May originally be from telegraph or the obvious use that he 'tells' you what he's going to do before he does it. 1657 Under the gun 1658 The first to bet. The position of the player who acts first on a betting round. For instance, if you are one to the left of the big blind, you are under the gun before the flop. 1659 Value / Value Bet 1660 As in 'bet for value.' This means that you would actually like your opponents to call your bet (as opposed to a bluff). Generally it's because you have the best hand. However, it can also be a draw which, given enough callers, has a positive expectation. 1661 Welcome to %s. 1662 You will be playing %s today. 1663 You will be learning to play %s today. 1664 Player List 1665 (H) 1666 (L) 1667 Main Pot 1668 Side Pot 1669 %s%s: Players split %s 1670 %s%s: %s wins %s 1671 WPT Best of the West 1672 WPT Pro-Am 1673 WPT Super Shootout 1674 WPT Texas Showdown 1675 WPT National 1676 WPT Aces 1677 Limit Hold'em Shootout 1678 Texas Giant Pot Limit 1679 Weekly Omaha 1680 Omaha Venture 1681 Super Showdown 1682 Omaha Hi-Lo Open 1683 Pineapple Crazy 1684 Pineapple Crazy Hi-Lo 1685 Shanghai Showdown 1686 Pineapple Chase 1687 7-Card Kings 1688 7-Card Hi-Lo Roundup 1689 Billabong Pro-Am 1690 Tahoe Tango 1691 Limit Texas Champs 1692 Texas All-Stars 1693 Pot Omaha World Champs 1694 Kings of Omaha 1695 Super Texas Tourney 1696 Omaha Hi-Lo Finale 1697 Crazy Summit 1698 Crazy Hi-Lo Championship 1699 Shanghai Showdown 1700 Pineapple Pros 1701 Best of 7-Card 1702 7-Card Hi-Lo Showdown 1703 Billabong Masters 1704 Tahoe Top Guns 1705 Gender Night 1706 Grand Prix de Paris 1707 Legends of Poker 1708 Borgata Poker Open 1709 Millions on the Sea 1710 World Poker Finals 1711 Aruba Poker Classic 1712 World Poker Open 1713 L.A. Poker Classic 1714 Shooting Stars of Poker 1715 WPT World Championship 1716 Grand Prix de Paris 1717 Legends of Poker 1718 Borgata Poker Open 1719 Millions on the Sea 1720 World Poker Finals 1721 Aruba Poker Classic 1722 World Poker Open 1723 L.A. Poker Classic 1724 Shooting Stars of Poker 1725 WPT World Championship 1726 Jul 25 1727 Aug 27 1728 Sep 19 1729 Oct 18 1730 Nov 13 1731 Dec 13 1732 Jan 22 1733 Feb 17 1734 Mar 12 1735 Apr 18 1736 Jul 25 1737 Aug 27 1738 Sep 19 1739 Oct 18 1740 Nov 13 1741 Dec 13 1742 Jan 22 1743 Feb 17 1744 Mar 12 1745 Apr 18 1746 Bad Boys (Men Only) 1747 Ladies Night (Women Only) 1748 Game Over 1749 Thanks for Playing 1750 You placed out of the money today, in %s place 1751 Better luck next time ... 1752 You placed in the money, in %s place 1753 Not bad! 1754 You won the tournament! 1755 You won the Amateur Season Championship! 1756 You won the Pro Season Championship!! 1757 You won the Battle of Champions!!! 1758 Congratulations! 1759 You unlocked the %s invitational! 1760 You unlocked the %s tournament! 1761 Thanks for Playing %s Sit & Go 1762 Well played! 1763 Thanks for playing WPT Open Play Poker! 1764 Seconds Remaining: %d 1765 Finale 1766 Super Satellite 1767 Satellite 1768 Congratulations! You won the %s! 1769 You earned free entry to the %s! 1770 Sorry, you failed to win the satellite 1771 Congratulations! You finished in the top %d%%! 1772 Sorry, you failed to win the Super Satellite 1773 PLAYER 1 1774 PLAYER 2 1775 PLAYER 3 1776 PLAYER 4 1777 PLAYER 5 1778 PLAYER 6 1779 PLAYER 7 1780 PLAYER 8 1781 OFFLINE PLAYER 1782 ONLINE PLAYER 1783 Antonio Esfandiari 1784 Erick Lindgren 1785 Evelyn Ng 1786 Lyle Berman 1787 Michael Mizrachi 1788 Mike Sexton 1789 Mimi Rogers 1790 Phil Laak 1791 Vince Van Patten 1792 ENTER PLAYER NAME 1793 HEAD 1794 BODY 1795 CLOTHING 1796 ACCESSORIES 1797 PERSONALITY 1798 FACE SHAPE 1799 FACE DETAIL 1800 FACIAL FEATURES 1801 APPEARANCE 1802 HEAD WIDTH 1803 FACE TAPER 1804 FACE LENGTH 1805 FACE PROFILE 1806 CHEEK HEIGHT 1807 CHEEK DEPTH 1808 CHEEK FULLNESS 1809 EYE DEPTH 1810 NECK SLOPE 1811 NECK WIDTH 1812 BROW HEIGHT 1813 BROW DEPTH 1814 BROW SHAPE 1815 MOUTH PROFILE 1816 JAW HEIGHT 1817 JAW WIDTH 1818 JOWLS 1819 CHIN STRENGTH 1820 CHIN WIDTH 1821 EYE SPACING 1822 EYE SIZE 1823 EYE SHAPE 1824 EYE ANGLE 1825 NOSE PROFILE 1826 NOSE WIDTH 1827 NOSE TIP 1828 EAR SIZE 1829 EAR ANGLE 1830 MOUTH WIDTH 1831 MOUTH HEIGHT 1832 LIP FULLNESS 1833 AGE 1834 AGREEABLE 1835 WELL-ADJUSTED 1836 EXTRAVERT 1837 OPEN 1838 CONSCIENTIOUS 1839 Gloating 1840 Joy 1841 Hope 1842 Satisfaction 1843 Relief 1844 Resentment 1845 Distress 1846 Fear 1847 Horror 1848 Disappointed 1849 Anger 1850 Surprise 1851 Disgust 1852 UPPER BODY 1853 UPPER ARMS 1854 FOREARMS 1855 MID BODY 1856 THIGHS 1857 LEGS 1858 FEET 1859 COLLAR 1860 Use these parameters to generate a starting point for your custom character. Options in following screens further customize the face and body. 1861 New 1862 Deleting character: Are you sure? 1863 Cash: %s/%s (offline/online) 1864 [ empty ] 1865 QueryReport 1866 Failed to start query/report! 1867 Sit & Go Tournament 1868 %s + %s Sit & Go Tournament 1869 %s + %s Multi-Table Tournament 1870 %d-player game at the %s 1871 %s will be added to the prize pool 1872 %s will be deducted from your account 1873 %s place pays %s 1874 Open Play 1875 Welcome to the WPT Open Play Poker Table! 1876 Stakes are %s/%s, Ante %s. 1877 Starting cash minimum is %s. 1878 Starting cash is capped at %s. 1879 %s has %s 1880 %s/%s, Ante %s 1881 %s + %s 1882 Sit & Go tournament - 2, 4, or 6 players play in elimination style play. 1883 Open Table - up to 6 players can play continunously. player may come and go at will. 1884 Bets are set for each round. 1885 Players may bet as much as half the amount of the pot. 1886 Players may bet as much as the amount of the pot. 1887 Players may bet as much as they have in front of them at the start of a hand. 1888 Requires a minimum of %s in starting chips. 1889 Limits Players' starting chips to between %s and %s. 1890 The buy-in multiplied by the number of players determines the prize pool.. 1891 The number of players multiplied by buy-in determines the prize pool. More players mean a chance to win more money. 1892 The location where your game will take place, from the depths of a Speakeasy to a ride on a Mississippi Riverboat! 1893 Players have/do not have the ability to add-on chips (one time only) after 4 levels are complete. Add-ons go into the prize pool. 1894 Players are/are not allowed to pay the buy-in amount in exchange for more chips during the first 4 levels. Re-buys go into the prize pool. 1895 Seconds Remaining: %d 1896 Progressive Scan (480p) video mode requires a compatible Hi Scan or HDTV compatible television to be connected to the PlayStation®2 console via a component video cable. Are you sure you want to switch to Progressive Scan video mode? 1897 Save your game first, as this option requires a full reboot of your system. All game play data up till now that isn't saved on Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) will be lost! Switch to Progressive Scan video mode? 1898 Is Progressive Scan video mode working properly? 1899 Interlaced (480i) video mode has been restored. 1900 Restoring (480i) Interlaced mode 1901 in %d seconds. 1902 Main Menu 1903 EMPTYSLOT 1904 Select Configuration 1905 No valid network configurations were found. Insert another Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) into MEMORY CARD slot 1. You may create network configurations by going to this game's main menu, entering options, then selecting "NET CONFIG". 1906 Your Network Configuration File was created on another console and cannot be used. Please select another Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2). 1907 An error occurred while reading Your Network Configuration File. Please select another storage device. 1908 Network Connect 1909 Network hardware failed to initialize 1910 Failed to load Combination 1911 Invalid network configuration 1912 Network Error 1913 Network hardware failed to connect 1914 DNAS Authentication 1915 DNAS Error (%d) 1916 Set Up Network Configuration 1917 In order to continue and exit out to the Network Configuration Utility, the game must be restarted. Doing so will cause you to lose all unsaved game data. You may want to save your game before continuing. Do you want to continue? 1918 ONLINE USER AGREEMENT 1919 \~ Accept \^ Decline/Back 1920 \^ Decline/Back L-Analog Stick - Scroll 1921 \ONLINE USER AGREEMENT|PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND INDICATE WHETHER OR NOT YOU AGREE TO ITS TERMS BY CLICKING THE "ACCEPT" OR "DECLINE" BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS SCREEN. \IF YOU CLICK THE "DECLINE" BUTTON YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY THE ONLINE VERSION OF THIS GAME. CALL THE TECH SUPPORT TELEPHONE NUMBER LISTED IN THE SOFTWARE MANUAL ACCOMPANYING THE SOFTWARE (THE “SOFTWARE MANUAL”) WITHIN 15 DAYS OF PURCHASE. SELECT THE AUTOMATED PHONE SYSTEM’S MAIN MENU OPTION FOR CONSUMER SERVICES AND FOLLOW THE PROMPTS. YOU WILL BE GIVEN A RETURN MERCHANDISE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER (RMA#) BY THE TECHNICIAN. YOU THEN HAVE 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS CONTRACT TO RETURN THE SOFTWARE IN ITS PROTECTIVE COVERING, THE SOFTWARE MANUAL AND THE ORIGINAL SALES INVOICE TO THE ADDRESS SUPPLIED TO YOU.|1. ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement can be accepted only by an adult 18 years or older. By clicking the "ACCEPT" button, you affirm that you are an adult 18 years or older and you are accepting this Agreement on your own behalf or on behalf of your minor child (under 18).|2. GRANT OF LICENSE. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE grants you a non-exclusive right to use this software for play on a PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system only. You may not (i) rent, lease or sublicense the software, (ii) modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the software, (iii) attempt to create the source code from the object code for the software, or (iv) download game content for any purpose other than game play. You may, however, transfer all your rights to use the software to another person provided that you transfer the original product and this Agreement with the software.|3. AUTHENTICATION. This Software uses "DNAS" (Dynamic Network Authentication System), a proprietary authentication system created by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ("SCEI"). "DNAS" retrieves information about a user's hardware and software for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, or game management and other purposes. The information collected does not identify the user personally and will not be shared with any non-SCE company. \A PUBLISHER CAN COMBINE THIS INFORMATION WITH PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FROM THE PUBLISHER'S RECORDS IF THE USER PROVIDES THE PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. BEFORE PROVIDING ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO A PUBLISHER, PLEASE BE SURE TO REVIEW THE PUBLISHER'S PRIVACY POLICY AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE. DO NOT PROVIDE PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION TO A PUBLISHER UNLESS YOU ACCEPT THE CONDITIONS OF USE AND TERMS OF THEIR PRIVACY POLICY.\ SCEI, Sony Computer Entertainment America ("SCEA") and their affiliates cannot guarantee the continuous operation of the "DNAS" servers. SCEA shall not be liable for any delay or failure of the "DNAS" servers to perform. If you receive a message during login identifying a "DNAS" authentication error, please contact SCEA Consumer Services at 1-866-466-5333. For additional information concerning "DNAS", visit www.us.playstation.com/DNAS. In the event of a systems incompatibility or inoperability with DNAS, the sole liability of SCEI, SCEA and their affiliates shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the user's affected game software, console or peripherals at the option of SCEA. SCEA, its parents, affiliates, or licensed Publishers shall not be liable for any delays, system failures, authentication failures, or system outages, which may, from time to time, affect online game play or access thereto.|4. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION. Before you can play, you may be asked to create an account with a user, player or other game name and password. You may also be asked to select or provide additional information for a game profile. This information will not identify you personally.|5. PROTECTION OF IDENTITY. When you choose a game name, choose an alias to protect your identity. Avoid using any part of your game name in your password. When you choose a password, choose a unique combination of letters and numbers that is unrelated to your game name or to any information you may share with other players in the game. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE will not ask you for your password and you should not provide this information to any third party. If the game is designed to save your game name, profile and password it will do so automatically and only to facilitate future game play. If your game name is inactive for an extended period your account may be deactivated. To inquire about a deactivated account, please contact the Tech Support telephone number listed in the Software Manual. Games without an automatic save feature will ask you to save your information to a memory card. Always keep your memory card in a secure location and do not lend it to others. You agree that you have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in the personal information you may intentionally or unintentionally disclose through login, game play and chat. You should avoid saying anything personally identifying in chat. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE has no liability for any violation of this Agreement by you or by any other player.|6. ONLINE CONDUCT. When you play, you agree to be respectful of your fellow players and never to engage in any behavior that would be abusive or offensive to other players, disruptive of the game experience, fraudulent or otherwise illegal. This includes but is not limited to:|(a) Harassing or intimidating other players while chatting or playing this game online or using information obtained while chatting or playing this game to harass or intimidate fellow players outside of the game;|(b) Using language, selecting names or creating any other content that is racially, ethnically or religiously offensive, sexually abusive, obscene or defamatory;|(c) Using content that is commercial in nature such as advertisements, solicitations and promotions for goods or services;|(d) Using as a game name the real name of any other person or business;|(e) Disrupting the normal flow of chat in game chat rooms;|(f) Making a false report of user abuse to TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE (see below);|(g) Violating any local, state or national law including but not limited to laws related to copyright, trademark, defamation, invasion of privacy, identity theft, hacking and the distribution of counterfeit software;|(h) Using a cheat code or cheat device.|If you violate this Agreement in any manner, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE may at its discretion and without notice to you temporarily or permanently block your account in this game and any related games. In appropriate cases, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE may bring legal action against you or cooperate in any government or private legal action or investigation relating to your conduct within the game. To report violations of this Agreement or to inquire about a blocked account, call the Tech Support telephone number listed in the Software Manual. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE has no liability for any violation of this Agreement by you or by any other player.|7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content of this software is the property of the content owner(s) and may be protected by applicable copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. This Agreement grants you no ownership rights in such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE.|8. WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE WARRANTS TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OF THE GAME DISC THAT THE DISC IS FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. SEE GAME SOFTWARE MANUAL FOR LIMITED WARRANTY DETAILS. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, THE GAME DISC, SOFTWARE AND ALL RELATED SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PROVIDED UNDER LAW, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the foregoing, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE does not promise that this software will work properly with any network adaptor, modem, memory card or other peripheral device that has not been licensed by TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE. To insure compatibility use only PlayStation® or PlayStation® licensed products. Additionally, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE does not guarantee that you will be able to play this game at any time you want. From time to time, there may be problems related to access, delay and failure to perform that are beyond the immediate and reasonable control of TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE. In the event of a dispute regarding the online functionality of this software, you agree that the sole liability of TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE and its affiliated companies will be limited to repair or replacement of the game software at TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE’s option. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE may, at its sole discretion, discontinue hosting of the game server at any time. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE has no liability for such discontinuance. You are hereby advised that game play experience may change during online play, TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE has no liability for any such change in game play experience.|9. MODIFICATION. TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE at its sole discretion may modify the terms of this Agreement at any time. You are responsible for reviewing the terms of this Agreement each time you login to play. By accepting this Agreement and by playing the game online, you agree to be bound by all current terms of the Agreement.|10. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applying to contracts fully executed and performed within the State of New York, exclusive of its conflicts of law provisions. Both parties submit to personal jurisdiction in New York and further agree that any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be brought in a court within the courts of New York County, New York.|11. ENFORCEABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable, and the validity and enforceability of all other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.|12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto related to the subject matter hereof and supercedes all prior oral and written and all contemporaneous oral negotiations, commitments and understandings of the parties, all of which are merged herein.| 1922 Ready 1923 Connecting ... 1924 Enter Message 1925 Attempting to migrate to new host 1926 test 1927 Connection Rejected 1928 Session migration cancelled. 1929 Session connection time out 1930 Martin PC1 Game 1931 Martin PC2 Game 1932 Martin PC3 Game 1933 Geoff's PC Game 1934 Select Host Name 1935 Select Password 1936 Session Start 1937 Unable to start session 1938 Continue with this table set up. 1939 The name of your session. 1940 If yes, a private session will be created that only Friends can join or be invited to. 1941 Use this to stop players with slower connections from joining your table. The higher the ping, the slower the connection. 1942 Only players equipped with EyeToy™ USB Cameras can join your table. 1943 Host a game 1944 Launch Table with current set up 1945 Session Name 1946 Friend Only 1947 1948 Maximum Players 1949 Max Bots: %d 1950 Maximum Ping Allowed 1951 No Limit 1952 EyeToy™ USB Cameras Required? 1953 CORRUPT 1954 PLAYER 1955 Eddie 1956 Steve 1957 John 1958 Phillip 1959 Geoff 1960 Rodney 1961 Bob 1962 Chris 1963 Peter 1964 Martin 1965 Mike 1966 Dave 1967 Luis 1968 Rick 1969 Bob 1970 This game session is no longer available. Press A to continue. 1971 The buy-in is %s, you have %s 1972 The minimum starting chips for this game is %s, you have %s 1973 15 seconds until forced to check. 1974 15 seconds until forced to fold. 1975 15 seconds until forced to discard. 1976 15 seconds until forced to pass. 1977 Press \@ to start the game 1978 Waiting for more players 1979 A new player is joining 1980 Waiting for host to start the game and your turn to join play. 1981 Table Name 1982 Pool 1983 $ Min 1984 Seated 1985 Player 1986 Cash 1987 Game Type 1988 EyeToy™ 1989 No error has occurred. 1990 A socket function has returned an unexpected error. 1991 DNS lookup of master address failed. 1992 DNS lookup of address failed. 1993 Connection to master server failed. 1994 Invalid data was returned from master server. 1995 Memory allocation failed. 1996 An invalid parameter was passed to a function. 1997 Unable to search for servers. A socket function has returned an unexpected error. 1998 Unable to search for servers. DNS lookup of master address failed. 1999 Unable to search for servers. Connection to master server failed. 2000 Unable to search for servers. Invalid data was returned from master server. 2001 Unable to search for servers. Memory allocation failed. 2002 Unable to search for servers. An invalid parameter was passed to a function. 2003 Downloading Info... 2004 Searching... 2005 No Host Games Found 2006 Downloading... 2007 No Hosts Found 2008 Status: 2009 Search 2010 Internet 2011 Lan 2012 Sort 2013 Any 2014 \~ Select \^ Back \< Refresh \> Toggle Sort 2015 \^ Back \< Refresh List 2016 Game Type 2017 Rules 2018 Limits 2019 EyeToy™ 2020 \~ Join \^ Back \< Refresh 2021 Nat Negotiate 2022 Server Connection Details: 2023 - LAN game 2024 - Direct UDP Connection 2025 - No Direct UDP, NAT required 2026 ns_initsent 2027 NAT Negotiation server acknowledges your connection request. 2028 Negotiation with the other client has started. 2029 ns_finished 2030 ns_canceled 2031 Partner did not register with the NAT Negotiation Server 2032 Unable to communicate with NAT Negotiation Server 2033 NAT Negotiation server indicated an unknown error condition 2034 Memory allocation failed 2035 Socket allocation failed 2036 DNS lookup failed 2037 Server Connect Failed 2038 Attempting NAT negotiation. 2039 Server Connect, NAT Negotiate Failed 2040 Server Connect Cancelled 2041 Connection Rejected 2042 Connect To Server 2043 EyeToy™ Required 2044 Password Required 2045 Please Select a Password 2046 *** Empty *** 2047 Error, server has gone down 2048 Please select another server. 2049 \~ Connect \^ Cancel \> Edit Password 2050 \~ Connect \^ Cancel 2051 Squelched 2052 Enabled 2053 Squelch Options 2054 Text Chat 2055 Voice Chat 2056 Video Chat 2057 Squelch All 2058 Enable All 2059 There are currently no clients to squelch 2060 SPEAKER TEST 2061 Returning to Xbox Live Menu 2062 End Session 2063 Leaving the game now will end this session. Are you sure you want to leave? 2064 Leaving the game now will end this session. Are you sure you want to leave? 2065 Can not report server to GameSpy. 2066 Unable to create data socket 2067 Unable to resolve stats server DNS 2068 Unable to connect to stats server 2069 Busy 2070 Unable to receive challenge from stats server, or bad challenge 2071 Network Status 2072 Network Error, please try again. 2073 Connection Rejected, please try again. 2074 Negotiation Error, please try again. 2075 Unknown connection error, please try again. 2076 %s left 2077 The host has left the game. 2078 Network Game Over 2079 This game session is no longer available. 2080 A connection error with the host has occurred. 2081 Create Socket Failed. 2082 Ran out of memory. 2083 Attempt rejected. 2084 Networking error (could be local or remote). 2085 Invalid or unreachable address. 2086 A connection was attempted to an address that already has a connection on the socket. 2087 Time out reached. 2088 There was an error negotiating with the remote side. 2089 Game's backend services are not available; game play will not be possible for an extended length of time or indefinitely. 2090 Game's backend services are temporarily unavailable. 2091 Unable to migrate, no connection. 2092 The game session has ended. 2093 Session migration initiated. You are now the new host. 2094 Host Migrate Failed 2095 Unable to connect to new host. 2096 Session migration initiated. Attempting to migrate to new host. 2097 A connection to Peer-%d has closed. 2098 Failed to connect to Peer-%d. 2099 Connect to Peer-%d. 2100 No initial data received. 2101 Bad message type. 2102 Invalid client 2103 Connected to Peer-%d. 2104 NAT progress with Peer %d-%s. 2105 Peer succeeded NAT negotiation.| 2106 Peer failed NAT negotiation. 2107 Succeeded NAT negotiation with Peer. 2108 Failed NAT negotiation with Peer. 2109 Attempting NAT negotiation with Peer. 2110 Peer attempting NAT negotiation. 2111 %s left the game 2112 No initial data received. 2113 Bad message type. 2114 Bad message data. 2115 Client Rejected: Game has already started. 2116 This game session is no longer available. Press A to continue. 2117 Game restricted to EyeToy™ users. 2118 This table has reached a maximum amount of players. Please try another table. 2119 Your ping rate is higher then the servers elected maximum. 2120 Your password has been rejected. 2121 Failed to add Client 2122 Characters & Game 2123 Connection Status 2124 am 2125 pm 2126 Unknown 2127 $ 2128 Done 2129 Error 2130 Coresoft, Inc. 2131 Lead Programmer 2132 Programmers 2133 Art Direction 2134 Game Design 2135 Artists 2136 Additional Art 2137 Producer 2138 Director Of Technology 2139 President and CEO 2140 Vice President of Development 2141 Chief Financial Officer 2142 Office Manager 2143 Sound and Music 2144 Reference Photography 2145 Voices 2146 GameSpy SDK 2147 Additional GameSpy Thanks 2148 Additional Game Design by Coresoft 2149 Special Thanks 2150 Thanks 2151 Development tools and related technology provided 2152 under license from Logitech. © 2001-2005 Logitech. 2153 All rights reserved. 2154 RenderWare is a registered trademark of Canon Inc. 2155 Portions of this software are Copyright 1998-2005 2156 Criterion Software Ltd. and its Licensors. 2157 This product contains software technology licensed from 2158 GameSpy Industries, Inc. (c) 1999-2005 GameSpy 2159 Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" 2160 design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. 2161 President 2162 Managing Directors 2163 Executive Producer 2164 Executive Producers 2165 Senior Producer 2166 Producer 2167 Marketing Manager 2168 Licensing Manager 2169 Associate Producer 2170 Quality Assurance Manager 2171 Quality Assurance Supervisor 2172 Lead Tester 2173 Senior Lead Tester 2174 Assistant Lead Tester 2175 Network Assistant Lead 2176 Network Senior Testers 2177 Network Testers 2178 Quality Assurance Testers 2179 Director of Quality Assurance 2180 QA Tech 2181 Standards Lead 2182 Standards Senior Tester 2183 Standards Testers 2184 Video Director 2185 Mastering/Release Specialist 2186 Manual Writer 2187 Network Lead 2188 Marketing/Public Relations 2189 Test Plan Writers 2190 2K Sports 2191 World Poker Tour Credits 2192 Creator of World Poker Tour 2193 Vice President, Global Consumer Products 2194 Manager, Global Consumer Products 2195 Legal Counsel 2196 General Counsel 2197 2198 Check 2199 Fold 2200 Call 2201 Bet 2202 Raise 2203 All in 2204 Fold & Skip 2205 Continue 2206 Expose Cards 2207 Shuffling... 2208 WPT Season 2209 , Low Hand 2210 , High Hand 2211 %s%s: No winners 2212 0 2213 1 2214 2 2215 3 2216 4 2217 5 2218 6 2219 7 2220 8 2221 9 2222 5 minutes 2223 10 minutes 2224 15 minutes 2225 20 minutes 2226 25 minutes 2227 30 minutes 2228 35 minutes 2229 40 minutes 2230 45 minutes 2231 Create Game Slot 2232 Available 2233 Used 2234 Direction to Pass Hole Cards 2235 Pass right 2236 Pass left 2237 Hand Evaluation 2238 High hand wins 2239 Low hand wins 2240 High/low hands split the pot 2241 None 2242 Low hand Ace 2243 High and low 2244 High only 2245 Low Hand Straights & Flushes Count? 2246 Yes 2247 No 2248 Wildcards 2249 None 2250 Deuces 2251 Follow the queen 2252 Jokers 2253 One-eyed jacks 2254 One-eyed jacks and suicide kings 2255 Profiles 2256 Suicide kings 2257 Threes and nines 2258 # of Communities 2259 # of Hole Cards Passed 2260 # of Draw/Stud Cards Dealt 2261 Hi/Lo Low Hand Qualifier 2262 # of Drawing Rounds 2263 None 2264 N/A 2265 Amateur 2266 Pro 2267 Mixed 2268 WPT All-Stars 2269 Congratulations! You earned a trophy for: 2270 Winning the WPT Amateur Season Championship! 2271 Winning the WPT Pro Season Championship!! 2272 Winning the WPT Battle of Champions!!! 2273 Congratulations! You earned a %s for: 2274 Bronze chip 2275 Silver chip 2276 Gold chip 2277 Platinum chip 2278 Diamond chip 2279 Bronze chips 2280 Silver chips 2281 Gold chips 2282 Platinum chips 2283 Diamond chips 2284 Having a pair of aces in the hole 2285 Beating a pair of aces or kings 2286 Making a 2-pair hand 2287 Making a straight hand 2288 Making a flush hand 2289 Making a 3-of-a-kind hand 2290 Making a full house hand 2291 Beating 2-pair 2292 Beating 3-of-a-kind 2293 Winning a sit n' go tournament (6 players) 2294 Going all-in, large stack, doubling-up 2295 Making a 4-of-a-kind hand 2296 Beating a straight 2297 Placing in a multi-table tournament 2298 Going all-in, large stack, tripling-up 2299 Winning a large pot on a bluff 2300 Making a straight flush hand 2301 Beating a Flush 2302 Winning a multi-table tournament 2303 Going all-in, bluffing, large stack, doubling-up 2304 Winning a large pot on the river 2305 Making a royal flush hand 2306 Beating a full house 2307 Winning a large (100+) pro tournament 2308 Going all-in, bluffing, large stack, tripling-up 2309 Going all-in, winning a large pot on the river 2310 Ace-High 2311 A hand that has no special card rankings 2312 (pairs, full house etc.) and the.. 2313 highest card is an ace. 2314 Aces Full 2315 A hand with 3 aces and a pair of any other value. 2316 Aces Up 2317 A hand that contains two pairs: one pair of aces 2318 and another pair of any other value. 2319 Action 2320 A check, bet, call, fold or raise. 2321 Active Player 2322 A player who is in the pot. 2323 All-In 2324 When a player bets all his or her chips. 2325 All-In Over the Top 2326 Raising with all of your chips after an opponents bet. 2327 Back Into a Hand 2328 To draw cards that make a hand that is different.. 2329 from the hand you were originally trying to make. 2330 Back-Door Flush 2331 When you have three cards that would support a flush, 2332 but you need the turn and river to make a flush. 2333 Back-Door Straight 2334 When you have three cards that would support a straight, 2335 but you need the turn and river to make a straight. 2336 Bad Beat 2337 When a lucky hand beats a strong hand. 2338 Bankroll 2339 The amount of money that a player has to wager.. 2340 for the duration of his or her poker career. 2341 Battle of the Blinds 2342 When everyone folds to the players who have forced bets. 2343 Behind 2344 When your hand is not the best hand before all the.. 2345 cards have been dealt. 2346 Bet 2347 To put money in the pot of your own free will. 2348 Bet for Value 2349 When you bet in order to increase the pot size, 2350 not to make your opponents fold. 2351 Bet the Pot 2352 To make a bet that is the size of the pot. 2353 Big Dog 2354 An underdog. The person who has a very low chance of winning. 2355 Big Blind 2356 The forced bet that is made by the person sitting two seats 2357 to the left of the button. This is the largest forced bet. 2358 This amount increases after each timed round. 2359 Big Slick 2360 Poker slang for A, K; a very strong starting hand. 2361 Blank 2362 A card that is not of value to the players hand. 2363 Blind 2364 A mandatory bet placed by the two players to the.. 2365 left of the dealer button. 2366 Bluff 2367 To raise or bet a weak hand in order to make.. 2368 your opponent think you have a strong hand. 2369 Bust a Player 2370 To eliminate a player from the game by taking.. 2371 all of his or her chips. 2372 Bust Out 2373 To lose all your chips and thus be eliminated from a tournament. 2374 Button 2375 A white disc-shaped object that moves clockwise around the.. 2376 table each hand and indicates where the action begins. 2377 Buy-In 2378 A minimum amount of money that must be paid in order.. 2379 to play in a tournament and live games. 2380 Call 2381 To match (rather than raise) the previous bet. 2382 Cap 2383 The number of raises allowed in a game. 2384 Change Gears 2385 To strategically alternate your play.. 2386 between conservative and aggressive. 2387 Check 2388 To not bet, reserving the option to call.. 2389 or raise later in the betting round. 2390 Come Over the Top 2391 To raise or re-raise another players bet. 2392 Community Cards 2393 The cards that are played face up on the 2394 center of the table, and which can be used 2395 by all of the active players. 2396 Connectors 2397 Consecutively ranked cards that can 2398 help a player make a straight. 2399 Dead Man’s Hand 2400 A pair of aces and a pair of eights; 2401 Wild Bill Hickock was shot holding this hand. 2402 Dead Money 2403 Money that was put into the pot by players.. 2404 who have since folded. 2405 Double Up 2406 Betting all your chips and winning, 2407 ending up with twice as many chips. 2408 Down Cards 2409 The players cards which are dealt face down. 2410 Drawing Dead 2411 When you cannot win, no matter what cards come up. 2412 Early Position 2413 A position in a round of betting where a player must 2414 act before the other players. 2415 This is a disadvantaged position. 2416 Fifth Street 2417 The final round of betting and the fifth card on.. 2418 the table, the river. 2419 Fish 2420 A poor player who is losing all of his or her money, 2421 a sucker. 2422 Flop 2423 The first three cards placed in the center of table.. 2424 that anyone may use to form a hand. 2425 Fold 2426 To withdraw from the game, and give up your cards.. 2427 rather than continue betting. 2428 Four of a Kind 2429 Four cards with the same value. (Ex: J, J, J, J) 2430 Fourth Street 2431 The fourth card on the table, 2432 and the third round of betting. 2433 This is also known as the turn. 2434 Freeze Out 2435 A game or a tournament that is played 2436 until one player has all the chips. 2437 Full House 2438 A hand that contains three-of-a-kind and 2439 a pair. (Ex: J, J, J, 2, 2) 2440 Get Full Value 2441 To raise, bet or re-raise with the intention.. 2442 of getting the maximum pot odds if you win the hand. 2443 Jammed Pot 2444 A pot that has been raised the maximum number of times. 2445 Key Hand 2446 In a tournament, this is a hand that proves to be a.. 2447 turning point - for better or for worse. 2448 Kicker 2449 The highest card in a players hand that is not being used.. 2450 in some other way (to create three-of-a-kind, a pair, etc). 2451 Late Position 2452 A position in a round of betting where a player can act.. 2453 after most or all of the other players have acted. 2454 This is an advantaged position. 2455 Lay Down 2456 Folding a strong hand in a critical situation. 2457 Legitimate Hand 2458 A strong hand. A hand that is not a bluff. 2459 Limp In 2460 When a player enters the round by only calling, 2461 rather than raising, a bet. 2462 Live Hand 2463 A hand that is eligible to win the pot. 2464 Long Odds 2465 When there is a very low probability.. 2466 that something will happen. 2467 Loose Play 2468 Playing many weak hands. 2469 Main Pot 2470 When a player goes all-in, he or she is eligible 2471 to win the main pot. Any betting that is done.. 2472 after that is done in a side pot. 2473 Monster 2474 A hand that has a high probability of winning. 2475 Muck 2476 To discard a hand; also the pile of discarded hands. 2477 No Limit Hold-em Table Stakes 2478 At any time, any player can bet any or all.. 2479 of his or her chips. 2480 Nut Flush 2481 The best flush available within each hand. 2482 Nut Flush Draw 2483 When one card will give you the best possible flush. 2484 Nuts 2485 A hand that can’t be beaten no matter what comes. 2486 Also used as a superlative (e.g. You’re the nuts!) 2487 Odds 2488 The probability of making versus not making a hand. 2489 On a Short Stack 2490 When a player has very few chips. 2491 On the Button 2492 The best table position in Hold Em, 2493 benefiting from acting last. 2494 The player who acts last in a round. 2495 On Tilt 2496 Playing recklessly due to frustration. 2497 Open Card 2498 A card that is dealt face-up. 2499 Open End Straight Draw 2500 Four consecutive cards, such as 9-10-J-Q. 2501 In this example, any King or 8 would make a straight. 2502 Open Pair 2503 Two cards of the same value that are dealt face-up. 2504 Out 2505 A card that is still in the deck that could improve your hand. 2506 Out of Position 2507 Being at the disadvantage of having to act before your opponent. 2508 Outdraw 2509 When one person beats his or her opponent.. 2510 by drawing a better hand. 2511 Outs 2512 The cards that will turn the statistical underdog into a winner. 2513 Over the Top 2514 Making a large raise. 2515 Pair 2516 Two cards that have the same value (Ex: 3, 3). 2517 Pass 2518 When a player folds his or her hand. 2519 Play Fast 2520 To bet aggressively on a hand. 2521 Playing the Board 2522 When your best five-card hand is the five cards on the board. 2523 Position 2524 Where a player sits in relation to the dealer, 2525 which determines his or her betting order. 2526 Pot 2527 The chips that have been bet. 2528 Pot Odds 2529 The amount of money in the pot vs the amount of money.. 2530 it costs to continue playing. 2531 Protect a Hand 2532 To bet in order to convince other players to fold, 2533 and reduce the risk of having them outdraw you. 2534 Putting on the Heat 2535 To pressure the other players 2536 by betting aggressively. 2537 Quads 2538 Four of a kind. 2539 Ragged Flops 2540 Flop cards that do not help any players hand. 2541 Rank 2542 The value of the card or hand. 2543 Re-Raise 2544 To raise on top of a previous raise within the same hand. 2545 River 2546 The final community card dealt; 2547 all players may use it to form their best hand. 2548 Rock 2549 A tight and conservative player. 2550 Round of Betting 2551 The period in which each active player has the opportunity.. 2552 to check, bet or raise. 2553 Rounder 2554 A pro player who frequents high-stakes tournaments. 2555 Royal Flush 2556 A hand containing: A, K, Q, J, 10 in the same suit. 2557 Running Bad 2558 On a losing streak. 2559 Running Good 2560 On a winning streak. 2561 See 2562 To call a bet. 2563 Short Odds 2564 When there is a very high probability that something will happen. 2565 Short Stack 2566 The player with the fewest chips at.. 2567 the table has the short stack. 2568 Showdown 2569 After the final round of betting, 2570 the players cards are turned face-up to see who won. 2571 Side Pot 2572 A separate pot contested by other players.. 2573 when one player is all-in. 2574 Slow Roll 2575 Stalling before showing a winning hand to frustrate your opponent. 2576 Small Blind 2577 The forced bet that is made by the person sitting one seat 2578 to the left of the button. 2579 This bet is half the size of the big blind. 2580 Steaming 2581 Playing recklessly due to frustration. 2582 Straight 2583 Five consecutive cards of mixed suits 2584 Straight Flush 2585 Five consecutive cards of the same suit. 2586 Structure 2587 The schedule by which the antes and.. 2588 blinds (forced bets) increase. 2589 Suited Connectors 2590 Two cards that are consecutive in rank and of the same suit. 2591 Poker Corner videos 2592 Chip Management 2593 Stealing 2594 Poker By The Book 2595 Steaming 2596 Creating Illusions 2597 Going All In 2598 Levels Of Play 2599 Table Talk 2600 Monster Hands 2601 Poker Chips 2602 Poker Myths 2603 Episode 12 2604 Episode 13 2605 Episode 14 2606 Episode 15 2607 Session Options 2608 Empty 2609 Waiting to start 2610 Watching (New) 2611 In Play 2612 In Play (Folded) 2613 Watching (Broke) 2614 STR_PLAYERLIST_STATE 2615 STR_PLAYERLIST_NAME 2616 STR_PLAYERLIST_CASH 2617 STR_PLAYERLIST_INFO 2618 Show Cards 2619 Fast Tournaments 2620 No BuyIn required 2621 Short Seasons 2622 No user in Tournaments 2623 Unlimited awards 2624 Allow all levels 2625 User wins hand 2626 AI goes All-in 2627 AI Folds 2628 Fast attrition 2629 Sit Out 2630 Connection Cancelled. 2631 R1 Push to voice chat 2632 Sign-in 2633 New Account 2634 Enter pass code 2635 Signing into Xbox Live 2636 Your Xbox console cannot connect to Xbox Live. Do you want to start the troubleshooter? 2637 Do you want to leave the game and create a new account? 2638 Incorrect pass code. 2639 A required update is available for the Xbox Live service. You cannot connect to Xbox Live until the update is installed. 2640 This account is not current. You need to update the account in Account Recovery. 2641 The Xbox Live service is very busy. Please try again later. 2642 You were signed out of Xbox Live because another person signed in using your account. 2643 You have a new Xbox Live message. Would you like to read it now? 2644 You have an important message from Xbox Live. You must read this message before you can sign in. 2645 This game cannot be played online at this time. Please try again later. 2646 The Gamertag entered was not found. 2647 You can not add yourself as a friend. 2648 Your Friends List is full. Remove a friend before adding a new Gamertag. 2649 Can not send the request. The Friends List for this Gamertag is full. 2650 No games were found. Would you like to start one? 2651 Please reconnect the Xbox Controller to Controller Port %d. 2652 Unable to create a game. Please try again. 2653 Leaving the game now will end this session. Are you sure you want to leave? 2654 This invite is for playing %S. Are you sure you want to leave? 2655 Please restart your Xbox and insert %S game disc. 2656 Xbox Live 2657 Quick Match 2658 Optimatch 2659 Create Match 2660 Leaderboards 2661 Friends List 2662 Players List 2663 Xbox Live Options 2664 Sign-out 2665 Are you sure you want to sign-out of Xbox Live? 2666 Offline 2667 Online 2668 Connecting 2669 Playing 2670 Playing 2671 Online: 2672 Wants to play 2673 Invited to play 2674 Accepted invite 2675 Declined invite 2676 Friend req. received 2677 Friend req. sent 2678 Voice: on 2679 Voice: off 2680 Voice through|TV Speakers 2681 Accept friend request 2682 Decline friend request 2683 Block friend requests from player 2684 Remove friend 2685 Cancel friend request 2686 Join friend 2687 Send Game Invite 2688 Cancel invite 2689 Accept invite 2690 Decline invite 2691 Friends List 2692 \^ Back \~ Select \< Add Gamertag \>Toggle Mute 2693 Action for Friend: %s 2694 Are you sure you want to Cancel the friend request? 2695 Are you sure you want to remove your friend? 2696 Adding New Friend 2697 Adding Friend... 2698 Select friend gamertag 2699 \^Back \~Add Friend \Toggle Mute 2700 \^Back \Toggle Mute 2701 \^Back \~Cancel Friend Request \>Toggle Mute 2702 Feedback for %s 2703 Feedback 2704 Good Attitude 2705 Great Session 2706 Complaints 2707 Bad Name 2708 Cheating 2709 Screaming 2710 Threats or Harassment 2711 Cursing or Lewdness 2712 Are you sure you want to send feedback? 2713 \^ Back START button - Starts Game \< Players \> Friends 2714 \^ Back \< Players \> Friends 2715 \~ Continue \^ Free Space 2716 Press \= to continue 2717 Looking for games... 2718 Checking games... 2719 Joining session... 2720 Quit to Xbox Live Menu 2721 %s or less 2722 Select Items to Filter Sessions 2723 Joining Game 2724 Appear Offline 2725 Voice Through TV Speakers 2726 Leaderboard Menu 2727 Listing 2728 Everyone 2729 Only Friends 2730 Downloading Leaderboard... 2731 \^Back \~You \(Page up \)Page dn \>First \ Play \< Done 2752 Time Remaining: %d 2753 Listen to Voice Message 2754 Sending Invite... 2755 Play Voice 2756 Message from: %s 2757 Getting Voice Message... 2758 \^ Back \~ Play \> Feedback 2759 Time: %d 2760 Voice Message is Ready to Play 2761 Do you want to send feedback: Offensive message? 2762 XBL Error Place Holder 2763 Unable to connect to network. 2764 Unable to connect to game. 2765 Host 2766 GameType 2767 BuyIn 2768 Open 2769 Do you still want to join the game session? 2770 No players in Players List for this session. 2771 Are You Sure? 2772 Voice: muted 2773 Further Friend Requests from %s will be blocked. 2774 You have a pending game invite. %s should sign-in.